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Favorite Uses For Jalapeno

18 years ago

I am a avid grower of Jalapenos and always looking for different ways to use them. So I thought I would start a thread to see how others use them shopping for ideas.

I will start out with my most used methods

Pico de Gallo Salsa

Armadillo Eggs (aka Poppers or Relino)



Dried and ground

Comments (7)

  • 18 years ago

    I adapted a bread and butter pickle recipe, sustituting pepper-- mostly jalapenos. They are very tasty and can either be stored in the fridge without processing--they stay crispy-- or proceessed in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes and stored at room temp.

    I usually increase the amts for the brine to be sure I have enough to cover the peppers

    1 1/2 to 2 lbs peppers sliced 1/4 " thick
    2 medium onions sliced thin
    6 ice cubes
    1/4 cup coarse ( Kosher ) salt
    1 cup cider vinegar
    1/2 cup sugar
    1 Tablespoon mustard seed
    1/2 teaspoon celery seed
    1/2 teaspoon turmeric

    In large bowl combine peppers, onions, salt, and ice. Let stand 1 hour tosssing occassionally.

    Fill bowl with water and drain vegetables in a colander. Rinse and drain three times to rinse off all salt. Drain well.

    In large pan combine vinegar, sugar and spices. Bring to a boil. Add the vegetables and when the liquid barely begins to simmer remove from heat. Transfer to a bowl and let cool to room temperature.

    Put in jars with enough brine to cover vegetables and store in the fridge. Ready to eat the next day but I have kept in fridge for many months. really good--crunchy-not too sweet--not too sour.


  • 18 years ago

    oh man that picture has my mouth watering.

  • 18 years ago

    My favorite is an old standard: Cut pickled jalepenos down the middle and put about a half tablespoon (or more, especially for rookies) of your favorite peanut butter on there. Its a great way to initiate non-pepper-heads to the dark side! Its my favorite late night snack, in fact, I'm eatin' em right now!

    For those of you who have never had em, I know it sounds a little strange, but give it a shot!


  • 18 years ago

    Omfg....drooling on keyboard. I can already taste em just from seeing the picture. Also I think I'll try the peanut butter jals. Do you pickle them youself?

    My favorite use is halved raw jals with cream cheese, black forest ham, lime juice and some other stuff. Then baked for like 10-15 mins or better yet, put in a smoker until warm and starting to wrinkle. I can post the recipe if you want.

    I'll also use the same method and fill them with a good cheddar cheese and bacon. The cheese I use has habs, jals, cayennes and "hot pepper sauce" in aged new york cheddar. It's great. I eat it with knife sometimes, in big slices.

    Also check out I haven't bought one yet but you can be damned sure I'm going to get one soon. Then you don't even have to bother with halving them. Someone on this forum told me about it. I think it was cmpman1974, but I don't remember now.

  • 18 years ago

    Check out

    DeeBee's Buffalo Chicken and Dragon fingers look good. What most caught my interest were Meat Jalapenos. It couldn't get any more simple or any more brilliant. I started thinking carne asada, but then I thought about building a tamale within a jal. Get the masa mix and the shredded beef. It's going to be a tastier tamale in my opinion, and hotter too. I'd cook it on the smoker if possible. I can't wait to try it. I need a dozen more jal plants to try out all these new recipes.

  • 18 years ago

    Try some pickled jals stuffed with hummus. I'm making my own hummus now til I can get some peppers growing.

  • 18 years ago

    Shrimp are n season here now,so I've benn stuffing jals with either cream cheese or muenster cheese and a shrimp,wrapped in bacon.I dont have a chiligrill yet,(will be getting one very soon!)so I use a mini cupcake pan and stick toothpicks through the peppers to keep them upright.Maple sausage is also really good in place of the shrimp.I can make a meal of these!