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Hardy Hibiscus buds getting eaten

17 years ago

Help! I was so excited that my hardy hibiscus came back with TWO big stalks this year and tons of buds. But I just came from admiring the soon-to-open buds and found that something has been eating them before they can open! It looks like something took a big chunk out of the flowr part, ripping open the bud. I don't see ANY insects or evidence of insects. Would a bird do that? We have lots of birds around here, but never had a problem with them eating hibiscus buds. ANy idea what that could be? ANd how to stop it before they eat all of them? I will cry if they don't bloom this year.

Comments (9)

  • 17 years ago

    Hi Ret...Could it be a bunny or squirrel? The squrriels been doing a job on my plants, or were before cicadas took over..Usally insects leave little holes in leaves/flowers.
    There's a spray called Red Pepper/Cayenne, that's suppposed to keep wildlife away..I think MI Bulb sells it, at least that's where I got mine 2 yrs ago. Good luck..Toni

  • 17 years ago

    Check for japanese beetles. I have been fighting them off with soapy water sprayed on the whole plants. They do not seem to like the taste. Give it a shot.

  • 13 years ago

    ME TOO!!! So if it's japanese beetles will the leaves look bad also? Seriously it's only the very tips of the plant where the buds's just too sad cuz the blooms are sooooo pretty!!

  • 12 years ago

    I know grasshoppers sure love the buds but mine seem to love to just stay there and wait for the next bud to start to form. Sounds like you need to contact your local extension agent for more information in your area.

  • 7 years ago

    My hardy hibiscus had 11 buds on it, now only 2 remain. It looks like something just snapped the buds right off. Only thing remaining is a lot of bird poop on the leaves. What can I do?

  • 3 years ago

    I witwitnessed Crows eating ours . They pulled the buds off and broke the stems.

  • last year

    It’s definitely birds!!!😫 I live on 5th floor of a condo. Had put plants out on balcony for almost 12 yrs, BC [before COVID19]. Finally decided to put some out this year. Became totally enthralled with Hibiscus flowers for some reason. Purchased a small tree as well as 4 or 5 small plants. Buds appeared first on the little tree. The first couple seemed to kind of slow; ”ground” level ones were coming along. Thougt i noticed a couple small blossums on concrete, but didn’t worry about them. Almost ”suddenly” beauty was around me; i sent friends photos!! Then i began to notice a decrease in tree buds & blossums. Plants in containers were ok—for a while. By then then I’d decided that sneaky birds were the culprits. The little tree is now filled with leaves, but few buds.😣 The potted plants also have been discovered by the feathered thieves!!

    BTW, none of the birds that I’ve seen have been crows… A lot smaller.


  • 3 months ago

    Let me echo some of the sentiments expressed here. It's birds biting the leaves off my juvenile tropical hibiscus. As quickly as the leaves develop -- which ain't quick -- a bird(s) is biting them off (you can see one on the dirt). My plan of action is to put netting over the pot and/or, place a shiny, reflective object on that stake right next to the plant. The marigolds are companion plants to keep some bugs out. Frustrating to say the least!