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Beware of Easter & CB!!!

14 years ago

Ok, took a few minutes out of my day & gdaughter & I ran to CB to see what they had marked down from Valentine's Day, but no luck as far as dishes or cups.

BUT, and I say capital BUT, they had gorgeous Easter plates, footed coffee mugs, display plates etc. I had to run out of there. They are a really cute old fashioned bunny scene & the salad plates are white around edges & the edges are raised flowers, the dinner plates same except around edges is raised basket weave. The footed mugs are sooooo dainty and the entire set is so pretty & different!

The biggest problem is, if you wait til after Easter they never have enough of it left to make it worth buying any of it. I really have NO room for anymore dishes but at 50% off, I bet I could find room, but like I said, by the time they are 50 off there isn't much left!

So just a warning to stay away from CB if you tempt easily!!!!!! LOL

Comments (35)

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks for the Alert. I was going their yesterday...I asked DH to take me their for Valentine's Day Breakfast...with an ulterior get their
    Easter Plates!! However, plans changed and our DGkids came over for the weekend...I will definitely head over their this week -Without Fail! I bought a couple of the plates last year along with the egg cups and a few other pieces..
    I used them for a tablescape (karen has it in our album).
    They are so pretty and I just HAVE to get a few more...
    Thanks again...yachter..


  • 14 years ago

    CB . . . is that Crate & Barrel? Their new things sound wonderful. Like you, though, I like to wait until stuff goes on sale. Hmmmm, I may have to check them out online, where I won't be so tempted ;^D Thanks for the heads up!

  • 14 years ago

    I've been there and totally agree with yachter.

    BE VERY aware.

    But, they are so gorgeous.
    They would last for years.
    If I just got the dinner plates I could use coordinating colors to help cut the cost.
    I could use them right up to summer.
    I could skip the mortgage payment this month.
    I could...

    Be VERY aware.

  • 14 years ago

    I had a comment wrote out but I think the gremlins ate it.

    I admire your restraint Yachter.
    I guess it's a good thing (but in a depressing way) that we don't have a CB here. I'm certain I'd be in BIG trouble. LOL

  • 14 years ago

    Boyfriend and I went to supper there Friday night. I had bought 4 plates and 4 egg cups there last year, but I'm going to have to dig them out of storage because I think the ones they have this year are a slightly different pattern. But, they're still just as pretty and the little blown glass eggs they have look wonderful in the dainty little egg cups.
    Lynn, CB is Cracker Barrel restaurant. Good food and great shopping :>)


  • 14 years ago

    Boo hoo!!!
    The nearest Cracker Barrel is 500 miles away--and I want those Easter plates! Dang...

    You guys have so many wonderful stores, like CTS and HL and CB that we West Coasters are just pining away for. Oh well, at least we don't have humid summers...

    - Magpie

  • 14 years ago

    If you ladies have a picture of the CB dishes, can you post it please?

  • 14 years ago

    Here ya go.

    Dinner Plate

    Salad Plate

    Coffee Mug

    They have other pieces...egg plate, S&P shakers, serving, etc.

  • 14 years ago

    Don't torture me! Those are the dishes Slinky has and she made the most wonderful tablescape for Easter last year!

    - Magpie

  • 14 years ago

    OA...Here's the tablescape I did last Easter
    using them...
    I just bought the salad plates, egg cups and two small egg shaped bowls. That's why I've GOT TO go back and get some other pieces to add to them...
    I layered them with OBC plates..and Mikasa Italian Countryside.


  • 14 years ago

    I'll have to correct myself..after seeing Wanda's pictures...
    I guess I have the dinner plates & the salad plates.....two egg cups....besides two bowls!... Thanks Wanda..
    I dont' have those cups...but love them...
    I have to go back!!


  • 14 years ago

    Ooooooooo! Those are wonderful. Is the salad plate shaped like an egg? Thanks for posting Wanda. Well, I'm not really sure if I should thank you. Magpie's right. It IS torture.

    I remember your Easter table now. Wonderful. Oh, those plates!
    Don't you just LOVE the basket edge?

  • 14 years ago

    I didn't know what CB was either, but there is a CB that's a little over an hour drive from here. OMG! They are so cute! I love your table, slinkey! It's that basket-weave edge. lol! One of these days, I might weave that pattern up. :)

  • 14 years ago

    Yes, the salad plate is egg-shaped.

    Oh, I can't believe I didn't think about the little egg cups. They are so sweet.

    Well, I guess I can confess my terrible secret to this group. I feel safe here.

    I bought not one, but two, sets of the S&P shakers a couple weeks ago...I fear this illness is going to lead up to larger items. I was hoping the S&P shakers would give me the fix I didn't.

  • 14 years ago

    Oh, I remember those plates and they are so darling. Love every single thing about them! I'm a west coast gal too so no CB closer than Karen's in Phoenix! LOL

    You gals are getting me excited to see all the cute Easter things.


  • 14 years ago

    So Luvs, whatta you waiting for....come on over and get me and we'll go together. I never go since I need someone to take me, saves me money tho. Actually the fact I can't do table settings and don't entertain SAVES me a LOT of money. LOL. You enablers have me buying enough dishs for my "collecting bug" (his name is Godzilla by the way)

    Wanda,"I could skip the mortgage payment this month.
    I could...", you were MADE for this Forum. Glad you found us. LOL.

    hugs, Karen

  • 14 years ago

    Hey, Karen, I want to hitch a ride with Luvs. We can buy out the Cracker Barrel in your area. We'll have to bring a big van, as we'll be leaving in the middle of the night (because I will have placed a certain merry-go-round horsie in the trunk).

  • 14 years ago

    I love the plates because of the basket-weave edges, of course! So... I looked at the photos last night, grabbed some reed, and wove this up while watching the winter olympics on TV. I can do better now that I experimented and looked at the photos again, but here's what I came up with while playing. lol! (crumby photo taken with the camera on the computer)

  • 14 years ago

    OMgosh, the plates are so-o-o CUTE! I had to look up location of nearest CB.... not bad, 128 miles on Mapqwest! Thanks for the heads-up, yachter!

    Jane, I LOVE your place settings! What a wonderful Spring-y como! you just whipped that out watching the Olympics...ummmm, BEAUTIFUL! TFS, everyone! Jeanne S.

  • 14 years ago

    You can do BETTER???? No, I don't think so. That's too good right now. Wouldn't a bunch of those down the middle of the table (filled with little eggs and spring-colored flowers) along with the bunny plate table settings look absolutely darling!

  • 14 years ago're amazing.. I think those 'Whipped Up' baskets are adorable! Ya can't get better than that !!
    It looks like a real old fashioned basket and perfect for the CB plates that have the same look.

    OA... I agree A bunch of those baskets down the middle would be like the Easter Bunny down the 'Bunny Trail'.
    Love it...


  • 14 years ago

    WOW you girls have been busy!!! Those dishes are beautiful (CB is about a mile from my house....come on you Westies!!)
    The basket is phenomenal!! You just WHIPPED it up while watching TV???? Dang.....

  • 14 years ago

    IKWYM Yachter about finding room for something if it's a really good price. I think that was my problem yesterday. A few things I liked but not a great price and I always have to think about where to put new things.

    I have now put C&B on my list of places to visit in WA & OR when we go there. It will be after Easter so ~maybe~ I'll be in luck.

    Wanda - egg shape salad plate - ooooh, too much to resist, and the mug is adorable.

    Jane, love your Easter table!

    PM, your basket is sooo cute! Did it while watching TV? - wow!

  • 14 years ago

    OA, when I visited Karen last year, the rv park where we stayed was between two CB's--and we went to both of them while we were there! LOL She also has a BIG Hobby Lobby too, and I think she discovered that she has a Dollar General--and all that in addition to the antique mall which is huge! When did you say you wanted to leave?????

    PM, that is a darling basket, I love how you did the top especially, so "lacy" looking. Now I just have to ask this question since most of us like tablescapes--have you ever made "flat" baskets that could be used for chargers on a table? I think the pattern you just did on that basket would look fabulous on a charger! ;o)


  • 14 years ago

    Wow, I sure stirred up a conversation with that warning! LOL

    Sorry, I should have said Cracker Barrel, I forgot about Crate & Barrel having the same initials.

    The plates are so delicate & perfect for spring, but I am resisting (so far)!!!

    I have little time to get out shopping with helping son with his 3 children, so that helps me resist.

    CB always has some WOW things to tempt people, and they are very good at it!!!

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks for the nice comments on the basket! I did weave it while also watching the olympics... but it still took me over 3 hours to make. And, yes, I can do better! the prototype let me know which weave patterns and reed sizes would have worked out better.

    luvs, I refer to that rim as a 'victorian loop'. Looking at the photos of the plates again, I can see envision a different way of rimming the basket that would better match the plates.

    And, YES, ever since seeing all your tablescapes, I've been thinking of making some "flat" baskets that could be used as chargers!!! I actually found a pattern on-line recently (not that I'd need one). Now you guys can check it out and tell me what you think. lol!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Vintage Base Mat

  • 14 years ago's funny that Luvs asked that question about weaving a flat charger like basket..I had the same thought in mind.
    The one you just showed is really lovely.
    I remember someone here I believe, had woven 'charger mats'. I can't remember who, but I thought they looked so nice.
    Now I have a said you're able to change the color of the reeds by a boiling/steaming process...can you also 'Color Dye' them too? I'm thinking of those charger mats and how they would work in different colors!!
    I'm sure it would be a long process to do just one.
    I can also understand why hand woven items are so expensive because of the labor that goes into each piece. did start a 'Fire' over the CB Easter plates. I agree, CB has so many cute things that are very tempting. The one that's near me, is an hr away, (good thing) but that's's worth the drive. lol
    I used to drive further for CTS before they started moving all over the Country and now only 15 mins away!!


  • 14 years ago

    slinkey, yes, you can dye reed! either before or after it's woven. I make my own black walnut and other natural dyes, but for really vivid colors I buy commercially pre-dyed reed and other materials. It's very expensive when pre-dyed, but then I don't have to deal with the mess and toxic waste. :(

    This basket will give you an idea of color control in a basket! It's a Cherokee Double Wall basket -- meaning I wove the inside first and then wove the outside around it. Weaving like this allows me to create different patterns inside and outside this basket. (this basket took 2nd place in the 2009 NYS Fair "fiber techniques" competition :)

  • 14 years ago

    This is a real education. I just love how you show a basket and gives us a little lesson each time. I never imagined a basket might have double walls.

  • 14 years ago

    PartyM, you are an amazing artist!!

  • 14 years ago

    PM, Thanks for explaining to me the dyeing method for the baskets. I find it so interesting.
    I must say, I'm so impressed and amazed by your talent.
    The basked you just showed with the double walls is Beautiful!
    I will never look at a basket the same way again.
    Thanks to you, I've learned to appreciate them so much more.


  • 14 years ago

    Thank you OA, jaybird, and slinkey. :) Jane said it perfectly because I see baskets so differently now that I understand how it's done. Sorry that I get so carried away. :O)

  • 14 years ago

    I agree with what Jane said...
    and don't be sorry, you didn't get carried away. We all learned a lot of interesting stuff and have seen some amazing baskets!
    You should set up a Photobucket album with all your baskets, then we could go see a lot that way. LOL.
    I really love this blue and white one, its just gorgeous.

    hugs, Karen

  • 14 years ago

    Those little bunny plates are adorable. I best stay out of CB unless I decide for sure to remodel. Jane, do you have your Easter table all planned for this year? Last years was so cute.

    PM, your baskets are so wonderful and I'd love to see some place mats. I went to the link and I think those would look great. What a fun hobby. Yours are so professional looking and thanks again for sharing.


  • 14 years ago

    PM..I agree with should put together an album.
    That would be fabulous to see and refer to .
