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Hibiscus will not bloom please help.

last year

I cross pollinated some store bought hibiscus and grew four different plants from the seeds. The plants are several years old now and have never bloomed. I am growing them on a heated porch with clear roofing. The store bought plants bloom quite well next to them. Can someone please help. I was so excited to see what cultivar I would get, but have had nothing but dissapointment. The leaves are ice dark green and the plants look healthy, but show no signs of blooming. I am currently using a fertilizer 24-8-16. I saw on the internet Hibisgain 12-6-8 9would this help?) Please any advise would be highly appreciated.

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  • last year

    Well, typically given a good climate, hibiscus just bloom. That is theoretically high in N ratio, which is suppossed to cause foliar growth (not flowering). I think a lot of fertilizer stuff is not valid..but you could start there.