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Some Revere Pewter for Budgel!

15 years ago goes...Here are some more shots of the's so hard to capture...I'm like a picture machine thanks to you! it's not really as off white as it looks in the den..and you have to watch your light bc I can see how it could turn too beige or green depending on the light...In the den it's at half already saw the two best revere shots I have though.

At night with flash:

Den at 1/2

Other part of den at 1/2..pic really stinks..sorry...

Maybe a litle beige in this pic...but I guess it is a little beige...

Comments (19)

  • 15 years ago

    Gorgeous! I love your mixing of traditional and modern.

    I think I'm going to have to do my master bedroom in the revere pewter. It's such a beautiful neutral. I know you said it was definitely beigey grey, but would you say it was a warm colour? Somehow it's reading cool in the pictures.

    Glad you've got the hang of picture posting. It really makes it easier to communicate here if you can post pics.

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks! I say go for's really hard for me to answer that...I think it's neither cool nor warm. It's kind of like "there" it's just floating in the backround and not getting in the way...I didn't want cool or warm LOL....I wanted luke-warm coolish LOL....It really depends on your lighting, ya know?take pictures when you're done!

  • 15 years ago

    It's a strange colour on my monitor. I'm thinking very cool and modern in one pic, and then I'm thinking...nah, definitely a warm beige, LOL

    Nice rooms :-) I may take a look at colour as well.


  • 15 years ago

    Love Revere Pewter. We used it a lot in our last home with off-white trim, but it's a little too light for this house with dark wood trim, though I always go back to it.

    It's a very warm gray. In sunlight it takes on more of a greigy look, but it's still gray. Looks great with warm woods too.

  • 15 years ago

    Totally off topic, but where did you get your pendant light in the first picture and who is it by? I might be looking into one for our dining room after we paint it and yours is lovely!!

  • 15 years ago

    What pretty rooms!

  • 15 years ago

    Revere Pewter looks so amazing in your home! That's what I wanted for our house, but when I tried Revere Pewter in our house with our lighting conditions it looked kinda like a prison cell. Ahem, I mean what I imagine a prison cell would look like!

    But with your home's lighting conditions it's exactly what I wanted. I am so envious! We ended up using Cedar Key which I like, but there have been times of the day when it has a rosy undertone which I didn't want ... even though pink's my favorite color.

    Wish I'd been able to achieve your color -- it's so sophisticated and sublime. Yummy.

  • 15 years ago

    bump. anyone know where I can find a light like that?

  • 15 years ago

    Beautiful! I love the ghost chairs with the pillows--like the classic joke about the invisible man wearing a suit :)

    That's very much how EK Pumice (in our master bedroom) photographs--I'm impressed with the many faces of certain BM colors.

  • 15 years ago

    Aww, thanks guys! I needed a pepper upper after my kitchen trauma :)

    LOL at the invisible man. Too funny!
    And isn't it funny or rather NOT funny how lighting + color is a real b*tch....It's so crazy and that's what makes it so hard to find a good looks different in different settings....

    babs- the light is actually from Restoration Hardware..i got it maybe 6 months ago....I wish I remember the name..I didn't see it in the lighting catalogue I just got in the mail, but I'm sure if you called the store and described it (just a cream drum shade /chrome/ with a crystal little nubbin at the bottom..ok, maybe don't use the word nubbin LOL0, they would be able to find some in stock since if they were discontinued, I'm sure they're still in stock bc it wasn't that long as...

  • 15 years ago

    OMG! I just found it on their site. It's on sale right now! I'm wondering if it's too wide for our table though. We have a narrow table b/c our room is rather small. I think the pendant is 25" wide. Our table is 40".

  • 15 years ago

    I did too and was goiing to give you the table is about 42 wide and 72 long without the looks large, but not too first I thought your table was 40 long and I was like, that's not gonna work..I do have another idea for you..I'll be right back! LOL

  • 15 years ago is a great site....
    Does it have to be a solid drum shade..this always reminds me of mine and bc it's not solid, it will definitely not overpower e/t it's also wide... (they don't like me right click their pix)...

    maybe too formal? I bet those crystals come's not opaque and is smaller

    have been this in person and it's awesome.

    Let me know how it all works out!

  • 15 years ago

    Well, I was at RH today (before I saw your last post) and ordered the Pearson while I was there. It's actually on sale for $359 and I had a $100 GC. Not bad for a $450 fixture!

    Since my drapery hardware is oil-rubbed bronze and my buffet shelving sides have iron on them, I ordered it with the bronze stem.

    I'll just have to see if it looks OK in my space once it gets here! If not, back to square one.

    Thank you so much for the info. I'm so glad I saw your pictures. It's exactly what I was looking for. Right after I questioned the dimensions, I looked online and it turns out that the "rule" for chandeliers is that you subract 12" from the width from the table and it's well within that. Yay!

  • 15 years ago

    Moremoremore, I'm usually just a lurker here but I love your decorating style. I've been thinking of using the ghost chairs in my breakfast area and was hoping you would be able to tell me if they are comfy and durable. I've just never seen them in person or know anyone who has them. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • 15 years ago

    BABS- that's so awesome! I'm glad you got it!
    You know, just in case it doesn't work, I saw this earlier and was going to show you..I don't know why I thought you wanted chrome...This is also in's more expensive and maybe a few inches larger (not sure...didn't check) but the fact that it's sheer, may make it look smaller...just thought I'd share it...

    Sanita...thanks so much! that's very kind...I always second guess my decisions, so it's nice that you like what I've done! As for the chairs, they are really lovely...more in person too!!!! Well, let me be real honest here...would *I* like to sit in it for a long time since I'm 60 lbs overweight and my but sticks out of it on the sides LOL (seriously though)...? No, BUT, my mother in law, who is a size 10 sat in it and the first thing she said was how comfortable it was when she didn't think it would be. Now, for a breakfast table, definitely get the armless version....then I'll sit it in all day LOL....It feels really sturdy to me. I don't have kids and hubby doesn't use it. I have cats but of course, they'd rather sit on the more expensive upholstered items LOL....but no scratches or anything....I say go for it. Me and rmkitchen got them on ebay and they came right from germany in the riht they are definitely real and cheaper....Best of luck and take pix!

    I'd really love your guys opinion on my's under the make my kitchen more modern thread...although you kinow what, forget it...I can't fix it and i"m just going to drive myself nuts!!!

  • 15 years ago

    Moremoremore...thank you so much for the info. I will give these chairs some serious consideration now that I know they are as functional as they are beautiful.

  • 15 years ago

    i'm going to use revere pewter for the kitchen/dining room and can't wait! love it looks in your house!

    like that painting above the fireplace - do you mind me asking where you got it please?

  • 13 years ago

    I saw some similar ones at Casa Di Luce:

    They are European Lighting store in Toronto

    Here is a link that might be useful: Modern Kitchen Pendant Toronto