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So settle down and tell us what project you are working on.....

19 years ago

I need someone to talk knitting with. I'm doing two projects right now. A dishcloth and a scarf. And did anyone else buy a set of beginner plastic needles from Walmart? My aunt who is a champion knitter purchased some for scarf making and really likes them....easier for her to handle she says. I bought a set and well, I don't find them any better one way or the other. I will hang onto them and use them for my niece who is showing an interest at the age of 28 to learn to knit....."especially made for kids" the package reads..wonder if niece will be impressed. So talk to me..........what are you making?

Comments (50)

  • 19 years ago

    Ongoing projects at this moment are: a blue seed stitch scarf for ME, a pair of crochet slipper boots for hubby, another pair of sausage socks for my grandson, and a hat for Mom. One project goes with me in the car, one is at the office for lunchtime, one goes with me to meetings, and one is for working on while I watch TV with hubby.

  • 19 years ago

    Currently working on: a Dale sweater in cream and blue for a friend's 50th birthday; two Fancy Fur scarves for two friends of Daughter #2; pair of thick, ribbed socks for carpenter SIL; and when I tire of everything else - an afghan in green, tweedy yarn, made in 24-stitch strips. Will probably finish the scarves tonight, and HAVE to really get going on the sweater - friend's b'day is on Valentine's Day!!

  • 19 years ago

    I'm finishing up a black and white eyelash scarf....that I don't like...but am determined to finish. And looking at 9 2 oz skeins of sage and a lighter sage bulky wool yarn that I got on sale several years ago....thinking about meking a poncho for my grand daughter...but can't decide on just how. Debating between a fat turtle neck with 4 rows of a raglan without dividing for the sleeves...or should I put slits in it for arms, sort of like a cape....or should I just make a big fat sweater for her....and since there are 2 colors, how should I use the colors...
    Linda C

  • 19 years ago

    Well, I crochet, if that counts - I'm working on a set of crocheted placemats that will be white with gray eyelash yarn around the edges. I've been sort of taking a break after all the crocheting I did for christmas, but next week I'll start a few projects for this spring - a couple pairs of slippers (birthday and father's day gifts), and squares of chenille for an afghan for my dad's christmas present next year (it will be mainly black, with red and blue squares scattered throughout). Lots to always! :-)

    BTW - I'm 30, and have been thinking of trying one of those "perfect for kids" knitting kits when/if I get some I bet your 28 yr old neice will be perfectly happy with the one you bought. ;-)

  • 19 years ago

    working ona large striped tote barrel shape bag which will be felted - colors are red pink and orange on 13 circular needles and

    a small felted bag with eyelash edging.

  • 19 years ago

    I have a poncho almost done for one niece (just need to crochet about 6 more inches on the edge) And have started on the poncho for the other niece. So actually only 2 projects at this moment. I am attempting to exercise some restraint. I have a box full of flip-flops from Old Navy sitting by the front door that I'm going to crochet fun fur onto. They make darling slippers and were big hits at Christmas. And I just got my circular needles in the mail and am looking longingly at Wool yarn at Smiley's so I can do some felting, specifically a bag. But I can't pick up my needles until I get a project for work done. Oh, and there's a pile of lovely fun fur yarn in multiple colors sitting in my living room calling my name.......... Oh, Jan, please knit me.............

  • 19 years ago

    I finished a lacy sweater and decided to get out my scrap can. I keep all my scraps and bits and pieces of yarn in a small garbage can. When it starts to overflow I grab a J crochet hook and see what transpires. I decided to work this afghan in a diagonal box stitch and just let the colors blend and flow. So I'm anxious to see how this will turn out myself.

  • 19 years ago

    CURRENT: I'm finishing an Aran sweater for DH, afgan for DS1, "rainbow socks" for DS2, teeny tiny aran for brandy new baby niece. Future plans include "unbiased" bag from recycled silk yarn (if it ever arrives), more skiing socks.

    FUTURE: Something to use up the leftover balls and skeins. What do you guys do with them?

    NEEDLES: I've got tons - you wouldn't beleive the number of times I've ended up stuck on the road with no needles, or the wrong needles, etc. Not to mention, I inhereted my grandmother's whole collection when she died, so I've got every needle size in practically every material and style. (Except cable holders - I keep losing my nice, slippy metal ones)

  • 19 years ago

    I am mostly a lurker. Sounds like everyone has lots of projects. I just finished another afghan. Gor yarn to start another. Also I finished a scarf today and have another half done. They do go fast but I am not too fond of them. Also just finished some plain white pot Holders one DIL wants. Now DIL wants me to make some purses with cotton thread. I do keep busy.

  • 19 years ago

    I finished a pair of socks this evening and that makes me happy as they are for ME. Dd liked the last pair and put dibs on them, hers are a blue self-patterning fairisle and mine are beige from the same Fortissima yarn. Washes up so soft.

    I have a beige mohair cardigan. The major pieces are done. The shoulders are seamed, the rest is basted. It's not quite fitting well and I need to un-baste it and make some gussets and sew them in. I *hope* it won't take too long, they only need to be 3" wide. I think. Mostly I hope it works on the fit. Then if it works the neckband and button/buttonhole bands need doing.

    In the car as the "waiting" project is a cotton chenille facecloth, it's 3/4 done.

    Here at home (because I have to look at charts) is the Bed and Breakfast pullover that was in Interweave last winter, mine is dark blue tweed and coming along. Sleeves are done and I'm about 8" into the back. Next up after that will be Old Way Gansey from the current Interweave for dh. The Rowan Calmer has arrived for Shedir, the cabled chemotherapy cap for a friend. And the blue cotton is here for the baby sweater for another pregnant friend.

    And sooooo many others on the "to do" wish list. Matty, that "unbiased" is on my wish list as well. Haven't ordered yarn yet, need to use up what's here first I think. And on the little scraps, if they're wool, I make tiny things to felt with them. Felted catnip mice for my cats or friends cats (felt first leaving a hole, stuff and stitch later). Or ornamental things that could be brooches - flowers and leaves and such. The French Market Bag (see knitty) is a good one for doing some math and sizing it down, I have made bags both in 1/2 of the original dimensions and 1/4, they're all cute. Needs more than a "scrap" though unless you're going to stripe.

    Everyone is making so many different sorts of things, it's fun to hear what you are doing. I am so impressed with afghans, what a major commitment those are.

  • 19 years ago

    Sylvia, I took some short scraps of eyelash yarn and knit a toy for the cat my son is catsitting. It is basically a small square. I let the ends, where I added the next short piece, just hang out for more kitty interest. And I left a 4 feet long tail so he could pull it from that end easily. He says the cat enjoys it. These were the scraps I would have thrown away.

    I just finished two warm hats for my DD and a tube hood/scarf. Now I am knitting the Irish hiking scarf for the catsitting son and will probably also crochet a scrap neckscarf for him or his roommate too. Also in the midst of knitting a toddler sweater with a cute teddybear kangaroo pouch pocket, and a baby sweater. And of course, the tablecloth that I have been crocheting for months and put aside the past few months. I really need to get back to that, but the little projects need to be completed first.

  • 19 years ago

    I am working on a red chenille throw. I bought the yarn about a year ago and finally decided to get with it. I'm glad I did cause it's just beautiful and I am really happy with it. Also, I am working on a purple fun fur scarf for a friend of mine. I usually don't do more than one project at once - I'm afraid if I do I won't finish anything - but I am making an exception with this scarf so I can get that finished. I have lots of ideas for what's ahead and it seems like I am always one project behind. I want to try knitting socks again too and so that's on the future agenda.

  • 19 years ago

    Well, I did a scarf for DD's birthday. Dishcloths constantly, a pair of socks on needles for me, and am almost finished with my wallaby sweater. Yep, for me!!! It's taken me almost a year cause I keep putting that down for someone else. The dish cloths I can do with out thinking about it, so make good car or dr appt projects. The socks do to, as long as I'm not turning the heel and picking up gusset sts. I have yarn for an afghan, a poncho (for me), felted tote bags and for felted slippers for my grandson. And, like all of you, never enough time to do it all in!


  • 19 years ago

    I just finished these. Did not have worsted wt. yarn so used some chunky I had on hand. They are a little roomy, women's size, but maybe it's because I was using the chunky yarn. I'll wear them with socks under.


    There is a small error in the Decrease Row 3--should be

    Here is a link that might be useful: Slipper socks

  • 19 years ago

    Hi everyone, I usually spend time on the garden forums, but I am in a "knitting mood". I am working on an aran sweater for my son. It is quite an ambitious project for my skill level, but a great lady I know helps me out when I get stuck (often). It is about 1/3 done and I am very much enjoying it. Also working on socks for my daughter.

  • 19 years ago

    I'm making another pattern from the knitty
    It's straight forward and making a couple extra to have on hand is easy. I also change colors, designs, patterns and yarns to make totally diff. end products.
    It's a nice basic pattern like a baby's dress that they can wear as a tunic as they grow.

  • 19 years ago

    It's nice to hear about what everybody is working on.

    I just finished my first pair of in-the-round mittens, and they were so easy! That's one major mental hurdle jumped over. My first mittens were flat knit.

    I also recently finished my first felted bag, with my first use of the I-Cord bind off.

    Now I am starting a gauge swatch for an Elsebeth Lavold hat and mitten set from book one of her Viking Knits Collection.

    I am also knitting a simple scarf (gift for a relative) with Online Punta Linie novelty yarn (fuzzy with boucle). It's very soft.

  • 19 years ago haven't posted in so long! I thought you gave up yarn work. Glad you're posting here again.

  • 19 years ago

    Socks, I used the same pattern for my husband that you posted. It fits him, but it still isn't just the right one. He'll have a whole drawer full of slippers before I'm done. I think he must have strange feet. The slippers look just fine until he puts them on and then they pull and stretch in some really odd places. I have even made the same slippers in sizes to fit me and they look and feel great. I'm still working on the one I mentioned before that had no picture. It is a sock type with heel shaping, and is made in two pieces. The first one I made was too big and I had to adjust the pattern. This one looks like it is going to be right. But I think I will try the next pair in one piece on circular needles and I think I'd like a pair too, so I'll have to figure out how to adjust it again.

  • 19 years ago

    Well, Donna, you are having fun with all those slipper socks. When are you going to start regular socks?

  • 19 years ago

    Soon, very soon. I think I've just about convinced myself that I can do it.

  • 19 years ago

    Thanks, Susan (socks)! I have been busy working and getting more and more and more into knitting. For exercise we sometimes travel far to go roller skating (regular and dance) several times a week. I knit while my husband drives.

    I did finish a crocheted afghan for my brother, and a little crocheted shirt for my nephew's baby, but mostly I've been knitting, every chance I get.

    This morning I bought Sweater Wizard. I almost didn't buy it because it's so expensive, but other knitters say they like it so much, and it can be used to create patterns for sweaters in-the-round and to alter existing patterns. I bought a lot of brown Alpaca at the Rhinebeck, New York Sheep and Wool Festival in October, and I want to design a sweater to knit with it. Someone said it's a good idea to incorporate cables in a sweater made with Alpaca, to keep the structure, as Alpaca tends to drape and stretch. I will use a smaller needle with it, too.

    I started my Elsebeth Lavold hat. Fortunately my gauge was spot on this time. It's taken a year of practice for me to get a correct gauge - I used to knit too loosely. The silky wool I'm using is mighty thin, so it takes longer, but it looks great so far. I also bought more red Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande to make a hat and a zigzag scarf to match my mittens.

  • 19 years ago

    I'm usually just a lurker around here, but figured I might as well jump in.

    I'm sort of a beginning knitter, but not really. My grandmother taught me how to knit but I haven't done any knitting for many many years. My DD got a "learn to knit" kit for Christmas, so I had to show her how to do it and now I'm hooked...or I guess re-hooked. I have to force myself to leave DD's project alone.

    I got myself a book called "Learn to Knit Afghan" and I've ordered the yarn for it...can't wait for it to arrive so I can get started. The book recommends using the continental method so I'm trying to re-learn. It does seem like it will be a quicker way to knit once I get the hang of it. I'm planning to go to Walmart this weekend to buy some cheap yarn for just practice ... otherwise I'll end up finishing my DD's project.

  • 19 years ago

    Hi,Another lurker here,I am crocheting hats and knitting scarves in garter stitch using eyelash yarns.

  • 19 years ago

    I finished my Wallaby!!!!! And it fits! I'm still working on my socks, half finished with the second one.

    Socks, those slippers look good.

    Donna, you CAN do socks!

    Racheljean and ladycat, welcome to the board!


  • 19 years ago

    Were do I begin.... Let's see, I have 3 holiday crocheted wreaths going, my 2nd knit sweater started (1st one woulndn't fit over either small child's head) 2 different pairs of animal slippers( 1 knit and 1 crocheted), 2 crocheted blankets, a crocheted witch for Halloween. That is it for the yarn projects. I have cross-stitch ones going also. As everyone can see I get bored with just one project so I have to be able to rotate the current project to keep the interest going. I just bought the 4 pack of knitting looms to try out. I am driving my husband CRAZY with all the yarn and sewing stuff around the house. I am always looking for other things to do at any given time. And I am sure that I haven't listed everything that is going on right now, but on the other hand I have finished many projects.

  • 19 years ago

    I'm knitting on a fifties teenagesweater that I'm going to use in a play. It's really sweet. And I'm working on a pair of blue socks there I'm trying out a new heel. I haven' got so much time to knit that I would like, because I' writing on a big assignment at school that shall be handed in at april 1. (and it is not a joke...)

  • 19 years ago

    I just finished my second pair of socks. Bed socks. Thought if I made them in knitting worsted first it would be easier. I must say, I am rather pleased with myself.

  • 19 years ago

    I've been making scarves out of the Fun Fur and other novelty yarns. The gals at work love them and I'm having fun experimenting with colors and textures. I have a herniated disk and need to walk rather than sit so I hook a plastic Target bag over my arm, drop the yarn in it and walk and out great.

    I'm so anxious to try a felted bag. I have some patterns but haven't been able to find wool yarn locally but that will be my next project.

    Just rediscovered knitting after many years and am loving it. Would like to find a good pattern for slippers for my husband...anyone have one to share? Thanks!

  • 19 years ago

    I just finished a poncho for 10 yr old GD out of chenile yarn and I love it.It is so soft.
    I'm now working on one for my 5yr old GD.
    It's going very well although it's a different pattern than the first one.
    Will post pictures when I get my camera back.

    Eliza ann

  • 19 years ago

    Tami,what's a wallaby..inquiring minds want to know?

    Eliza ann

  • 19 years ago

    A Wallaby is a sweater with a hood and a pouch in front. Tami made a nice dark red one for her daughter, too, if I remember correctly. I frogged my Irish Hiking Scarf and restarted it with size 6 needles (versus size 4). It's less thick and springy now. Both needle sizes work, but I use up less yarn this way. I also am working on a Fiber Trends eyelet scarf in Noro Kureyon - wonderful colors!

  • 19 years ago

    Thanks Wendy for explaining what a wallaby was.I've knit a few of those over the years for the kids and grandkids,just wasn't familiar with that name.Now I know!
    Eliza ann

  • 19 years ago

    Wendy, what does that mean, you "frogged your Irish Hiking Scarf? You started it over with size 6 needles? What kind of yarn are you using with size 6? I'm using a 7 with worsted (Wool Ease), and the scarf is almost done. It's a fun scarf.

    Do you think the scarf could be a gift for a woman, or is it too masculine? The color I made is called wheat I think. I'm going to fringe it.

  • 19 years ago

    Susan, I "ribbited" it out! Actually, I'm knitting from one to another, unraveling stitches from one as I knit the other. You're almost done? Nice! I am using Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande. I think they recommend a US 10 1/2 size needle, but I used a much smaller needle because the yarn is fluffy yet can go thin (when you pinch it) and I read that it's good to use smaller needles to knit with alpaca so the knitted fabric keeps its shape better and for better cable definition.
    Size 4 needles made the edges curl a little too much, and took a lot more yarn to get to the same length with the sixes.
    I think it's great for a woman. I love the way the cables drape around the neck. Mine is in red. Your wheat color must really show off the cables. I think I won't fringe mine. the slight curliness from the cables on the ends is fine for me right now. I've read where someone made a ribbing on the ends, too. I've also thought of using a tied fringe, where you put on regular fringe, then tie part of one fringe clump to part of another, then back again, and so on.

    It's a great pattern, and it makes me want to my own scarf, with different cables.

  • 19 years ago

    I just finished crocheting a large heart centerpiece for my kitchen table.
    Now I'm working on a bedspread for my Granddaughter. I'm using the afghan stitch. She loves butterflies, birds and red roses.
    My on hold project is a crocheted round tablecloth.

    Here is a link that might be useful: My photos

  • 19 years ago

    I've only recently come back to knitting after letting the craft go even since I stopped knitting scarves and socks for my kids, the youngest of whom is nearly 40. For some reason, I never picked it up for the grandkids.

    But now I'm back and working on a knit hat to match a scarf I just finished--shades of gray with a silver thread running through. I made one of those fun fur scarves and love it, plus some others that were pretty beginnerish so I've kept them for myself. But as my skill returns, I'm looking around for "real" projects.

    I've also come back to sewing after a hiatus of many years. I just finished some draperies and have several similar projects simmering. I'll do those in the summer when I have more time (I teach, so time right now is pretty scant.)

  • 19 years ago

    Hi Pidge! Fancy meeting you here! :-)

    I'm about to start an eyelash scarf in a deep purply blue. I have a bunch of irridescent gold beads and I'm going to work them in kindof randomly all over. Gotta start stringing them all first.

  • 19 years ago

    Linda, stunning work! The heart is really a masterpiece. You are very good at detailed work.


  • 19 years ago

    I am sewing "mile a minute" afghan strips together.
    It seems to be taking forever.

  • 19 years ago

    Thank you so much. I thoroughly enjoy working filet patterns.
    Linda from PA

  • 19 years ago

    Linda - I ran across a pattern in English for {{gwi:1572649}},. and thought you might like it. Do you knit, too?

    Here is a link that might be useful: Fanoedugen Doily Pattern (Knit with Crochet Edge)

  • 19 years ago

    Hi all! I finished several projects and have moved on to a matching purse (for mom --to match her baby's anouk I made from the knitty), a made a superfun and pink fuzzy felted purse for myself, and now I am knitting up a super warm shawl for myself to keep on my computer chair and snuggle as I surf the web!!! My goal is to chew down some of my yarn stash so I don't have to feel quite as guilty when I give in to my next yarn bash.

    I saw someone looking for slipper patterns....
    I don't have the addy but do a search under knit a longs and there is currently a great knit along for slippers with loads of free patterns for you. Hope this helps. I like looking at the knit a longs as it gives great ideas and different color/yarn combos.

    Also for my next quick projects am thinking of making stripey pocket pals
    a skele fish (cool glow in the dark one)
    and a few free toy patterns (love Monty the Monkey)on sullivan knitting yarns site
    to help use up some of my yarn stash and make it a bit of fun. Happy knitting/crocheting all!

  • 19 years ago


    That Pocket Pal is so cute. I can just see a toddler carrying that around. Let us know if you make it. I read through the directions, and there was one thing I did not understand ((when you encounter the tan color, cut yarn and save the tan color yarn for hands, feet and head. join next color where you left off).

    Thanks for sharing. Your description of your home and your lifestyle is inspiring.

  • 18 years ago

    Hi, I am pretty new to this forum (usually sign in on the Laundry Forum). Have just started knitting again after many years. Current projects:
    Mittens for my daughter: Lamb's Pride heather gray wool/mohair, cable on front, having trouble with the decreasing at the top, however. :o(
    Scarf for my daughter: Moda-Dea Eden yarn (nylon, thick-and-thin), two colors knit as one, verrrrrry soft and fuzzy, reminds me of angora
    Afghan for my mother: Lion's Pride bulky chenille, about half done
    I am really liking making the mittens (5 needles!!!!!) but I must be reading the pattern incorrectly on the decreasing at the top of the mitten because it is lopsided. But that is another thread.

  • 2 years ago

    Im trying to fine a knitted pattern for slippers they look like they are knitted twice they say they are very easy to make but I dont have a pattern and I am looking for one if possible

  • 2 years ago

    you might try looking on You will need to register, but it is free. There are lots of free and pay patterns available there.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    I am making an adorable little purse for my grand daughter. It comes with 4 or 5 little mini dolls. Mostly, I make dolls but need to do something different now and then. Well, sort of different!

  • last year

    I’m on the last piece (sleeve) of a heavily cabled cardigan for a friend’s toddler. I was up to the sleeves when my charity knitting group had an emergency appeal for hats, socks and mittens for Ukranian refugees in Poland, so it was put to one side for a while. Now it’s nearly done 😁

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    I don't like them, either! But to each his own as they say. I like steel needles and only buy and use those. I also crochet as well. I don't care to make sweaters, shawls, or anything clothing-wise, I used to but lost interest in doing that. Now I stick with making dolls. However, I happily don't mind making doll clothes.