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preventing scratches on induction cooktop

8 years ago

I noticed yesterday I already have some scratches on this new range that I've hardly used. Haven't used anything but clad cookware with bottom as smooth as a baby's butt. I don't recall sliding any pans around. Are these cooktops especially delicate? More so than the 15 year old electric smooth top I replaced that wasn't scratched? What do I need to know about preventing scratches?

Comments (15)

  • 8 years ago

    It's definitely scratched. It sounds like you're saying no one should set anything on it like a cup or bowl taken from the microwave and salt and sugar will scratch this. If that is the case then it is certainly fragile and delicate - much more so than the old electric range.

  • 8 years ago

    Cups and bowls may have much harder glass or ceramic than the Ceran that the cooktops are made with. Unless they are also baby bottom smooth, dragging them will likely cause scratches. Best is to not use the cooktop as a work area, at least without some underlying protection, and if moving pans around while cooking is contributing, try using something under them to protect the surface, such as paper or silicone rubber.

  • 8 years ago

    Buy a cooktop cleansing creme available at Sears or online. You rub it on and buff it off like car wax. It cleans off gunk you can't even see and polishes it while adding a bit of protection. You can also use parchment paper under questionable pans. Taking sheet pans out of the oven and placing on top could scratch so lay down newspaper or parchment first if this is an induction unit.

  • 8 years ago

    Wow - didn't realize I needed to put parchment or silicone under everything I place on the cooktop. I have cooktop cleansing cream. I will rub it down with that if it has some protective effect. I'll put a placemat on top of it when not in use in case DH sets something down when using the microwave.

    I do really like the induction so will adapt to the need to baby the top of it. Good thing DH doesn't cook much. Might be difficult to get him to adhere to that approach.

    I remember reading a post from someone else here about the scratching before I bought this range so not a complete surprise but I didn't think it would happen so quickly and without doing anything obvious that would cause it.

  • 8 years ago

    I've had my unit for maybe 10 years and there are no scratches that I can see. And I certainly don't baby it. I don't use cast iron, but that's only because I don't have any that I would use over my tri-ply.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't baby mine that much and scratches are minimal after 10'years., mostly on the SS trim not the glass. The creme takes off residue that gets baked on; I wipe down daily with water or windex or similar but an almost invisible layer of gunk creates a film over the most used burners. My manual never cautioned about salt but sugar, if spilled and not wiped up promptly, can melt under a pan and pit the glass apparently. I know when I am not home DH is not using paper or being cautious. You can cook with parchment between the cooktop and pan. You can even do so with newspaper which I do for messy jobs just to speed up cleaning but not for frying because the heat will scorch the newsprint.

  • 8 years ago

    Maybe Electrolux is not as durable as other brands. What do people have who have no visible scratches?

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I have a basic Bosch induction cooktop going on three years old, and I cannot say that I have been at all careful with it, with one exception -- I do use this great silicone mat under my massive Staub Dutch oven, and under any fry pan I intend to shake, like sautéed veg. Nary a scratch. So far.

    Good luck. Hope the scratches come out. It shouldn't matter whether it is induction or regular; Schott Ceran is, to the best of my knowledge, the only game in town, whether you are using Electrolux or Bosch or anything else. Someone correct me if I am wrong?

  • 8 years ago

    From the time I bought it to when it failed after 7 years, my Kenmore Electrolux clone acquired no scratches. My Frigidaire Electrolux is only a year old, but for the record it also has no scratches. Both have been used with silicone pads.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I also have a Bosch, a little over 2 years - same experience as MizLizzie.

    MizLizzie, does that mat leave any kind of film on the cooktop? Does the mat stay pristine? (We used to use Matfer Exopat sheets, but they left a white haze, and also got black themselves)..

  • 8 years ago

    Schott Ceran is, to the best of my knowledge, the only game in town,

    I believe Samsung, at least, uses their own version. I noticed that there are many, many more complaints about scratching and how hard cleaning is with the samsung glass topped ranges compared to others, so I looked and there is nowhere in their documentation that includes the Schott Ceran trademark or any mention of their company, which is usually in the fine print in the back of manuals and such.

    So if they can clone it, I guess others might also.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Very weird - I guess encouraging that this isn't a common problem. I looked at the manual and the only thing it said was not to slide pans. I have never done that intentionally but sometimes they've slid unintentionally because the cooktop and the pans are so smooth. However when that happened I didn't end up with scratches. It did say to clean it with the cleaner that came with the range (nothing came with it) to protect it which I didn't read or do until you guys mentioned it. The current scratches aren't going to come out but they aren't that bad. I just don't want to have more. Also bought some parchment paper tonight. I was thinking maybe I need to dust it off before I use it in case there's some inconspicuous abrasive particles on it.

    We'll see how it goes with all my precautions. If I didn't like the induction so much I would probably be very annoyed by all this.

  • 8 years ago

    Mine is like kaseki's. Kenmore Electrolux clone. I just took the cleansing creme to it since I have neglected it of late. There are a few (maybe 4) very tiny faint scratches in the lower right quadrant, probably all from the same pan or whatever caused them. A few scratches in the SS trim. About 10 years old. There is also an impression of water spots, not really full on spots but like a hint.

  • 8 years ago

    >>>>MizLizzie, does that mat leave any kind of film on the cooktop?

    No, it doesn't. Maybe a slight gray film if left down a while, but my pots and pans will do that too, sometimes. Nothing that won't come off with the usual swipe of straight, white vinegar. The mag can get kind of grubby, but it has always washed off with a quick scrub of Dawn or, if you have room, it can be thrown in the dishwasher so long as you're careful about how you place it. Honestly, it has been a godsend for cast iron cooking, and I only learned about it here because someone on the Kitchen Forum recommend it.