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Yarn Score at Goodwill!

16 years ago

Wow, the Goodwill had a ton of super good yarn yesterday! I even got 'A Year of Afghans #3' Crochet book for $1.50.

It was a huge bag of yarn for $3.99. It included Jamie Baby Ombre blues, even Dazzle Airs! I have even gotten really good vintage wools and angoras at thrift stores.

If you have thrift stores in your area, I highly suggest checking them out. You may be surprised!

Comments (8)

  • 16 years ago

    Woo hoo!! Congrats on your great find!!

    I love thrift stores, although I've never found any yarn or even needles at ours... someone must beat me to them! But I'm ever hopeful and I do look. I did find a huge bag of knitting needles at a barn sale and that was great -- I scored some really nice needles and crochet hooks. I know some people buy thrift store sweaters made with good yarn and frog them for the yarn but I haven't done that yet.

    Have fun with your new yarn!!

  • 16 years ago

    House sales are another good place. A friend of mine does appraisals and she knows I knit. She called to tell me about the sale, and said they had a lot of yarn....which, turned out to be an understatement! I went the next morning and they must have had 30 garbage bags full of yarn....and, each was $3.00 or 4.00. Luckily they had them divided up into like yarns, which was great. I left the synthetic ones(bought one for my neighbor who makes Xmas ornaments and pot holders) but bought for myself all the wools, mohair and cottons. I can't remember how many bags I bought, but it was probably 6 or so. Also included in the bags were sweaters, etc, that the lady had started and not finished....still on the needles. As they were wool, I was able to finish them, and block to fit me...all that most required was sewing up, and perhaps a front plaque and the neck finished...all things that didn't really require a pattern. One bag had the parts of a crocheted afghan.... 4 long stips that only required sewing together. The skirts I sewed up at one end, rounding off the corners, put on a strap 'handle', and then felted them....presto...a bag. I'll probably never have another windfall as good as this one was!

  • 16 years ago

    ***Sigh*** You are so lucky!!

    I love thrift stores too. Mostly I end up with needles for .99 to 1.99 a set.

    The garbage bag boutique at the estate sale makes me jealous!!!

    My DH's grandmother who taught me to knit recently gave to me a garbage can full of different yarns. All different kinds. Making mittens and hats now for Christmas!
    It is such fun to recieve a lucky find such as these.

    Happy Hunting!

  • 16 years ago

    Oh dear, I'm afraid that one day my yarn and needle stashes will be someone's lucky haul at Goodwill! DD knits but doesn't seem to have much time for it and has her own stashes. I just gave a lot of my MIL's straight needles and yarn to the senior center. I hope it's made several knitters happy.

  • 16 years ago

    threejsmom - You better believe that our Sr. Center knit/crochet group is more than grateful for donated yarn. A good part of the finished products go towards donations at the hospital and local agencies.

  • 16 years ago

    My best score was 9 skeins of Unger's 100% silk fingering yarn from the early 60's. For a dollar!! There was part of a sweater with them --- I haven't thrown it away yet. But I wonder if I can frog it and get the "crimp" out of the yarn after almost 50 years!!!

    I'm going to blend it with gray alpaca fingering yarn that I found on clearance and make a pair socks. I've had that yarn for almost 20 years myself!


  • 16 years ago

    I once found a huge bag of yarn at a thrift store. i bought it and brought it home, but , looking closely it was very thin, not even like sport yarn. It was so thin I had no idea how to use it. I considered using two balls together but even that was still thin, and awkward for me. I ended up giving it away to a charity. Hope the next person wasn't as unhappy as I was with it!

  • 2 years ago

    I am looking for all colored yarn.does anyone know where I can get it at a cheap price I can afford.