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HAVE: Yvonne's Salvia, and the original story to go with it!

16 years ago

I have about 20 packets of Yvonne's Salvia seeds, which I harvested in the summer/fall of 2007. My plants got to a little over 6 feet this year, thanks to an extended summer!

For those of you who don't know the original story, here it is:

Yvonne contacted me, for the first time, back in 2004. She was looking for someone to continue the strain of her "giant salvia," which she had cultivated for several years. She originally bought the seed from Parks, as a medium height salvia, but one plant grew above the rest. She harvested seed from that one plant, and, eventually had 6-footers. (Since this whole thing started, there are some salvia experts who think that Yvonne's Salvia is a strain of a giant type that originated in Brazil (I think). It is a splendens.)

Anyway, in 2004, she gave me hundreds of seeds, more than I could possibly use. I offered the rest here on the Seed Exchange, and people from all over the country snatched them up. Some people from other countries, as well!

This summer (2007), there was an article in "Birds and Bloom" magazine, featuring the story of Yvonne and her salvia, and there was another rush to get the seeds. Unfortunately, the article was published in July, when the seeds aren't ready to harvest, and there was none to distribute, at least from my garden.

There have been a few other people who generously offer up their harvest, too. And, I hope that even more are offering them, just not necessarily via the Garden Web or internet.

If you would like some of these seeds, what I ask in return (in addition to SASBE) is a note for Yvonne. She recently had to move in with her daughter, due to health issues, and I know these notes mean even more to her now. If you are reading this, and you wrote a note in the past, know that she still has it, along with hundreds of others, kept in a box. She re-reads them...tells me "there's so many nice people in this world!" She's about to turn 93.

Send me an email, and I will send along the information.



Here is a link that might be useful: picture of salvia from my garden 2007

Comments (46)

  • 16 years ago

    Yvonne's salvia has been on my wish list for a long time! I would love to take you up on this offer and to make a little something special for her :)


  • 16 years ago

    I had some Yvonne's salvia a few years back when it was first offered by her friend. Unfortunately because of other family problems I forgot to collect the seed 2 summers ago. I would dearly love some more as it is truly spectacular. Please look at my trade list.

  • 16 years ago

    I would love to have some Yvonne's Saliva. I have a lot of seeds and can send you several for 1 pack of salvia. Please check my seed list and let me know if you would like to trade or I can send send a SASE.



  • 16 years ago

    Yes, please,
    I'll be delighted to send a note to such a wonderful lady. I'll email you.


  • 16 years ago

    I would love to have some, also, if you have enough to spare.


  • 16 years ago

    I would love to grow some of Yvonne's Salvia seeds. I've read her story before and would be honored to have some in my garden.

  • 16 years ago


    You have mail!! :+)


  • 16 years ago

    I would be truly honored if you were to share some with me. please e-mail me instructions and I willl get the happy cards ready!!


  • 16 years ago

    hi Emily...I"ve sent you e mail
    gammy2 Helen smith

  • 16 years ago

    Hello Emily! I'm new here and I would love to have some of Yvonne's Salvia. I would be willing to send you a SASBE and a note for Yvonne. Please send the details to I added my email address because I cannot get it on my members page. I have tried and I keep coming back to the signin page and all my info is gone. I have entered it in over 10 times and it just doesn't save it. Thanks, Carol

  • 16 years ago

    Any left for me? i would like some too.

  • 16 years ago

    I'd love Yvonne's Salvia. When I was a child, my Mother grew tall Salvia and it was so beautiful! Let me know how much postage I need to send and I will be so happy to write a note to Yvonne.

  • 16 years ago

    count me in too please


  • 16 years ago

    wow, that's a magnificent looking plant. My hummingbirds would love it. I would be happy to send Sase or trade if you'd like to check my list. Sending a note to Yvonne is an great idea as well. How long does it take to grow this tall, I'm guessing its perennial?
    please let me know if you havebmore seeds available my email is.....

  • 16 years ago

    I received some Yvonne's Salvia as a bonus in a trade,so I will not be needing any seed,but I still would love to send Yvonne a note,is this possible? If so ,can you email me with the address to send it? Thanks and have a wonderful day!:)

  • 16 years ago

    I am new here and would love to have these if there is any left. My email is Thanks!!!

  • 16 years ago

    Would love to trade
    check my list LMK

  • 16 years ago

    Like Jami, this has been on my wish list forever. Have many seeds to trade if you're interested. Please, please put me on the list.

  • 16 years ago

    I also would LOVE to have some of Yvonne's salvia and gladly send the SASBE and an nice note to thank her for her efforts if you still have seed left. I just signed up, email is "nosnow32948 at"

  • 16 years ago

    Hi mskee I would like to have some of your Yvonne's Salvia seeds. I can send a sasbe. Please let me know. Thanks Brenda

  • 16 years ago

    If you still have some ,I would love to send a note & SASBE for Yvonne's Salvia seed.Thanks !

  • 16 years ago

    Hello, not sure if you have any seeds left but I would love some. I also would love to send a little something to Yvonne...thank you. My email is:

  • 16 years ago

    Got any seeds left? Loved that story
    and looks great!


  • 16 years ago

    I would love to send Yvonne a card, and would cherish her seeds.


  • 16 years ago

    i would truly love some of those seeds. that is such a special story and i promise iwill share as many seeds as i can with everbody.thank you

  • 16 years ago

    I would like to plant some of those seeds at our American Red Cross, I am a volunteer there and I do the flower beds. It would fit right in and we will send her a note of thanks from the Chapter. If you still have some to share, let me know.
    Thank you,

  • 16 years ago

    I have a few packages left...I have emailed everyone who contacted me, and those people are on a "list" of recipients!

    If you blocked your email, I couldn't contact you.

    I have also been contacted by a couple of really thoughtful people who are writing notes to Yvonne, even though they already received the seeds earlier. I'm very touched by that. Gardeners are very generous people!


  • 16 years ago

    Hi Emily.
    I still grow the original Yvonne's salvia and it continues to thrill myself, visitors, and the hummingbirds! May I have Yvonne's new address with her daughter? Thanks for keeping her garden spirit growing...

  • 16 years ago

    a warm iowa greeting to you, I would love to have her seeds to put all over my backyard. are there any salvia seeds left for sasbe? would i be allowed to have 2 little plastic seed envelopes full" i have a huge backyard and would be gratefull to get them. let me know glenda

  • 16 years ago


    I would gladly send a SASBE and a note to Yvonne for some of these seeds. My husband and I are in the process of purchasing our first house and am looking for plants to fill the large yard. Let me know.

    Thanks a bunch,

  • 16 years ago

    I have been intrigued by YvonneÂs Salvia ever since I read her story. If you have any more seeds I will send a SASBE and a note to Yvonne. I would like to send a note to Yvonne even if there are no more seeds as I am very impressed by her generosity.
    Thanks, Connie

  • 16 years ago

    Hi Emily and fellow gardeners...I'm so tickled that YvonneÂs seeds grown on! I too planted some back when they first were available when I lived in Florida. I'm now starting new gardens living in Missouri as we moved due to too many hurricanes. I'm wondering if it is possible to be place on some type of list for seeds from this 2008 growing season. I'm patient....I don't mind waiting. I've gotta find the Birds and Bloom issue with this story. That's fantastic!

  • 16 years ago

    I would very much like to have some. And, if I have anything on my list that you would like you are welcome to it!

    Sue G.

  • 16 years ago

    What a great story and the salvia are AMAZING!!!! I, too, would love to have some seeds to try here in my Florida Hummingbird Garden. I bet the Hummers nearly faint out of the sky when they see those huge blooms! What an amazing story!!!

    And I would certainly send Yvonne a lovely letter and maybe even a photo or two of "her" salvia growing in my garden!

    Thanks so much!

  • 16 years ago

    If you have any seeds left I will take some to grow. I have plenty of seed to share but have not yet entered my information on these boards. I am new and will do that shortly.

  • 16 years ago

    I got my seeds today. Thanks so much for sharing!

  • 16 years ago

    Do you have any left? I would love to have some but unfortunately I don't have seeds right now (I will next year!) I would love to write a note to Yvonne, probably more than one- with pics to let her know how the shared seeds are growing! I'll even put the grandkids in the pics next to them!

  • 16 years ago

    any left i got some b4 but did not germinate i usually do not have difficulty with seeds GOD BLESS have trumpet vine seeds to trade and a few dadura blue

  • 16 years ago

    I was wondering if you had any Yvonne's salvia seeds left.

  • 16 years ago

    Oh, those are lovely! I dropped you an email but take a look at my trade list too!

  • 15 years ago

    Hi Emily, I'm new to this and just came across your posting from Jan. I was wondering if you will have any of Yvonne's Salvia seeds available for next years planting season. It's a wonderful story & I would love to grow some in her honor. Thank you, Dee

  • 15 years ago

    I know this is very late but if there are any seeds left, or will be any from this year's blooms, I would really love some. I have many seeds to offer in trade or would send a SASBE.


  • last year

    I know this is an old post...Does anyone still have Yvonne's salvia seeds? I'm having a hard time finding anyone who still has them. Please let me you you have some to share. Thanks!

  • last year

    HELLO Im from Jamaica and I would love to be apart of your seed swapping project. what seed would you like?

    I would like pineapple melon, cardamom, celery, anise and papaya seeds

  • last year

    I still have them from so long ago. I have to find my seed box and do a germination test!