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Any reviews on Caesarstone Cloudburst?

5 years ago
We were originally going with Caesarstone Fresh Concrete. But the samples we have show watermarks and fingerprints. Although I will have to say you have to catch them in the right light and be looking for them. Still I am scared by all the negative reviews. So I have a sample of the Cloudburst. Water just pools on it. I left water on it overnight and it was still sitting there like I just poured it on. No water marks. No finger prints. No stains from spaghetti sauce, kool-Aid, grape jelly, salsa,ketchup, mustard, olive oil, a highlighter or a permanent marker. All left on overnight and care off. The mustard and markers took a little effort. The pattern is busier than I wanted. I still prefer the solid look of the fresh concrete. Does anyone have the Cloudburst installed?? Or any designers that have used it?? This is the puddle that sat overnight

Comments (84)

  • 3 years ago

    You're amazing @Sarah Evans @jenaryl Thank you both for your help !

  • 3 years ago

    No worries! I thought I posted two photos but looks like it didn’t work! My home insta account has pics of it though @londonhomeproject.

    I’ll try attach the photos again just in case!

  • 3 years ago

    Are there users of Caesarstone Cloudburst for several months or years, are you still satisfied? is it easy to maintain?

  • 3 years ago

    Are there users of Caeserstone cloudburst for several months or years, are you still satisfied? is it easy to maintain? Merci

  • 3 years ago

    It’s all good.

    Daily wipe downs with Weiman Quartz Countertop Cleaner and Polish - Clean & Shine Your Quartz Countertops Islands and Stone Surfaces with UV Protection

    And anything tricky use Mr Clean Magic Eraser Original, Cleaning Pads with Durafoam, 9 Count

  • 3 years ago

    Yes! We've had it for a year now. My daughter took online class on the counter (Cloudburst), had crayon, water color, pen, pencil etc on, and they can be easily removed by melamine sponges. We also had tumeric, soy sauce, curry powder and all the spices on, they can be easily removed. The only thing I couldn't remove was the oil ring stain. I didn't realize that my nut butter bottle was oily at the bottom. We also have granite countertop - even though it was sealed, I had to be much more careful on it. Hope this helps.

  • 3 years ago

    Also super happy with ours! We have had ours a year and we are seriously messy cooks and have two kids. Turmeric, wine, tea, pen, crayons etc have all come up fine.
    We use cilit bang bleach and hygiene… I know they advise not to use bleach products but its low percent bleach and it’s what they use in the London Caesarstone showroom on their cloudburst concrete coffee station!

    Pearl - have you tried a magic eraser on the oil ring? Or maybe The Pink Stuff - For stubborn stains those two work for me. You can get the magic erasers everywhere… bought a bunch from Aldi the other day.

    The only stain that scared me was when cleaning unknown spf stains. I sprayed on the cilit bang and it turned my counter top pink in massive blotches! Clearly where I applied sunscreen or it had rubbed off when leaning on the counter. (Thought I had wiped off but it left an unnoticeable residue.) Then I sprayed on the cilit bang and it reacted and turned pink… the fix was to actually spray on more cilit bang haha, came right off after leaving it for a minute!

  • 3 years ago

    What white looks best with Ceasarstone cloudburst? Im reading certain whites can make quartz look dirty/yellow because of the cream in the quartz.

  • 2 years ago

    I just had mine installed today and absolutely love it. Will post pics once the backsplash is installed. I loooove the matte texture.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    We have chosen Caesarstone Cloudburst Concrete for our kitchen benchtops and are struggling to pick a two pack white colour & finish for our cabinets.We definitely don't want gloss. Our caninet maker doesn't do Laminex or Polytec - only two pack and we can't go to their showroom to look due to lockdown..... but need to make choice now - builder pressurising us. Any recommendations for the 2pack white Cabinetry.? Also backslash tile? We will have light oak flooring. Many thanks

  • 2 years ago

    Rob sadly I don’t have any suggestions- but also would love to learn about the backsplash tile folks chose. We love our cloudburst

  • 2 years ago

    Sarah - yes, we have tried the magic eraser./Mr Clean Melamine sponge. That's the only thing that we rely or wiping stuff off the cloudburst.

    Jen and Rob - our white cabinet makes the countertop looks grayish - exactly what we wanted. Good luck with choosing the cabinets. Nevertheless, you will love your cloudburst countertop - just like we do.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Has any one paired an Intense White 6011 countertop with a Cloudburst splash back? Would Cloudburst be a good idea for a splash back given that oil splatters everywhere? Thanks

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    We’ve had cloudburst installed for about 6 months now and i love it for itss neutral patterned texture against my colours. Its relatively easy to mark but its super easy to clean. So far fairy spray has removed the stubborn marks so im pretty happy with it. Ive included pictures for those who like a bit of colour :)

  • 2 years ago

    We are deciding on using Cloudburst Concrete right now. I have sage green cabinets on bottom of half the kitchen and greige on the top and other half. Light wood floors. I am nervous about the grey undertones and if it will be white enough. We love the countertop. I am unsure about it going with the cabinet colors we chose.

  • 2 years ago

    I have a cloudburst countertop since April 2020. It’s really beautiful and it’s not grey or dark at all, however it stains soooooooo easily and it’s very hard to remove the stain. If the stain is not remove IMMEDIATELY, it might not come out at all. I lOVE the look but I would have never chosen this product if I knew this. Don’t want to scare you but if you cook everyday like me, think twice.



  • 2 years ago

    Nicole I think it’d go lovely with the colours you mentioned. I think it’ll definitely be white enough.

    Ginoos that’s a shame! Ours marks easily I guess but we’ve got every mark out (and we’re messy!). We leave our tea/coffee area for a week before getting rid of the stains sometimes and they always come off with a bleach kitchen spray. For really stubborn ones we use magic erasers. But typically, food and drink splashes come off with the bleach spray easily enough (turmeric, red wine, tomato sauce etc)

  • 2 years ago

    +1 to Sarah. Barkeepers friend works like magic erasers for the stubborn ones. Young kids, daily cooking/prepping/eating, homework, projects here. We have good habits for immediate cleaning if needed and nightly wipe downs. Magic erasers and barkeepers friend is rarely needed. It’s worth it.

  • 2 years ago

    Pear did you ever manage to get the oil stain out?

  • 2 years ago

    Woops sorry…Pearl I meant.

  • 2 years ago

    @Dale, yes, we kept applying the Magic sponge (wet) from time to time over a course of 3-4 weeks, and it actually faded away.

  • 2 years ago

    I really love the colour - are you unhappy with your choice based on the staining and maintenance ?

  • 2 years ago

    Yes, we are super happy with it! Never had a second thought about our choice. we have 2 young kids, and they really push to the limit. At one point we had to spray some bleach on to remove the color stain, and it looks like new again without any damage (to our eyes) on the surface.

  • 2 years ago

    So I am trying to figure out then why so many complaints about this particular stone? So far the only test stain I cannot get out is permanent marker..

  • 2 years ago

    I am not sure. Perhaps people are less happy in general? ;-) For us, we are super happy about it!

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    We just installed cloudburst for our kitchen and will use it as a backsplash as well. will update thread about how it holds up!

  • 2 years ago

    Hi Kristin, can you post some photos?

  • 2 years ago

    We love the Cloudburst Concrete color but were not sure how it would be living with it, general upkeep, and how it holds up over time so this has been a super informative thread in helping us decide on Cloudburst Concrete for our kitchen. Thanks to all the cloudburst gurus out there for your insights!

    We have an 11' waterfall island with and the kitchen sink is at the midpoint of the long edge of one side of the island.

    We'll be working with the fabricator in a couple weeks on seam placement etc, so wondering if anyone has any lessons learned they can share on seam placement and and whether the cloudburst pattern itself lends well to easily match the ends of a waterfall island? The fabricator is suggesting a seam down the middle at the sink, but if possible, I'd like to try and use the whole slab at the countertop and only have seams at the waterfall edges, I'm not pro though so if this idea is totally wrong, please feel free to let me know.


  • 2 years ago

    Example of seam down the middle. I can only see this at very specific angles. It’s basically invisible to us.

  • last year

    We’ve had our Cloudburst Concrete kitchen worktop for 18 months now. I love the look of it and am able to get most stains out using Cif. My biggest problem with it, is water marks left by glasses. From some angles, the worktop looks clean, but from other angles it looks terrible! Rings of staining where water glass has been. Has anyone managed to deal effectively with this issue? Thanks!

  • last year

    Echoing what Rachel said above - Cif works WONDERS on my Cloudburst Concrete. I was able to get some very stubborn brown stains and yellow stains out using Cif and any plain old cloth. Can’t recommend it enough.

  • last year

    Installed only 2 weeks and so disappointed. the amount of scrubbing for 1 coffee stain is unbelievable and does not match their claims that it is low mainntenance. would NOT RECOMMEND

  • last year

    So sorry to hear that. It looks really lovely though!

  • last year

    Here to echo the main consensus. it stains very easily. Our contractor left a mess of large stains all over. Looking forward to trying Cif, but would not recommend this counter. always go with natural stone - much better quality. our island is quartzite and i regret not spending the little extra to have that everywhere.

  • last year

    Hi guys, we just got our Cloudburst Concrete installed and the colour and texture is completely different to what is on display in their showroom, anyone else experienced this issue? The colour and texture is nowhere as beautiful, very disappointed.

  • last year

    We just installed cloudburst. It is lighter than I thought but still lovely. However there are several very small chips in it. Anyone else experience this?

  • last year

    Did your fabricator compensate you for these chips?

  • last year

    Has anyone installed cloudburst tried to make bakery, like rolling the dough, with it? I plan to install this in my kitchen and I bake quite often. I am curious if the concrete surface (rought) makes it less ideal for baking.

  • last year

    @HL Wang did you get any info on baking and using quartz for prep, etc?

  • 11 months ago
    last modified: 11 months ago

    Hi all, any other opinions from people that have had it for several years? really torn about buying it so would really appreciare your thoughts! Thanks :)

  • 11 months ago

    i have been HUGELY disappointed with mine - had it for 3 years and staining from the get go. Many people have commented that isn't that hard to keep it clean but that's not my experience at all. I even thought at one point I may have had a faulty product or copy but have phoned Caesarstone - and checked multiple times - all the codes etc on the product are correct and it is the genuine article. I am now looking at re doing my benchtops later this year :(

  • 11 months ago

    Sorry to hear that Louise! what do you think you’ll go for instead next time?

  • 11 months ago

    how is the quartzite holding up @kristin kempson? I thought quartz would be lower maintenance and loved the cloudburst concrete with contemporary kitchen, but now wondering if we'd be happer with quartzite (looking at bianco eclipsia)

  • 11 months ago
    last modified: 11 months ago

    Still happy with ours. Its used heavily each day for breakfast, meal preps, sometimes dinner if we do not sit at the dining table. Pizza making is our favorite to do on it. Kids do homework and projects on it. We have run into a few situations that required a significant amount of elbow grease, magic eraser, and bar keepers to get the stain out but it has come out every time. Daily wipe down with Weiman's quartz spray has been our routine. Would we install again? Absolutely. Good luck!

  • 11 months ago

    We’re still really happy with ours! (after 3 years)

  • 11 months ago

    Hi Jeni, I'm not sure . Tbh I'm thinking about stainless steel if I can design it to look good . It's a Scandinavian style kitchen so it might work. ...........I can see there are conflicting opinions about the Cloudburst, I haven't been happy but good luck!

  • 7 months ago

    I have had Cloudburst Concrete installed for 6 months. After about 4 months spots started to appear. Initially, it looked like something was missed during cleaning but these spots do not wipe off with Barkeeper's Friend, dish soap and water, or water and vinegar. For warranty purposes I didn't think that using things like magic erasers was allowed so I haven't tried that. At this point I am very disappointed with the countertops; they look dirty and spotty during the day when light is streaming in through the windows. It's hard to capture in pictures but one of the worst spots shown in this picture is to the left of the stove and continues to get worse.

  • 7 months ago

    Mine has just got worse over time. Very disappointed, am not alone.

  • 5 months ago

    I am in the middle of having my kitchen renovated with all of the new cupboards and bench tops installed earlier this week. I was super excited about my choice of Caesarstone Cloudburst - I am already hugely disappointed. I am barely using my new kitchen yet as am still waiting for the plumbing to be finished so basically just making coffee and very light cooking. I have been very careful but it marks very easily and if the mark is not picked up immediately then it’s a mission to remove i.e light coffee spill. I had already purchased the recommended Caesastone cleaners so had it on hand. Seriously it did not move the mark. I ended up using Ajax which is probably not at all good for this product but I was desperate (and extremely upset). I do not recommend Caesarstone Cloudburst at all and advise anyone considering it to take notice of the reviews and choose another product with good recommendations. My bad choice has been a very expensive mistake and I truly wish I had taken more notice of the reviews. Buyer Beware!!

  • 26 days ago

    We had it in our bathroom (ordered 2019, installed 2020, lived with it 2021-2024) and no complaints like what I am reading above. Wondering if the composition changed since pre-pandemic? We found it beautiful and very durable, however, it was not in a kitchen so less risk of food stains.