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WANTED: Anyone up for a trade before the weather gets too hot?

12 years ago

If there is any interest I will post my list of available hostas with sizes available. I've noticed that there isn't much action on the exchange side of this forum, even when there is an active thread going. Hopefully there will be some interest!


Comments (13)

  • 12 years ago

    I'm interested, Cricket. However, what I have is really pretty pedestrian. If there's anything you can use, I'm sure up for trading several of what I have for one of something I'm wanting.

    The List

    Minis: (Mature clumps)
    Yellow Boa
    Lemon Delight
    Twist of Lime

    So Sweet (don't have much of this--prolly only 1 or 2 eyes)

    Good-sized Mature divisions:
    Big Daddy (a couple of divisions)
    Krossa Regal (Lots of this)
    Good As Gold (just one division, I think)
    Fried Green Tomatoes (only one with a couple of eyes)
    Paul's Glory (only one, several eyes)
    Golden Tiara (mature clumps-Lots)

    I also have mature clumps of a low-growing, mounding golden-ish NOID that I need to try to get ID'd.

    Started out with just a hosta or two every couple of years and kept dividing them to try to fill space and relieve the sea of Albo-Marginata that we inherited when we bought this house. Have diversified a lot in the last couple of years and have a Want List a couple of miles long now that I been bit by the Hosta Bug!

    Oh, and I won't be offended in the least if there's nothing here that you can use!

  • 12 years ago

    Hi ci_lantro! I would love to trade with you! From your available list, I would love
    Yellow Boa
    Lemon Delight
    Twist of Lime
    Good As Gold
    Fried Green Tomatoes
    Big Daddy
    if I have anything you'd like.

    I have available right now:

    Prairie Sky
    Lettuce Salad
    Gold Standard
    Honey Bells

    I may have a few more. I will look around tomorrow and let you know. I will also be able to give you approximate sizes of each plant trade wise.


  • 12 years ago

    Goodie! You have several that I don't have. (I have Gold Standard & Honey Bells.) I'll work on getting everything watered (we're dry!) so it will be in good shape before it's dug.

  • 12 years ago

    I might also have Guacamole as well.
    Wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you!
    We are suppose to have several days of a heat wave, so I think it might be best if we could schedule our trade for the beginning of next week. What do ya think?

  • 12 years ago

    Yeh. I just checked the weather & it looks to be beastly for the next three days.

    Oh, and I have Guac. (And Stained Glass, Cathedral Windows & Holy Moly, all new last year.) Lost Moonlight Sonata over the winter & Invincible is hanging by a thread & don't expect it to survive. Got the last two from Made In the Shade; won't be a repeat customer there. Probably too much climate difference & I suspect that they're pushing TC's in some fashion. Conversely though, every one of the TC's that I bought last summer survived, even a couple that I thought were goners. Prolly thanks to the mild winter we had.

    Anyway, I'm going to try sending you an email thru GW with contact info.

  • 12 years ago

    I'm not sure if you are receiving all of my e-mails, but we are forecasted for 100 degree temps all week. I just don't feel comfortable sending the plants in these temps. Can we please try for next Monday? Sundays forecasted temps is 92 for the high, so I could get out in the garden that evening, and get everything dug up, wrapped and boxed by that night, and send out first thing Monday morning. Please let me know what you think. Thanks so much!

  • 12 years ago

    oops...I sent your pkg off this a.m. & you should have it tomorrow. But, sure, I'm totally OK with waiting. If I hadn't been out so early this morning, I wouldn't have dug today, either. Went to bed very early yesterday & was up waaaay too early today.

    I did look at the forecast but (last week)the weather wizards told us that this week was sposed to be cooler than last week SO I just figured that they were lying again and next week will be hot, too! (Have decided that they lie about bad weather forecasts to keep everyone from committing mass suicide!)

    Suffered a case of heat exhaustion when I lived in definitely don't want to go there because it pretty much changes you forever as to how much heat you can tolerate.

  • 12 years ago

    I will let you know as soon as they arrive! Bless your heart. I too, suffered a heat stroke in 1999, and I haven't been able to take the heat ever since. We go into a heat advisory tomorrow early a.m. and it doesn't expire until Saturday. Yes, I cried a little bit. :'( I'll be sure to give the plants a good drink and then just pop them up until Sunday. Thanks for the trade, and I'm glad you was able to get out in the early morning before the heat set in. Take care and stay cool and hydrated!!!

  • 12 years ago

    I received the hosta today! They look very good! I can't BELIEVE they got here that fast!!! I didn't even know Spee Dee existed! EXCELLENT! I thought it was some new special delivery service from the USPS. I will post here when I send yours out hun. We are in a heat advisry now until 7 am Saturday. Next week is suppose to be in the 80's again! YAY! So, I will get yours out at the beginning of the week! Thanks so much!!!

  • 12 years ago

    Oh good! Delivery was supposed to be next day but they wouldn't guarantee it to your zip. We're fortunate to have a Spee Dee hub w/ a walk in counter less than 2 miles from the house.

  • 12 years ago

    The weather is still holding as forecasted, so your plants will be on their way to their new home Monday! Hope you're doing well with this heat. Enjoy the weekend!

  • 12 years ago

    Ok Chickie! Your plants will be on their way to you in the morning! :) Thanks so much for the wonderful trade girl!

  • 7 years ago

    Cricket......are you still trading hostas???? This is from an

    Older post. Thanksi
