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How often do you use your fireplace?

6 years ago

Ours is not in a room that we spend much time in, so we don't use ours as often as we would otherwise, but how often do you use your fireplace?

VOTE and tell us about it in the comments!

Every day
Once a week
Once a month
Once a year
Other - Tell us below!

Comments (75)

  • 6 years ago

    New England home. We have bought two homes here. In both, the first improvement was to add a wood burning stove. We use it every night to heat the house. When the power went out for days, the neighbors gathered at our house to stay warm.

    I wouldn't live without one. Only way to stay warm in a New England winter.

  • 6 years ago

    I use mine a lot. It's a small house, but it has all my necessities: a fireplace, a patio, two bedrooms and one-and-a-half baths. Cozy.

  • 6 years ago

    Belahn, we had one in our Tampa home. We used it with candles in it and I loved it. To each her own!!

  • 6 years ago

    We have a direct vent gas fireplace and use it once per week on average, but during really cold weather we usually turn it on a few times per week, mostly in the morning when the house feels cold (We don't have window treatments yet).

  • 6 years ago

    With an all electric house and 40 cent kilowatt hours a woodstove is our primary heat. We have had power outages lasting up to 12 days. We put a 2,500 gallon water tank high enough for gravity flow water. We heat water on the woodstove and put it in "sun shower" bags and hang them from the showerhead. And have a generator for the freezer and refrigerator.

  • 6 years ago
    Our den was added on to the back of our house without heat or air (previous owner, I swear we didn't do that). Since the wood burning fireplace is the only source of heat, we use it a lot in the winter. It has been extremely cold the last few days and we're out of wood, so no fire today. I guess that's one of the down sides of a wood burning fireplace, you have to chop and split your own wood or pay to have some delivered. But in spite of that, I love my fireplace, especially today since I can't use it.
  • 6 years ago

    I have 2 woodburning fireplaces, the one in the living room has never been used, the family rm gets an occasional fire maybe 5 times a year, They both look good however, unlike some of the outrageous fireplaces we see on Houzz. Wife complains we are sending warm air up the chimney every time I start a fire so that explains why the fireplaces are hardly used.

  • 6 years ago
    We use ours at least two or three evenings a week through the winter. Love the warmth and smell of a wood burning fireplace!
  • 6 years ago
    Just about daily in cooler weather. The gas fireplace is a cinch to start, has a blower sending the heated air into the room and gas is cleaner than wood — no ashes. It’s wonderful!
  • 6 years ago

    We have a wood stove we use when temperature is in lower teens or when power goes out. Yes, it's a mess when we have to run it but so grateful to have it as a backup heat source. Generally we only have to run it a few times every winter.

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Living in Southern California, it's not a must-have here, and truth be told wasn't even on my list when I was home shopping. I just ended up with one and thought, "How am I going to get any use out of this?" Scrubbed the thing out, added some gas logs and checked it off the list, moving onto other projects as one does in early days.

    Cut to now, and it's become my favorite feature of the house. Simple, instant atmosphere to come home to (especially when the days are short), and dynamic and elegant during a gathering. It's a great home feature, and one I had no intent to have originally - now I wouldn't want to be without it.

  • 6 years ago
    We use our gas fireplace every night on cold evenings.
  • 6 years ago

    Our gas fireplace is on right now. We use it almost every day in the winter. Love it.

  • 6 years ago

    We have a gas and wood burning fireplace. It was a "must have" when we were shopping for a home 35 years ago, even though it's SoCal. It gets cold here, too, in the winter months and how can you have a Christmas without it? We use it mostly on weekend evenings from late October thru early April...unless it's over 70 degrees.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I would love to use it everyday, however I have a Great Dane that loves to lay right next to the fireplace grate and get warm. He gets so warm he gets yeast infection in his ears. So I can only use my fireplace once in a while when he is not in the room so he cannot get close to the fire. Silly boy!

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    ETA photo

    We use ours on weekend evenings and occasionally during the week. I love a wood fire.

  • 6 years ago

    We installed a beautiful enameled Jotul wood burning stove five years ago when we built a library addition onto our farmhouse, but we hardly ever seemed to use the stove -- until this winter: I moved our TV and couch into the library, and now we have a fire nearly every cold evening. It's been SO cozy -- I'm terribly glad I rearranged our rooms this fall!

  • 6 years ago

    I live in Florida and used mine last night and today. I think I will be able to use it for the next week straight YEAH

  • 6 years ago

    I have two wood burning fireplaces that have electric inserts in them so in reality are electric heaters. The family room one has been on most of the day time since November. The dogs go in and out from the sliding door in that room so it tends to get cool. The electric inserts can easily be removed if we need to return to wood burning in an emergency.

  • 6 years ago

    We used to use ours much more in the last century, but for many years now it rarely ever gets cold enough and now we hardly have any days in the winter when there is not a No Burn/ Fireplace Use Ban due to air pollution levels in the city.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    We have 4 fireplaces: living room, family room, master bedroom and one on our front portal (long, covered front porch). All are wood burning and three of them are kiva fireplaces, which are very common out here in New Mexico. We use them all, but use the family room kiva the the most frequently. Every Friday and Saturday evenings during our cooler months.

    We light our front portal's kiva whenever we sit out there in the evenings. The two others we use less frequently.

  • 6 years ago

    Here in North Dakota we use our wood burning stove every day in the winter. Love the heat that it puts out and if the power goes out, we're still warm.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I have both a wood-burning fireplace and a gas fireplace in the house. We haven't used the wood-burning one in years because of having to constantly clean and sweep out the ashes after each use to keep it neat and looking good. My plan is to retrofit it with a gas insert so I can enjoy it more!

  • 6 years ago

    Wood burning fireplace. We use it about four times a week.

  • 6 years ago

    I never use ours. Two years ago my then five year old almost set himself on fire when we had ours going and I was in the other room. Never again until my children are grown up!

  • 6 years ago

    Jotul makes a great stove. In our last house we had two of them burning all winter.

  • 6 years ago
    Fireplaces aren’t too useful in Texas. We did turn our gas fire on a few times when the home was new 18 years ago. I would rather not have one.
  • 6 years ago

    I really missed our fireplace in our second house. Now we have a fireplace insert that we run when it's cold. If the power goes out for any length of time the neighbors know they can come to our house and get warm! I also cook on it. I have to have a fireplace.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Our wood stove (in East Texas) is our chief source of heat in cold we use it nearly every day! It's really getting a work out this winter! And it can be used to cook on when we have a power outage.

  • 6 years ago

    As stated above, I enjoy the ambiance of the fireplace in my living room and am considering adding an ethanol-burning unit (free standing or wall-hung) in my media room. Has anyone had any experience with this type of fireplace?

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    When it is cold outside, or on cool fall evenings to set the ambiance when dining with friends.... We love it, sometimes we cozy up to it and warm our tootsies... We live in Quebec, Canada

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Never. Ours is broken. If I had a gas one instead of broken wood burning, I imagine I'd use it pretty often, especially in the colder months.

  • 6 years ago
    We live in coastal Mississippi but are from Ohio, and when we built our home, we opted for a wood-burning fireplace because we can’t imagine a home without one. Now, I patiently wait for the occasional times it gets cold enough to use. It’s the only thing about the winter months I enjoy. Our pup enjoys it too!
  • 6 years ago

    Seeing everyone’s fireplaces gives me the warm fuzzies!! Especially with the pups:)

    Double sided FP was requested from DH. We live on acreage with trees & he loves to split/cut wood— warm yourself twice & all.

    we use it daily in cold weather. Yes, the ashes are a pain, but it’s so comforting to have a fire.

  • 6 years ago

    It’s gotten extra hard to pry our dog off (or out from under) the electric blanket, maybe if we figure out how to work the fireplace...?

  • 6 years ago
    Love love my gas fireplace. Our winter is very harsh here in Ontario this year. First one up in the morning ,puts coffee on ,fireplace on and let’s the dog out to do her number. By the time the coffee is ready the fireplace has warmed up the living room . It does not get any better that this.❤️
  • 6 years ago

    It has been bitterly cold here for going on three weeks. Day time one is lit. Night time both are going. My furnace is set at 67 degrees and only comes on a couple times a day. I use at least one fire place every day from October through April. Nothing more soothing or joyful with a winter like we are having so far.

    The cat lives there all winter.

  • 6 years ago
    My "other" is that we don't have a fireplace in our new-to-us home. I am thinking that a future project may involve the addition of a fire pit to one of our two small concrete-slab backyard patios, but we have other projects higher on our list right now.
  • 6 years ago

    for those continuously using their fireplace day after day.... unless you built your house, and know exactly how perfectly the fireplace was built... you might let it cool off.... when we had our fireplace demo-ed at our last house for a larger project, when they pulled the chimney down, sheathing boards showed charring from heat leakage somewhere along the way. not on our watch, we never used it more than an evening. but the contractor said 'wow' when he exposed it, it was a house fire that was avoided by a very small amount.

  • 6 years ago

    Periodic fireplace inspections, "up north" where we live, are always prudent.

  • 6 years ago
    I don't have a fireplace, and nobody else in my family does.
  • 5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    I am presently in my parents' home, and they have both recently passed away. The house is in San Diego, CA. They lived here for about 16 years and never used the fireplace which is in the family room, directly across the room from the open kitchen with island. Next to the fireplace is an alcove for a monster size TV (which they had, and I will now get rid of) and shelves above. The walls and carpet and the fireplace ceramic tile (which matches the kitchen floor, are all BEIGE! But the one thing that stands out, is the new flat screen TV I bought, which is presently in front of the monster set they bought. I sit in that room everyday, and I am really tired of the way that wall looks. I think the wall should be painted black, so at least the beige fireplace, with the raised hearth, would be noticeable instead of just taking up space. I have been searching online for interior design tips about what to do with a wall like this, or about getting rid of the fireplace, or hiding it and I can't find anything like that. Everything is either about a fireplace makeover or fireplace safety. By the way, I hate TVs being placed over a fireplace! You are either looking at one or the other, and usually the TV is placed too high on the wall. I like the look of little English cottage sitting rooms with cozy warm fireplaces, and chatting with close friends in that setting, but this is not England (nor Virginia, where my parents had a Franklin Stove in the finished basement that was great!). I think fire pits and fireplaces are great in San Diego, outside. And during the winter holidays, we play the free youtube videos with the fireplaces, lovely decorations and music. So, I don't think I need this fireplace; except when it's time to sell the house! Thanks for this poll!

  • 5 years ago

    We're in Southern CA and have been using our (gas) fireplaces often in Dec and Jan. Would NOT want a home without one.

  • 5 years ago
    I voted never but I have my reasons...
    - Our old house had a gas fireplace. For the first month it was used daily, then the gas bill arrived, was not pretty. From that point on we only used it when we had guests. Our current house has a wood-burning fireplace. I’d find it to be way too messy and Well I love going to other’s homes and smelling and wood fire burning not so much on my own house. Our future plans are to convert the fireplace to a butane gas fireplace so that we can keep tabs on its energy use.
  • 5 years ago

    In my area, gas prices are exorbitant. The wood burning fireplace is seldom used now that my husband has passed away.

    I would just like to remind everyone to have their fireplaces inspected, not just swept but by a certified sweep/inspector.

  • 5 years ago

    We live in Southern California, bought and sold houses, all with fireplaces. If I remember correctly, we used the fireplace maybe twice. We like to bundle up instead of using the fireplace, and once in a while, when it gets to 30's, we turn on the heater.

  • 5 years ago
    Every day in winter, now that it’s converted to gas. Never, when it was wood- burning.
  • 5 years ago

    We are renting right now, until our new home is finished. I really miss having a fireplace! In chilly weather, I turned it on every day. Even if the house was already warm, the fireplace just made everything feel homey. My elderly cats loved sleeping in front of the fire, so I often turned it on just for them. I have told my husband that the first thing I am going to do when we move into the new house is to turn on the fireplace, even if it is 80 degrees outside!

  • 5 years ago

    Our gas fireplace is the first thing that is turned on in the morning. I try to get the chill out of the downstairs before letting my Great Danes out for the morning. Then I turn the fireplace off so Ziggy does not sit right in front of the fire and cook his body.

  • 5 years ago

    I burn candles in mine during the cold weather. Ours is not gas and I don't want to mess with cleaning out the ashes. One large candle from IKEA lasts a week and keeps the fireplace area warm.