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Karen, metal cornucopia

14 years ago

Found this at HGTV site and remembered you just bought a metal one

Comments (11)

  • 14 years ago

    that is pretty, Yacht. I need to get mine decorated, time is running out fast.

    hugs, Karen

  • 14 years ago

    The metal cornucopias really are pretty. I can't wait to see Karen's. I want to drag my old wicker one out. I decorated it last year and was pleased with it. Things are so busy and hectic around here, I barely have time to check the forum.

    Karen, last year I didn't take mine down before Christmas. I enjoyed it so much I just added a few things to it to bridge into Christmas. Worked for me.


  • 14 years ago

    OK. That is very cool. I'm going to have to get me a metal cornucopia. And I'm saving the picture to help me decorate it once I find one.

  • 14 years ago

    That is very pretty and I can hardly wait to see what we have posted on here next year. TFS Punk

  • 14 years ago

    Gosh, that's pretty! I've never seen a metal one.

  • 14 years ago

    Lee, how did you make yours work for Christmas? Do you have a photo from last year? I honestly thought they were ONLY for Thanksgiving. Glad I'm not too old learn new tricks, LOL. You gals keep my brain cells functioning.

    hugs, Karen

  • 14 years ago

    Karen, I just checked, but don't have any pictures.

    Cornucopias probably are just for Thanksgiving, but -- gasp --I don't pay a lot of attention to that kind of "rule" much anymore.

    Let's see, I know I put the reindeer (mine are not the big ones, just smaller bronze-colored ones), next to the cornucopia.

    I added smallish gold satin-finish glass balls to it, and some burgundy wired ribbon tucked in among the stuff.
    I know there were some little frosted apples, but that is about all I remember.

    Of course, I did take out the little pumpkins and fall leaves.

    If I can think of something else, I'll let you know.

    Thanks for asking,


    Oh, and there were bronze, and maybe copper glass balls, too.

  • 14 years ago

    The manufacturers just keep reinventing the wheel to keep us spending, I've always seen the wicker ones, but seems this year the new thing is the metal ones.

    I must say, I do like them, much more modern looking!

    Karen, can't wait to see yours decorated!

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks for your detailed description, Lee. Almost as good as a photo! I'm not that good with 'rules' myself, LOL. I figure its my house and I should have what I like in it.
    (and luckily have a DH who could care less as long as I'm happy and he can play golf.)

    Yacht, since I found mine in GW, guess someone didn't like the new-fangled metal things. LOL.

    hugs, Karen

  • last year

    Where can I purchase a cornucopia like this one? It looks like it is made of metal? Please advise. Joan Davis

  • last year

    Good Will is where I found my metal cornucopia.