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Aji Crystal

11 years ago

This sounds like a great chile for fresh consumption. Rick in VA alerted me to it, and I've decided a while back to grow it for 2013. Several sources claim the unripe fruits are preferred over the ripe, is this so? Peppermania says the chiles have a sweet grapefruit like flavor. Anyone have experience with this pepper?


"Aji Cristal; Capsicum baccatum; Chile

Aji Cristal: Another great baccatum producer. Elogated pods grow to approximately 4", ripening from pale white/yellow to orange to red orange. Plant growth habit is large and branching and may need staking from over load. Aromatic and flavorful, especially when not fully ripe. Almost a "sweet grapefruit" like flavor. Fruity heat (8) and crisp medium flesh makes this pod perfect for fresh consumption, most flavorful when green, an unusual trait for this species. Origin - Chile"

Here is a link that might be useful: Aji Crystal

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