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Do bees sleep in flowers?

15 years ago

Well, you can already tell that I know next to nothing about bees, so please bear with me!

I've noticed for several years that bees seem to be sleeping in my flower heads, particularly cosmos & sunflowers. At first I thought they were dead, since they looked so crumpled up, poor things! However, I would notice that they were gone once the day warmed up, but I'd find more bees that evening or the next morning. I already noticed some in a very full English rose this year.

What's up? I always thought they went back to the hive at night.

Please chime in if you have any knowledge.... I've been telling people for some time that bees sleep in my flowers, and I don't want to sound too kooky if that's not the case.


Comments (18)

  • 15 years ago

    I have never seen honey bees do this, only native bees, mostly bumbles, I suspect not only for a sleep over but a place to go to when bees are old and dying.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Bees

  • 15 years ago

    I often found bumble bees sleeping (and/or passing away) on flowers, especially my lavender plants, in my last garden. That garden was in an urban environment and there were not that many perennial flowers around other than in my yard, so maybe that's why I saw so many.

  • 15 years ago

    Especially in the fall when the nites get cool they are allmost comatose till the sun warms them up. That's the bumblebees. Honeybees go home at nite.And some do die.

  • 15 years ago

    Yes, bees are sleeping on your flowers. While females may return to the hive, males often prefer to pass the night on a blossom. Cosmos are a particular favorite of members of the Melissodes species. No male bee of any species has a stinger, so feel free to take a closer look!

  • 15 years ago

    awe... sounds sweet. Sure they were not fairies? I have heard they do sleep in flowers (-:


  • 15 years ago

    Yes! Last summer in early mornings I would find the flowers in my cutting garden being used as flop houses. LOL. Some flowers had a full ring of slumbering bees. They were so cute. I wonder if I still have the photos...

  • 15 years ago

    This is not my photo. I found it on Photo bucket...

  • 13 years ago

    I live in Ireland and there are two bees sleeping on flowers in my garden as we speak. I initially thought they were dead, but in the morning when they are warmed up by the sun they get on with their day....

  • 13 years ago's mostly male bees staying out, ..not because they prefer, they
    are not welcome at home....female, [worker bees] shove males out of their hive because breeding is over and pretty well useless at home at the end of season. There will be next to zero male bees going into winter inside a hive.

  • 10 years ago

    I have a massive lavender bush in my front and back garden. I have just returned from my holidays and was shocked to see the number of bees in there. There are always a few however upon my return I counted at least 45 in the back garden bush and about 55 in the front garden bush. I also noticed that at nighttime..approx 10pm they were sleeping on the heads of the lavender. Today I went out (after a massive downpour) and saw a number of them still on there but sadly wet and dead!. Is it normal for that many bees to be around one bush let alone sleep on them all night?

  • 10 years ago

    We also have this, what is the answer?

  • 10 years ago

    It's the time of of the season again when bee population is at max and many bees are dying of old age.
    Live span of a worker bumblebee is around 2 to 6 weeks, honey bees around 6 to 7 weeks.

  • 10 years ago

    Bees do not sleep. What you are noticing are bees that where out to late and didn't get back before dark. Bees use the sun to find their way back to the hive and also to the flowers. The bees you find in your flower heads in the morning are just cold and wait to warm up to go back home.

  • 9 years ago

    found this guy sleepin away on a Jopie Bush, then 2 last night seems to be the place to sleep

  • 9 years ago

    What a cool picture Kannes!

  • 9 years ago

    The male wild "squash bees" sleep in the flowers ... because they are waiting for females to show up.

    It's their version of a singles bar.

  • 6 years ago

    These bees seem to be resting to me

    night time in northern Wisconsin
