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Cabinet installation cost (not including cabinets themselves)

9 years ago

We are remodeling our kitchen (complete gut and changing layout) and have finally settled on a design we like. We are buying semi-custom Schrock cabinets (a total of 19 boxes plus moulding, toe kick, etc) for $13K. What shocked us was the cost for the installation, $2750. That is over 21% of the cost of the cabinets. I had heard 10% was a rule of thumb, or the idea that cabinet boxes are about $100 a piece. We were expecting more along the lines of $1500-1800. Are we completely out of touch with reality or do you think the cost of the install is high? I know there are regional cost fluctuations, we live in eastern Massachusetts.

Comments (25)

  • 9 years ago

    Depends on the complexity of the overall design, how level things are, how many pieces of molding are in that compound molding, whether that includes appliances or appliance panel installs. 10% would be low, 25% would be high. Most will be somewhere in between.

    schiari211 thanked User
  • 9 years ago

    we also had 19 cabinets installed. the demo and install cost was $3 k. install was just for the cabinets, no drywall, electrical, plumbing. our cabinets were 8k so our install cost to cabinet ratio was even higher percentage. the kitchen place did the install and was slightly higher than a quote from an independent contractor but i felt it would be better to have the same place that ordered my cabinets do the install.

    if you live in a state with sales tax (i live in ny) you can save the sales tax if the place that orders your cabs does the install because it falls under the capital home improvement category vs hiring each piece out yourself is not considered a capital HI. so with the savings of sales tax, it was a wash to have the kitchen place do the install. hope this helps!

    schiari211 thanked adoiron
  • 9 years ago

    Well within the norm of a modern well detailed kitchen. A small builder kitchen, with no moldings would be sub 1K, but barely.

    schiari211 thanked User
  • 9 years ago

    schiari - I live in Western Ma, am in the middle of a gut changed layout remodel and my install is $8550. I have 23 boxes, including 54 inch stacked uppers and a custom range hood vent that added to the cost, but I don't think $2750 is out of whack for the area.

    schiari211 thanked devonfield
  • 9 years ago

    Thanks everyone. I guess we just weren't very accurate in our estimate. These are a very simple cabinet design (Schrock Denton - flat panel, painted, no significant detailing, the smallest crown moulding, 1.5-2" I believe, no custom range hood, we have fairly low ceiling so uppers are 33" tall). We have a GC doing the work. All construction, plumbing, most of the electrical, installing appliances etc. is included in his fee but he doesn't install the cabinets.

    How long does it take to install kitchen cabinets? I had assumed it would be 2-3 people for one day. Maybe that is also a poor estimate on my part? There aren't that many parts involved (other than the cabinets I'm already paying for), so the bulk of this seems to be labor.

  • 9 years ago

    Time wise it is a slower process than expected and one that you wouldn't want rushed. I would expect a minimum of three days, one for uppers, one for base cabinets and one for trim and moldings. It is a tedious process especially if there is a leveling issue.

    schiari211 thanked devonfield
  • 9 years ago

    Okay then. Well, it's good to know that the installation cost quoted by our kitchen designer seems fair. We definitely want the install done right by experienced professionals. Thanks so much for you advice and feedback, everyone!

  • 9 years ago

    Our estimates in the SF Bay Area came in around $4k.

  • PRO
    9 years ago

    The last thing you want is a cheap cabinet installation. This is well within reasonable. Insist they use these. They may squawk at first, but they'll thank you later.

  • 9 years ago

    Treb, those look fascinating. Can you explain their use in depth?

  • PRO
    9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The great thing about them is the installer's ability "gang" cabinets together before attaching them to the wall, because they can be adjusted from the front. It's nearly impossible to shim the bottom rear of a ganged cabinet. Ganging makes flushing faces and tops easy and foolproof, and ganged cabinets are straight, making it nearly impossible to follow a crooked wall. Cabinets must be installed on plane to each other in addition to being plumb and level to avoid varying top overhangs, racking, and improper appliance reveals.

    Additionally, these get the cabinet bottoms, often particleboard or MDF, off the floor, preventing moisture wicking and subsequent swelling. Unlike wood shims, they are non-compressive. The ability to exactly fine tune the lower cabinets will make for a superior countertop installation by reducing or eliminating shim use. A dead-level top just made the tile splash look great too.

  • 9 years ago

    Many years ago, when I was about 9-1/2 months pregnant with my first child (now 30), we hired "a guy" to install cabinets we had purchased from some discount builders places. Well, said "guy" was shall we say under the influence. The house was a very old Victorian, and the ceiling and floor were not level. He lined up all the base cabinets with the sloping floor and then lined up the uppers with the lowers LOL. My poor husband had to take them all out and redo it (very well I might add). The point is, hire someone who knows what they're doing (or DIY if you know what you're doing) and yes, you'll probably pay a little extra for it!!

  • PRO
    9 years ago

    The super-neato patented EZ-roller thingamajigs won't work on cabinets with furniture feet. Please somebody invent something for that situation. Scribing such cabinets to unlevel floors makes $100 per box look like carfare.

  • 9 years ago

    IKEA just quoted me $4800 to install $6000 with of cabinets. Needless to say I am looking for a different installer...

  • 9 years ago

    cmcamp does that include assembly too? Or just install?

  • 9 years ago

    I'm in midddle of having 24 ikea cabinets built and installed. Including installing the moulding and handles my installer is charging me 3085.00 when he first started his bid was for 2400. He just came back to me with its taking longer than expected I have to charge u extra I would fight him on it but I know he will just leave me with a half finished kitchen and I don't want to deal with it at this point.

  • 9 years ago

    Assembly and install but not connecting electric or plumbing at all. We are willing to help with some assembly to cut our cost but Tremand(IKEA) won't allow that. Heffer569, how many hours does it seem to be taking? I have one person who will estimate and charge for the job only and one who charges hourly.

  • 9 years ago

    It has taken them about 5-6 working days 2 guys but they are slooooow and they keep leaving and coming back and they still haven't finished I only used them cause they are custom cabinet builders who have built custom vanities for me but I don't think I would use them again cause in hindsight I really think u should hire someone who has done ikea kitchens before

  • 9 years ago

    hi schiari211, can you post a floor plan.

  • 9 years ago

    We have just finished having Schrock cabinets installed this month. Have 20 cabinets with pullouts, super susans , light moulding, crown, and toe kick. Charge was $12,900,for cabinets. Installation with additional work around pipes was $3,000. I am on Long Island (near "The Hamptons"). Second estimate was very similar. The real surprise was, one man did the whole installation. Said he had been doing it 30 years and almost always did it without a helper. You can tell when someone is REALLY good at their job. Counter went in perfectly, we are very pleased.

  • 9 years ago

    I am thinking we can get some local installers much cheaper. I worry that they won't know IKEA but since IKEA is so DIY focused I am guessing it shouldn't matter.

  • PRO
    9 years ago

    We charge around 3k for installs of our cabinetry... more if we're traveling... 2 guys, 2 days.

  • PRO
    9 years ago

    "IKEA just quoted me $4800 to install $6000 with of cabinets."


    You do realize that the cost of your cabinets is completely irrelevant to the cost of installation?

    "I am thinking we can get some local installers much cheaper."

    Oh, I promise you can get cabinets installed more cheaply, in fact, the longer you shop, the lower the price will go. Price shoppers, as opposed to value shoppers, are Craigslist's lawful prey. Good luck.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    It's probably because you have to put their cabinets together...I can't believe people have the patience for it.