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How to sell, price and package loose leaf lettuce?

15 years ago

I am wondering how most of you sell, package and price your loose leaf lettuce at farmers' markets?

I have some lettuce to sell and was wondering the best way to sell it.

Thanks in advance!


Comments (12)

  • 15 years ago

    I sell my lettuce in bread bags the cheap kind that doesn't have a zip top. It holds about 1/2 lb of lettuce and I sell it for $3.00 ( in the springwhen everybody has lettuce and late fall and early winter $3.50)I am at an indoor early morning market & only grow lettuce in spring and late fall so I usually don't have to worry about keeping it cool.

  • 15 years ago

    I work for a woman who sells greens and lettuce, and we package ours one head to a plastic bag, or if the heads are on the small side, two to a bag. We sell for $3 per head/bag. I believe she uses bread bags also; gets them from a bakery supply. Neither of us likes using plastic and she is looking into some kind of compostable bag in the meantime.

    We cut the heads, then dunk them in three different buckets of water to clean, and place them upright in plastic trays that are about six inches deep, about a dozen to a tray.

    Last year we bagged them at the farm; this year we've been bagging them at the market. When we bagged them at the farm last year, sometimes we would put out just one tray at the market, and leave the others in a cooler, which had been cooled using empty juice bottles filled with water and frozen.

    We usually harvest just before the market, and so far this year the lettuce seems to do okay just in the trays, without cooling. We do have a canopy. The market I help her at is an afternoon one; the other market she does is a morning one. I'm not sure if she uses a different set-up at the other market.


  • 15 years ago


    Where do y'all get the shallow plastic trays? Are they bread trays like they use to deliver bread to the grocery store?


  • 15 years ago

    No, they are actually those Sterlite (or similar) trays that I think are made for under-bed storage. They are clear plastic, with locking lids, and are approximately 6-8 inches deep, maybe 18 inches across and maybe two feet long.

    They are good for transport too because you can stack them if the lids are on.


  • 14 years ago

    how about 2010 season.. still #3.00 for a gal zip lock bag/? Sounds good to me.. thanks boltman..

  • 14 years ago

    This is how one grower packages her greens.

  • 14 years ago

    I bag in the 5-a-day bags that come on rolls. Far cheaper than bread bags or zip locks.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Plastic produce bags

  • 12 years ago

    I am trying to find someone who wants to but wholesale Hydroponic lettuce from an Upstate NY Greenhouse.

    Send me an email if you are interested

  • 12 years ago

    I don't think this is the place to try to sell your produce.

  • 12 years ago

    I purchased my bags from the local grocery store. I have a friend's husband that works there. Two different sizes, rolls from the meat/produce department, and half the price than any internet website. Approx. 1000 bags per roll for $9.00 & $13.00.

  • 12 years ago

    When I sell romaine lettuce heads, I merchandise them to look like a large flower head when looking down. Really makes a difference.
