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WANTED: Ramps / Wild Leeks and stuff

13 years ago

i have copied this from a post i made on the general exchange list. after reading it i see that i sound greedy, this is not the case, i am just looking to make a substantial trade.

OK, i know how moronic this post is going to sound.

i have ramps (and other stuff of my page). i am looking for zone 5 hardy "oddball" or unique edibles.

things like but not limited to:

nut pines

chinquapins (really want as mine suffered a slight run in with some roundup)

eng walnut


white mulberry

cherry plumb

buffalo berry

dead mans fingers (cant remember latin name, akieba relative)

uncommon rubus

hardy bamboo

tempt me!

i would prefer plants that fairly established as small seedlings are destined to die here. can easily include several opuntia species, cuttings from several varieties of ribes, male and female kiwi, large tuber species of jerusilem artichoke, suckers from aronia melanocarpa, cuttings from contorted and purple filberts, cuttings from an unknown upright corkscrew willow. i have many other fruiting plants and can provide rooted starts but you would have to wait for the layering process to do its thing (8-10 weeks) its the only propagation method i can perform with decent results due to my schedule.

i started cleaning up a bed this morining and it has ended up with my revamping several planting areas. ive managed to give away about 20 large ribes, rogusa, goumie etc and now have lots of empty space, since i am only home on the weekends i cant really plant anything that needs much pampering.

anyway, if you were able to make sense of this, and it sounds like something youd like to give a whirl, hit me up and see if i have something you want and of course other way around

i will put together a sizeable trade


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