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Help Violet Health

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

My violet was left out in the cold and froze. Now my leaves look clear and full of water, how do I make it healthy again? Help....

Comments (5)

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I'm sorry to hear that your violet was frozen. Based on your description of the leaves being transparent, I don't believe it can be salvaged. They grow best in the same temperatures in which we are comfortable (68-74 F). They do not do well in temps below 60 F or more then 80 F. Thus, I would suggest you try again with a new plant and please remember they are indoor plants that can't survive freezing conditions. Don't give up, every grower makes mistakes. We all have to start somewhere. Even if it's not violets, keep trying, asking questions and learning what the plants need to grow. When provided with the right conditions, the rewards are worth it. Good growing!

    Tina Henderson thanked alabamaav
  • 6 years ago

    My sister was watching out for my plants while I was out of town. She put all of my babies outside and forgot them, thus they all froze. I was growing my violet for 3yrs

  • 6 years ago

    When we ask family or friends to care for our plants, a checklist on an index card might help them remember in the future.

    Instruct them to water less when in doubt and add more if needed later. If a plant is so dry that it has started to wilt, add a tablespoon of water for a standard and one teaspoon or so for a mini. Come back and check in a couple of hours and then add about 1/4 cup for standards and about an ounce for minis. Also, no fertilizer when you are away so there is no chance for root burn.

    Write that violets cannot be in direct sun, it will burn them. They need bright, indirect light, such as an Eastern exposure if available. The others will work, you will need a sheer curtain for south or west windows if there are no shade trees. North will work, but there will be minimal blooms. And no leaving them outside in heat or cold!

    Better yet, if you are away a week or less, you can prepare your violets to survive unattended. First step, water plants well and allow to drain. Then remove flowers. If the Bloomstalks are young and small it is OK to leave them. Remove dead or dying leaves that are yellow. Cover plant with Saran Wrap. It helps to remove open flowers to prevent mold growth. Set near light, but not too bright, angle the blinds slightly upward or use a sheer curtain. You essentially want the plant to "sleep" when you are not at home. Set a small container of water near your plants to maintain humidity. If you have good light in your kitchen, the sink works well or the bathtub if good light there.

    The plants can last a week or sometimes longer this way. If much longer, you might need to wick water.

    Good luck!

  • 6 years ago

    Excellent advice. I got sheets of dry cleaning plastic to cover entire shelves. Be sure to turn out the lights and close the blinds or curtains.

    Watering violets is so counter-intuitive that asking anyone else to care for them is risky.

    Optimara makes very good wicking pots. They are expensive, but for a small collection, might be worthwhile. Joanne

  • 6 years ago

    What kind of violets are we talking about?? True hardy violets (Viola species) or African violets (Saintpaulia)? True violets are extremely cold hardy and can be grown outdoors just about anywhere. African violets are gesneriads and come from subtropical and tropical climates. They do not do well outdoors and will not tolerate cold temps.
