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Rosa Sinensis X Syriacus Hybrid (dwarfed)

12 years ago

One of my seeds from a wild white syriacus x yellow single flowered Rosa-Sinensis. So far the flower is more opened up and pink but, dwarfed. If not sterile I'll breed back with the pollen parent (rosa-sinensis). Not as dramatic as I wanted but, anything to start.

As you can see the flower is not much bigger than my finger tip.

This plant's sister seedling from last year just blooming too, this was soaked in Colchicine and came out all weird.

Comments (264)

  • 3 years ago

    White Angel info was finally released. I’ll post the excerpt in just a minute

  • 3 years ago

    Ill have to see now if this potential Talipariti can be used for crossing with 'White Angel' I have come across a broad range of chromosome counts- not sure if it will even bloom this season.


    · Talipariti tiliaceum: 80, 92, 96

    · J. Hugh Davie, Cytological Studies in the Malvaceae and Certain Related Families, J. Genet. 28(1): 33-68 (1933)

    · Talipariti tiliaceum: 96

    · Jena, Sahoo & Das, New reports of chromosome number and genome size in eight mangroves from coastal Orissa, Caryologia 56(3): 353-358 (2003)

    · Talipariti tiliaceum: 86

  • 3 years ago

    Anyone want to send me a cutting of Hamabo?

  • 3 years ago

    I have seedlings if you would like to buy.

  • 3 years ago

    Well, it shouldn't take too long to figure it out. Hamabo has a rather distinctive leaf shape.

  • 3 years ago

    @Brad Mondel how much for hamabo seedling? Also what region did the mother plant come from?

  • 3 years ago

    I decided if I can’t get a good breeding parent I’ll try to make my own. These are seedlings from a blue single being treated with oryzalin. Hopefully I can get an octoploid out of one of the 36 seedlings.

  • 3 years ago

    The plant is definately a Talipariti... it is starting to take off here as we have had a few days in the hundred degrees already... My Diana and White Angel are both about to have their first blooms so hopefully Talipariti will bloom this season so I can see what happens there as well.

  • 3 years ago

    Ahh first diana flowers fertilized, White Angel should be blooming next week - here is to the start of a great breeding season!

  • 3 years ago

    My season start is about two weeks out. Should be quite a showing of genetic diversity this year!

  • 3 years ago

    I was able to get Hamabo today from almost Eden so no worries , sorry about your deer trouble!

  • 3 years ago

    My Diana have lost their mind- every single bloom is some weird mutant flower this year like they doubled? Anyone else Diana do this in the heat?

  • 3 years ago

    Ok , Hamabo has arrived and is taking off! Talipariti is also going nuts with our weather. I have a new hybrid moscheutos that White Angel accepted pollen from, seed pod is a week old so interested to see what happens there for sure. Hopefully Hamabo and Talipariti bloom this season!

  • 3 years ago

    That’ll be cool if it works.

  • 2 years ago

    Ethane so far the pods continue to grow, both on Diana and White Angel. I crossed white Angel and Diana back to the Moscheutos hybrid. The Diana pollen took. I have no idea what these will look like if they germinate. Anyways here are the PODS. Maybe they will retain the woody stems of syriacus/sinensis. I originally was not going to cross the two but apparently they are more successful than Archeri and other sinensis.

  • 2 years ago

    Also most if not all of these crosses are possible now thanks to all the new hybrid varieties that are eliminating the pre/post fertilization barriers.

    Frontiers | Phenotypic Similarities in Flower Characteristics Between Novel Winter-Hardy Hibiscus Hybrids and Their Tropical Relatives | Plant Science (

  • 2 years ago

    That article isn’t encouraging regarding hybrids with H. syriacus and H. rosa Rosa-sinensis, only regarding hybrids within section Muenchhusia.

  • 2 years ago

    Embryo rescue has progressed for Archerixwhite Angel. The white angel x moscheutos pod has remained on the plant and looks to be maturing on its own.

  • 2 years ago

    Are those just wet paper towels, or did you add anything else?

  • 2 years ago

    The paper towels are wetted with media. I don’t like using agar. The embryo/plantlets are leafing out and started roots, I’m going to move them to perlite next week. They are now self sustaining at this stage so are ready to be weaned to substrate. I use an sterile lab sprayer to wet the towels with MS media w/supplements. Towels get changed every other day and are stored in Tupperware. Out of 3 pods and like 50 embryos it looks like I have about 6 that have survived to the next phase of culture.

  • 2 years ago

    transferring the plantlets to soil this week, have quite a few that look like they will make it. Post pictures after the transfer.

    @Thaddeus Carpenter any updates on your potentials? anything budding or blooming this season?

  • 2 years ago

    Here is a picture of the resulting embryos rescue from white Angel crosses , I got quite a few that matured enough to transplant! Will post again once true leaves form.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Two examples bloomed. The largest specimen which is now nearly 6ft tall and the smallest which is only 4ft. The second largest produced two flowerbuds but they fell off. The largest looks much like a normal Syriacus and produced 40+ flowers. It only produced one seed pod on the next to the last flower pollinated with 2n-144 pollen. Its pollen was not fertile as far as I can tell. The smallest specimen is a keeper for sure. The single flower it produced stayed open for 3 whole days in 90+ weather. The flower actually was on a stalk just like its pollen parent. It looks a bit like a canary island giant hollyhock. day1 through day 3 with final picture on day 3 evening. It closed up and fell off overnight and by the next afternoon. (The pollen parent opens at night and lasts until 2pm or so. The syriacus pod parent opens in late morning but being mutated it never fully opens.)

  • 2 years ago

    I will be keeping the largest at least another year because of the crazy bloom count even though it doesnt produce pods without 144 pollen. The second largest was going to produce purple-ish flowers. Hopefully both smaller plants will impress me next year.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Would be interesting to try and breed #3 with the multiday bahama mama. maybe next year!

  • 2 years ago

    The hybrids are fighting hard, several broke through the germination phase, several plantlets have mixed chlorosis but seem to still be developing. Do you think it’s possible the combination is resulted in varigation even in the cotyledons? Never seen this phenotype in either parents or any other breeding. Not sure if it’s a metabolite deficiency from embryo rescue. Some of the first leaves have it on the tips as well.

  • 2 years ago

    Wide hybrids often have albino or variegated offspring, so that could be a good sign.

  • 2 years ago

    I overdosed my H. syriacus seedlings with oryzalin and several months later they’re still seedlings with only cotyledons. I scrapped the lot of them. Oh well, try again next year.

  • 2 years ago

    Quite a range of phenotypes, most of the plants pulled through the weird bouts of chlorosis, I have one that is true variegated. I also have a slew of dwarfs! Different hybrid pod all sprouting and no bigger than the tip of your small pinky - they are growing in my mud room over winter till I can get them out next spring.

  • 2 years ago

    Some don’t seem to be able to fully germinate … it’s been weeks and they are stuck in this weird quasi developed state

  • 2 years ago

    The hybrids are outside , waiting to see if they will bloom this summer! I have a good feeling about these ones :) any updates from anyone else?

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Lohengrin, Tosca, Resi and WALBERTON'S® Rose Moon (8" flowers) are all H. Syriacus x H paramutabilis hybrids. White Angel is H. rosa-sinensis (Chinese Hibiscus and tropical) (female) X Diane.

    Anyone using these plants in hybridizing?

    Wilberton's Rose Moon pictured here.

    Any updates on your progress?

  • 2 years ago

    Yes, White Angel hybrids are outdoors, waiting for blooms we had an unusually long cold spring and most of the plants still do not have flower buds yet, Diana just started blooming this week here and white Angel is about to flower. Hopeful to see what we got!

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Thank you. White Angel bloomed June 29th here and was followed by Ruffled Satin July 10th. Have some Giant Pink (Flogi) hexaploid and Lehengrin seedlings to bloom next year. Have Rose Moon in bud, hoping the pollen is good for Syriacus back crosses.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    I have rose moon but it does not set seed.

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    @Brad Mondel Have you used Rose Moon pollen?

  • last year

    I recently discovered this thread and WOW! You guys are amazing! This is way too interesting, I hybridize tropical hibiscus but the possibilities of F1 are way more exciting

  • PRO
    last year

    Alejandro Gutiérrez Could you imagine a tropical flower on a hardy Zone 4 hibiscus?

  • PRO
    last year

    Here is a seedling with an unusual characteristic. There is not only a bud on every leaf node, but actually 2 buds on every leaf node. The branch blooms from bottom to top, then begins blooming from the bottom again, doubling the bloom season.

  • PRO
    last year

    @Brad Mondel I got seeds on Rose Moon (White Angel) and used it for pollen to produce an additional 200 seeds. Where is the coldest that anyone is growing Rose Moon? I am in Zone 5b and have not had to overwinter it yet. I will give it a good mulching. Any blooms @Dustin Rae?

  • last year

    I have a bud that just broke on one of the hybrids, from the Archeri x White Angel, it is dark purple, very very tiny flowers, maybe less than 1inch … the others have buds but nothing else has broken open yet. I’m happy to see that white parents produced color, archeri is blood red so I’m very interested now to see the open flower some have crazy leaves too, one of the berigated ones made it, the leaves look really unhealthy

  • last year

    Also white Angel produced many seed pods for me this fall, still waiting for them all to mature

  • PRO
    last year

    @Dustin Rae show us Archeri x White Angel when it opens.

  • last year

    Unfortunately my Syriacus x yellow species turned out to be Syriacus with white flowers.

  • PRO
    last year

    @Brad Mondel It could be that the color is recessive. Were there differences in flower form or leave morphology? In other words, were there any other indications that the cross took? If so, the F1 could lead to interesting F2 generation. The next step would be to self it or cross it back to the yellow species.

  • PRO
    last year

    Seedling with 3 buds per node.

  • PRO
    last year

    Diana seedling.

  • PRO
    last year
    last modified: last year

    Resi also called Full Blast (H. paramutabilis x H. syriacus) at 6" flower size which is smaller than usual because of the lateness in the season.

  • PRO
    last year

    Interesting foliage on Pink Giant (Flogi) seedling.

  • PRO
    last year

    If you have an interest in Rose of Sharon Althea, visit