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Pics of kitchen island to open dining room?

13 years ago

Hello, I've been getting good GW advice on my new kitchen layout and incorporating it into my plan. We're moving away from the U shape towards an island that rhome drew out for me. My question is this:

Our kitchen is one room with our dining area, and I was wondering, will it look odd to have an island, and just a few feet away a dining room table? Anyone have any pics they would be willing to share?

Thank you, I appreciate all the help here!

Comments (43)

  • 13 years ago

    We have a breakfront at the end of our island that faces the dining room. It is higher than the island and blocks any cooking mess while we are sitting at the dining table. I'm super glad we did that.

    I didn't see the drawing that rhome did for you so I'm not sure if would be an option for you, but here are a few pics of our island next to our dining room table.

  • 13 years ago

    Your kitchen is beautiful! Do you have any more pictures?

  • 13 years ago

    Thank you so much lavender. :) I don't have any "finished" pics, but I do have some from last Christmas and a few before/after shots from right when we were finishing up (over a year ago!). Even after more than a year we still need to fix cracked grout, fix cracks at the crown and complete all of the lighting.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Christmas 2009 pics

  • 13 years ago

    Sorry to hijack this thread, but Cali_Wendy - where did you get your table? We are looking for one similar? Thanks!!!

    Sorry I don't have any pictures, but we have one big open kitchen, with a 9 ft island and a large rectangle kitchen table - side by side and it's not squished looking at all.

  • 13 years ago

    From Cost Plus World Market. It is the Verona Trestle Table.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Verona Trestle Table

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks Cali!!

  • 13 years ago

    Nhbaskets- Lovely kitchen. I like the wood around the perimeter, with the lighter island. Very nice contrast :)

    Cali wendy- Great photos from Christmas. Your home is so open and inviting, but still warm and cozy. That's not always easy to achieve...well done!

    I have a question, though, do you have any problem with your cooktop on the island? I have thought of doing something similar, but have many nieces and nephews who come to visit. Maybe if the counter area were raised like the china display...that would keep little fingers away from the hot pots and pans. Does all one level work well for you?

    I like your table, too. Looks great with the chairs. I also love your light fixture over the dining table! Do you mind if I asked you where you found it? It would be nice to see if they have any other fixtures that coordinate with it :)

  • 13 years ago

    Blondie - We opened up the wall between the living room and dining room and have an island in our kitchen. Island runs perpendicular to the table and are about 6 feet apart. I considered what cali_wendy did, with the higher piece on the end, but decided not to because I ended up with a island modeled after a table with seating on three sides. I too was worried about table to table overload - but it really works well and looks nice. If you want a photo I can post it, just let me know.

  • 13 years ago

    Thank you so much, Lavender. I appreciate the compliments.

    Well, the cooktop in the island isn't the preferred location for many on this forum. I have to say, however, that it has worked well for us. I do have a 5-year old daughter who sits at the island a lot for crafts, painting and homework. She does usually sit in one of the spots furthest away from the cooktop though.

    She has never been one of those kids who gets into things or who would grab a hot pot off the cooktop so it wasn't a concern for me.

    The thing I like about all one level on the island is that I get more usable prep space that way and I also use the island a lot for casual buffet-style entertaining.

    That said, if I had a bigger kitchen and no limits on space or layout, I would have had my cooktop on the perimeter with an overhead hood. We have a telescoping downdraft for ventilation and although I think it works fine for our needs, there is no doubt that overhead venting is superior.

    For us, windows were a bigger priority than venting and I always have my French doors open and love having the connection to the outdoors. If I could have had a perimeter cooktop, island dedicated to prep, double ovens and a bigger pantry IN ADDITION to all of my windows, that would have been perfection for me.

    It is really all about priorities and what will work best for your needs. I hope I have given some insight into why I chose our layout.

    The chandelier is from Pottery Barn.

    Sorry about the hijack, Blondie. I hope some others post more islands open to the dining room. :)

    Nhbaskets, I really love how you trimmed out the opening between your two rooms. It is lovely.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Pottery Barn Veranda Round Chandelier

  • 13 years ago

    Cali wendy- Thanks for the info on the chandelier...yours is prettier with the decorations you added :)

    As for the island, you make some very good points. Maybe a perimeter cooktop would be a better choice. With nieces and nephews, you can't always guarantee they will behave as well, as if they were your own children!

    More prep space on the island sounds like a good idea and I like the possiblity of using it as a buffet area. It's so nice to talk to someone, who has actually finished their remodel and is using the space!

  • 13 years ago

    Sparklekitty, I can't find any pics of your kitchen although I found your pendant lighting thread. What did you end up with? Love your options. Would love to see pictures of your island. We still have silver covers on the ceiling where pendants should be!

  • 13 years ago

    Ours is open to two dining spaces and the layout really works for us. My before and afters are linked below.

    And yes, every time I see Wendy's kitch my heart flutters. Love that window!

  • 13 years ago

    Oh thanks, Lavender. I love all of the extra adornments at Christmastime.

    I know what you mean about kids. I would love to have a fancier dining set with upholstered chairs. My daughter is pretty good about not spilling too often, but we have friends over a lot with kids who are super messy. Just not ready to go there yet with nice furniture! Come to think of it, my dad is pretty messy too! ;)

    There is so much to think about with layout. Take your time and get lots of expert advice here on the forum. Good luck!

  • 13 years ago

    Thank you all for your input, the pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them. I am about to start a new thread with my improved floorplan and would love it if you would weigh in on it.

  • 13 years ago

    Ah, thanks so much sabjimata. :) We need your link!

  • 13 years ago

    Whoops. Pregnancy brain!

    Here is a link that might be useful: my before and after pics

  • 13 years ago

    Cali_wendy - I am still waiting for the replacement pendants to come in (the first were damaged :( and of course in perpetual back splash limbo...and the open shelves made for dolls (scale off - too small) that need to be dealt with. When the pendants get installed I will post the "nearly complete" kitchen. I put the large ORB prismatic pendant over the sink and I am really happy.

    Blondie - the decisions never end (ugh.. the back splash.) Be happy you are asking for help early on. I found GW early, but the courage to post late. I will look for your floorplan.

  • 13 years ago

    Here are some pictures, I hope they help you visualize your
    own space. You are on the right track with Rhome's help.
    I don't think it will look odd at all. I think you can
    create a beautiful space with a table and island in the
    same space.

  • 13 years ago

    Thank you so much, boxerpups, those pictures really make me excited about the change in direction that rhome set me on. And since I never looked at islands before, this is a whole new treat for me!

  • 13 years ago

    Sparklekitty, looking forward to seeing your photos!

    Boxer, those are some really beautiful examples. You never cease to amaze me. :)

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks, I needed a bit of kindness today. Hijacking
    and O/T I have had a horrific week at work.
    Yes, it is only Tuesday. I work with some cruel people and
    I keep trying to rise above the mess. Float like a Lily I
    tell myself but there are some days I wish I could quit.

    Gardenweb has been my escape from the hellish job. And
    all I do is post some kitchen eye candy to share
    and a friendly soul like you says some thing kind that I
    am reminded why I love GW. I could just cry.
    Truly you made my evening.
    And I am honored to help out people with visual ideas.
    Everyone here is so sweet.

  • 13 years ago


    I feel for you. I have had a similar situation as yours at work. Stay put; things will change for better. You are correct, you take the high road and float like a lily. Don't forget for all the cruel folks at work, you have tons of friends here who absolutely admire you!

  • 13 years ago

    Hang in there, boxerpups. You rock!

    You, too, homey_bird :)

  • 13 years ago

    We did just that....knocked out a wall to open up and create one dining area.......

  • 13 years ago

    Lavender Lass and homeybird,

    Now here are a few more kitchens that open to an eat in
    area. Totally beautiful.

  • 13 years ago

    I am so sorry the week is going badly for you. Sounds like you are doing all you can to stay above the fray, but when people are nasty it is so bad. I am glad you took the time to share with us, and know good thoughts and cheer is being sent your way. Thank you for all you add to GW! You are wonderful.
    Also thank you for the great pictures!

  • 13 years ago

    Oh Boxer, I'm sorry you are having a hard time at work. Mean people take so much out of us. It is such an awful way to expend energy. Just know that all of your kindness and generosity here on GW will come full circle for you. Hang in there and I really hope your week turns around for you.

    And, thank you for even more beautiful images to admire.

    ~Wendy :)

  • 13 years ago

    Oh, boxerpups, I've been there, too. It does get better but knowing that doesn't always help when you're smack in the middle of it. Perhaps this stress management visualization technique that my dad shared with me will help you.

    Picture yourself near a stream.

    Birds are chirping softly in the crisp, cool mountain air.

    Nothing can bother you.

    No one knows your secret place.

    You are in total seclusion from that place called "the world."

    The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.

    The water is clear.

    You can easily make out the face of the person whose head you're holding under the water.

    There now . . . feeling better?


  • 13 years ago

    Love that second picture! There's something about a banquette on one side of the dining table that is so elegant, yet cozy.

    Here's a picture of one of my "dream kitchens" but I don't need the fireplace in the corner of the cabinets! LOL A simple ceiling, with maybe a few beams, would be more my style, too. I do like the warm white and blue...and the tile backsplash around the sink.

    Add a banquette/dining table and chairs off the the right and maybe a couple of overstuffed chairs around a wood stove...that's pretty much it. Oh, and change the stools, to the ones in the last photo, above :)

    Here is a link that might be useful:

  • 13 years ago

    I thought I posted this before, but my comments don't seem to show up. Our current plan is for the new open kitchen to have a huge island between two dining spaces, one with a banquette. The two dining spaces works for us now with a more closed-off kitchen, and we can't seem to find the nerve to do without one of the tables.

    Boxerpups--I'm sending you my thanks for the help you've been to me here without even knowing it. You've never posted images directly to me (I haven't needed anything like that....yet), but I benefit from every pic of granite, or island, or color, or cabinet you post. I'm a visual person, and your images have helped me form new ideas that I didn't know existed. I had a job 10 years ago that I hated too. Every minute at work seems to take an eternity when you are miserable. I'm thinking of you!


  • 13 years ago

    Hey BoxerPups....hang in there! You know you can always come "see" us when you need to!

    (Sorry for the momentary hijack)

  • 13 years ago

    Breezy, Buehl, Cali-wendy,Blondi, You are all so sweet.
    Lisa A-I love your dad's visualization. I am using it.

  • 13 years ago

    It's very cool to look at all these photos together. What I see is that the views I like best have very great differences in the style of the counter seating and the table seating. I've always shied away from the too-many-chairs look, and didn't want counter seating in the same line of sight as the table seating. But when they are totally different, the too-many-chairs look ceases to be an issue--at least to my eye. Very helpful!

  • 13 years ago

    I'm glad you like it, boxerpups! It's the least I can do to repay you for your fabulous photo finding generosity.

    Years and years ago, I was in a really bad situation with the executive director of the treatment house where I worked. I had to tread carefully or lose my job, not an easy task. I took to taking long bike rides in the country where I had plenty of time to visualize her face beneath my bike tires again and again and again and again and again.... It didn't solve anything but it sure made me grin like a silly fool.

    Laughter is a fabulous stress reliever. Imaginary revenge isn't far behind. ;-) Here's hoping for better days ahead.

  • 13 years ago

    Here's another pic. I love the set up!


  • 13 years ago

    Erin- Here's the thread :)

  • 13 years ago

    We knocked out to two walls to open up a family room/kitchen and laundry. I love the table open to the kitchen. I realize such a large cavernous space isn't for everyone, but we absolutely LOVE it and find the space comforting that you can always see eachother, whether prepping dinner, studying at the table, or reading on the couch.

    P.S. Boxer~ your time, talent and organization skills are such a gift to this forum! Really a true GIFT! We all call on you when we need a perfect picture because you always have the right ones. It's a sad day that someone somewhere doesn't recognize something special when they see it--don't let that job get you down. Come visit us here where we think....YOU ROCK! (loving that wood counter with the thick brackets!)

  • 13 years ago

    HaHaHa... as soon as I heard this OP's question and her request for photos, I thought to myself, "Wait till BoxerPups strolls by, she'll have all kinds of perfect photos." And then I scrolled down .....

    Boxer, don't let those jerks at work get to you. We are so lucky to have you in our little GW world. (pouring a little Johnny Walker Black...) Here you go, Dearie.

    Cali-Wendy, I love the way you turned your chandy into Christmas. So very clever. I have a simliar light sitting in a box waiting for the electrician to install tomorrow. Now I know what do to with my red berries at Christmas that I never found the right home for.

    Lisa, I'm rolling on the floor with Breezy. What a hoot. Can I use it too? I work with a lot of clients who work with cruel people like Boxer and sometimes there isn't anything else that fits.

    Blondie, I'll go look for your other thread. Be sure to tell us what you end up with!

  • 13 years ago

    sparklekitty: I too look forward to seeing the photos of your island. It sounds like the island I'm trying to design right now: I want to basically turn one side into the main dining "table", rather than have a separate table in a nearby space.

  • 13 years ago

    Cali-wendy, your home looks like the place to be for Christmas. I'm flying in on the 23rd, please have my room ready. I'll make cranberry-tangerine scones on Christmas morning :-)

    BoxerPups, I don't know what kind of work you do, but you have the soul of a poet. You should be writing in a mountaintop airie or something, not slogging away with a bunch of mean-spirited backstabbers. Perhaps you can take all of the advice given to Rhome about blogging, and start an online getaway for the rest of us (who knows, maybe you already have!). That's what your posts are like to me -- a little fresh-air getaway, an escape.

  • 13 years ago

    Of course you may use it, newcastlemom!

    I really need to stop visiting this thread because each time I do, my kitchen reno plans grow more extensive and expensive! LOL

  • 13 years ago

    Your kitchen is gorgeous. I am especially interested in your island as I don't see a hood over the range. Do you have a downdraft? I plan to open up my kitchen to the dining room and the range will be facing the dining room. I would like to see pictures of those with island hoods. Since my kitchen is small, I am concerned that it might be too obtrusive. A downdraft is not an option for me. Thank you to anyone who might have suggestions, ideas or comments to my predicament.