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Will Rosemary attract bees?

19 years ago

I am planning a small bed at my daughter's school and was wondering if rosemary would attract bees. They have been having a problem this fall with bee stings, and don't want to encourage bees.


Comments (9)

  • 19 years ago

    Those were probably yellow jacket stings the kids got, not bee stings.

    Yellow jackets like sticky, syrupy sweet stuff. Kids like that stuff, too. Kids and yellow jackets don't mix.

    And then honey bees get the blame.

  • 19 years ago

    "not encouraging the bees" is an interesting position to take. Honey bees provide $14.6 billion in pollination value in the US this year. That's an enormous chunk, and frankly the honeybees need all the encouragement (and outright protection) we can provide.

  • 19 years ago

    My rosemary gets lots of attention from the honeybees....I haven't noticed them on the tall (tuscan blue?) rosemaries, but the scraggily groundcover variety is very popular in the spring (when it's blooming)


  • 9 years ago

    Very seriously searching for Fall blooming Rosemary as it is the only bee plant this time of the year. Have tried 2 kinds from the nursery, one that is tall and doesn't seem to bloom, and a shorter type (20" tall, light blue flowers) that I need 50 plants of, for my two hives. Possibilities are Blue Boy and Hill Hardy so far. Any other Fall blooming bee sources welcomed. Current bloomers are against a sunlit wall and blooming nicely on December 8th here on the desert side of the South Sierras in California.

  • 9 years ago

    I grow annual zinnias to provide nectar and pollen for bees, etc. when other sources are not as reliable. I don't know how they would grow in your climate. What about Verbena boniarensis? It is an annual for me, but is perennial in warmer areas. I don't know what it's bloom time would be for you. Best of luck maintaining your bees.


  • 9 years ago

    I grew creeping thyme and it was completely covered with bees. I made the mistake planting it as a ground cover between wood steps going to our yard. It was impossible to walk down the steps and I just told people they would have to climb down the hill and not use the steps. It was unbelievable and covered with honey bees. Just plant it where you are not going to walk!

    I got in big trouble with that mistake, lol!


  • 9 years ago

    Thanks for the comments. Bees are tough to figure out. I go to the gardening supply places and buy a bunch of the plants I see bees on. Then they don't come to them in my garden! Lavender has worked a little, Rosemary in late winter. Will try thyme and zinnias. Will look up verbena. Mesquite is the next to flower and they like that.

  • 9 years ago

    Bumble bees love desert willow and bees don't pay much attention to it. Squash and sunflowers, yes!