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Voodoo Lily Blooming

13 years ago

HAPPY SPRING! Can you believe it has finally arrived?!!

Just thought you might enjoy a couple of pictures taken over the weekend of the blooming or (soon-to-bloom) Voodoo Lilies from a friend's basement. They called last Friday and said a couple of bulbs were about to bloom and would I be interested in seeing them before they had to take them outside.

So yesterday I got a first hand look at these extremely interesting, beautiful, blooms. And I can tell is definitely something one NEVER forgets! Instantly when I walked in the side door of their house and down the stairs to their basement, you could tell they were blooming! The smell is horrible-it stinks-but not too overpowering. And there were four bulbs with only one starting to bloom. I can't image what it will be like with all four blooming.

He said they will be taking them out to the garage today, but wanted his daughter (who is coming from Wisconsin) to see them first. I was glad they called me too! It was amazing ... the blooms are HUGE and BEAUTIFUL.

We talked awhile about how he grows them; it is an awesome plant. He keeps meticulous records of each bulb; date he planted and dug back up, their weight when dug up, how much the flower stalk grows each day, the date it starts to bloom.... Extremely interesting.

Am posting two pictures to enjoy.




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