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Hog Panel Arbor ...Bittersweet has grown!

14 years ago

Remember this Hog Panel Arbor that DH & I did last summer in May (full link posted at bottom):


Well, this year the Bittersweet really took off...took this pic today:


Here's backside view today...the little lizard guy (on ther rocks at the bottom of pic) I added last yr in Aug...took him in for the winter...but he's soaking up the sunshine this summer again:


Here's a close-up from the arbor front side:


I bought him at a flea market last yr ...great garden art!

Especially those eyes, uh?

More info on arbor is in the link I hope the Bittersweet BLOOMS so I'll have some for Fall decor! Thanks for lookin'! Jeanne S.

Here is a link that might be useful: Bitterweet Hog Panel Arbor May 09

Comments (21)

  • 14 years ago

    It's filled in beautifully! Only thing better would be the blooms, that's for sure! Lizard is so cute! Jan

  • 14 years ago

    Greenery everywhere, don't you just love it when your arbors just fill up and make it worthwhile making them!
    I think those Bittersweet just got sweeter!


  • 14 years ago

    Jeanne! I just LOVE your hogpanel arbor! It's so lush with all the vines growing! Cannot wait to see flowers on it! Yeah so you jogged my memory of WHO it was that used teh hogpanel. I went and prices that and was surprised at how relatively inexpensive it is. You just need a big enough vehicle to haul it home! :-) I tuck in all the ideas in the back of my head for future reference! Thanks for sharing.
    Love, Jules

  • 14 years ago

    Ok, Jeanne, I'm sorry but "hog panel arbor" is just not cutting it with me. Something so beautiful deserves a prettier name. I'm going with "bittersweet arbor", it's only right since you see more bittersweet than hog panels at this point. Too, cool.

  • 14 years ago

    Love the hog panel arbor, the bitter sweet should really bloom well and smells so good

  • 14 years ago

    we use that all the time (live on a farm :0) but how did you get it to stay so the wind or the height doesn't fall over? That stuff is so flimsy.

    Your turned out beatiful and would have never thought of that. Wow hope they all bloom

  • 14 years ago

    Are your plants male and female? You must have both to get blooms. I had both and had lots of bittersweet till one plant died and now no blooms. I'm not sure but I think the surviving one must be female since it has very small berries in the spring but they all fall off. The plant is very large now so I know we would have lots of bittersweet if there were both kinds of plants.

  • 14 years ago

    I agree with Frou Jeanne....hogpanel just doesn't do your arbor justice! It really filled out this year for sure! Hope it will bloom up a storm for you!

    Mr. Lizard looks quite happy there amongst the leaves!

  • 14 years ago

    Very pretty - I too would be interested in seeing pics of the blooms if you get any. I don't think I know what it looks like blooming.


  • 14 years ago

    I have one door, now I have to start watching for another one or maybe two or more, since I also want to use one in a potting bench and maybe another for just leaning against a tree with some painting

  • 12 years ago

    I just love the old door arbor what a fantastic idea! Did you anchor it down into the ground in any way?

  • 12 years ago

    I love both these arbors. I would love to try the hog panel one but I am limited to things that I can fit in my Honda Fit :).
    I have been scouting Habitat for the right doors. There were 2 matching ones for 5 each. I hesitated and they were gone!!!
    Great work!!

  • 12 years ago

    Here's some 'anchoring' info, truli ... & also the link attached shows the process of doing the Door can see the anchor (kind of) in the 2nd pic down when you click on the link.

    DH attached some metal strips to back edge and we pounded them in the ground...still quite "unsturdy" because sitting on concrete rectangular he also anchored it in the front...not cemented in yet...if it doesn't seem like this is holding good enough, we will dig & cement metal in the ground.

    & good luck door hunting cmn1! Jeanne S.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Door Arbor Complete (jeannespines)

  • 12 years ago

    Jeanne, how sturdy is that hog panel?? I see it is braced at the bottom, but would it support a climbing rose?? I have a Don Juan that needs a new support and if this would hold up I might get DH to get one for me. I asked for an arbor for my birthday coming up but they are so expensive.

  • 12 years ago

    Hog panel itself is very sturdy...they were made for fencing/keeping in hogs! We used short steel fence posts for bracing into I would think it would do great as a support for a Bittersweet climbs all over it now! Good luck, ritaweeda! Jeanne S.

  • 12 years ago

    jeannespines, Great Arbors. Thank you for giving me some great idea borrowing ideas.

  • 12 years ago

    And, best of all...I got my first 'crop' of Bittersweet last Fall from that 'Hog Panel' now I know I'll be getting even more! It's growing good this Spring! ;-) Jeanne S.


  • 9 years ago

    Jeanne -- Thanks for posting this!!! I thought of the same idea, but couldn't figure how to bend the panel (they seem so rigid). I'm glad to see it really can be done.

    I've read your other posts, though, and haven't seen any how-to on the actual bending. I'm a real newbie with this sort of thing, so whatever tips, advice, etc. you can offer will be greatly appreciated!

  • 9 years ago

    We made hog panel arbors, but we cemented 4 4x4s, then bent the panel. On each side we built planting beds with landscape timbers. We also predrilled the landscape timbers and drove large metal spiles through them so nothing could move. Both arbors have endured hurricanes Rita and Ike. We also built gates to mount on the 4x4s.

  • 9 years ago

    lalapad, looks great! Hope Jeanne is doing OK, had been sick for some time. But seemed to be better. She is on Holiday forum some. Jan