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Rid Wild Violets from Bedding Plants

19 years ago

If anyone can help with this we have recently been "infested" with wild violets growing so fast we can't pull them quick enough. They are in the beds with our azaleas and ilex and are taking over. Was hoping there was something to spray or sprinkle that would kill them and leave the other plants safe. Thanks!

Comments (16)

  • 19 years ago

    So what ?
    Ain't violets sweet and beautiful ? I don't see where is the problem !
    Anyway, there's nothing to do except tearing them off :-) But I know them well by the time, and they will survive :-)pp YES !

  • 19 years ago

    i sometimes listen to gardening shows on the radio. some have a strong following. you can ring for advice and they have specialist guests who give presentations. you can ring them for advice on their special subject.
    i once heard a prominent u.s. rhododendron specialist give a presentation. he was here for the first international rhodo conference in the southern hemisphere. there was lots of new research in the viraya group, one only of which is a very rare australian native, with some very interesting ones in new guinea. his two phone-in questions? how do you make a lemon tree bear fruit? and can i use a chain-saw to cut the rhododendron away from the window of my house? ie an unrelated question and a 'how to destroy' question! i vowed i would never put myself into this situation...but eventually did. after my presentation on national radio i was asked about how to make an african violet flower and how to destroy the violets invading a rose bed. having told the rhodo story to the hosts, they were in fits as i had anticipated both questions!
    so, tom, you might find it difficult to get a straight answer to your question in this forum!!!

  • 19 years ago

    Dear Tom,
    1)Give up and learn to love them
    2)Dig them all up and mail them to all of us
    3)Count your blessings
    4)You asked the wrong people!

    Friendship in Violets!-the Violetvamp

  • 19 years ago

    I'm also looking for a way to rid my garden of these aggressive violet like weeds. Did you get any helpful responses?

  • 19 years ago

    Please go into "growing violets" forum to see answer. You will need to go to a nursery for help with a special product.

  • 19 years ago

    I love violets and all plantings. Only I love my lawn too. Violet have taken over my lawn up around my house. I have tried digging the tublar up and moving them to a near by creek side. The violets are back. How do I get my lawn violet free. I will not kill them if at all necessary. However I would like to control them.
    Thanks for your assistance

  • 17 years ago

    How do I get rid of the wild violets that are taking over my yard??Is there a spray that can be used that will not kill the grass?

  • 17 years ago

    I need to know if there is a spray to get rid of wild violets? They are taking over my yard. How can I get rid of them?

  • 17 years ago

    If the PH of the soil in your lawn is low (likely if the violets are thriving) you could try liming the lawn. I wouldn't mind having more violets in my lawn, but what I get are broadleaf plantains.

    The azealas need a low Ph, so you might well need to go the roundup route.


  • 17 years ago

    They are taking over my lawn and also my neighbors. I've heard that Triclopyr sold under the name Garlon can be used to eradicate them. I'm looking to purchase some and be the "test bed" (excuse the pun) for the neighborhood. Does anyone have any experience with Garlon? I think there are different solutions and I'm still looking to find the one that some expert will tell me will work.

  • 12 years ago

    Mystery solved. I've been struggling with wild violets for nearly a decade in two different homes in Virginia. I've been pulling them out by hand...reseeding every year...using copious amounts of Roundup...nothing ever worked. Until now. See, God recently blessed me with an invasion of nutgrass/nutsedge. I found a new product called Ortho Nutsedge Killer available at Home Depot. They only sell it in small spray, 24 ounce containers. When I sprayed on the nutsedge, I noticed the following day that the wild violets looked worse. I sprayed on again on the wild violets - and voila, it killed them and not the grass! At least it hasn't killed the grass so far. I'm delighted and finally at peace.

  • 12 years ago

    Trimec works. May take 2 applications. Won't kill your grass.

  • 7 years ago

    Will the Trimec or Ortho Nutsedge kill flowers?

  • 5 years ago

    What I use is 4 speed xt at 1oz per gal. Wild violets in the lawn must be sprayed repeatedly to kill them and they die slowly. Since they sit low in my lawn I can mow over them and only cut the very highest leaves, I then spray after every mowing. When the leaves start to yellow you got them. They are like cancer however and if you don't kill every single one you have not gotten rid of them.

  • last year

    You can't use herbicides when wild violets invade specimen Epimediums -- literally growing up through the middle of all but the most dense-growing cultivars. Only "remedy" I have found is to dig up the entire rootball, remove and discard the violet clumps, then replant. This "solution" is temporary and labor-intensive. Only permanent answer I know is "don't try growing specimen epimediums."