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Who Has Lewisia cotyledon in Stock?

last year
last modified: last year

On Etsy and eBay, I find quite a few Lewisia cotyledons offered as seeds, but only one seller has live plants. That seller wants to sell 72 plants at once. Annie's Annuals had one variety of pink, which I bought, I am still looking for varieties with yellow and white flowers.

Does anyone know of a supplier for this genus with plants in stock for order by mail? I might need up to 10.

Comments (15)

  • last year

    Both Annie's Annuals and High Country Gardens have 'Sunset Strain' in stock. Sunset Strain is a color mix, offering plants that range in color from various pinks, orange, apricot to yellow and white. Unless already blooming, the vendor will have no idea what the flower color will be.

    This is what is offered by local retailers as well, never plants by a single color. The benefit of buying from the local retailers in person is that the plants are usually sold in bloom so you can select specifically for flower color.

    Local independent nurseries don't carry them? Not even native plant nurseries? I'm surprised as they are always a spring presence here.

    westes Zone 9b California SF Bay thanked gardengal48 (PNW Z8/9)
  • last year

    @gardengal48 (PNW Z8/9) High Country is out of stock. As mentioned, I did order a few from Annie's but want the salmon and white flowers of other variants.

    Thank you for the additional information on coloring for Sunset Strain.

    I called my main local nurseries and also looked at Home Depot. I picked up one plant by that method. I am sure that there must be dozens of native plant nurseries in my area, but I am not in the business and don't know about most of them. I wish there were a website that consolidates inventory across multiple nurseries so that people could get visibility on such things.

  • last year

    Forest Farm has three including "Constant Coral" but no yellow.

    westes Zone 9b California SF Bay thanked Sheila z8a Rogue Valley OR
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    But it does include Lewisia:

    westes Zone 9b California SF Bay thanked gardengal48 (PNW Z8/9)
  • last year

    I just searched Lewisia, like gardengal said, westes. They also may have more with a phone call. I have been over there and they are good people. My plants from forestfarm have done well.

    westes Zone 9b California SF Bay thanked Sheila z8a Rogue Valley OR
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Sorry, I was doing a simultaneous search for Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and had mixed up two different threads.

    I went to order three Lewisia from Forest Farm at $15/each, and they want $46 to ship those. Wow. I will contact them and see if there is some way to organize the order that does not make me pay more for shipping than the cost of the product.

  • last year

    They would fit in a much cheaper USPS box.

    westes Zone 9b California SF Bay thanked Sheila z8a Rogue Valley OR
  • last year

    @Sheila z8a Rogue Valley OR Unfortunately, Forest Farm's website quotes me over $15/each to ship the plants, and when I contact them through their contact form, they quote me $20 per "tube" which they say means a single plant. They give no phone number so I have no way to resolve that with them.

  • last year

    @gardengal48 (PNW Z8/9) On something like this I give up pretty easily, but you saved the deal for them. They should send you a commission :)

  • last year

    Blimey - these are a bit spendy. They can be grown very easily from seed...and the Elise strain doesn't even need stratifying.

    westes Zone 9b California SF Bay thanked rosaprimula UK (Cambridge) Z8/9
  • last year

    The only place i've ever found them near me is at Anderson's gardens in Leucadia Calif ,between san diego and Oceanside just off the I-5 freeway.

    westes Zone 9b California SF Bay thanked kathi_mdgd
  • last year

    I bought lewisia from Jelitto seeds - I think they might be sunset strain but also, they are from Jelitto's Gold Nugget range of pre-stratified seeds. I sowed mine in October/November 2022 and have a couple with flower buds (and 1 in bloom) with a possibility of a later summer bloom cycle. These are no difficult plants - I would recommend buying a seed strain and keeping your best seedlings.

    westes Zone 9b California SF Bay thanked rosaprimula UK (Cambridge) Z8/9
  • last year

    @rosaprimula UK (Cambridge) Z8/9 I bought Lewisia from multiple vendors, and the ones I got from Annie's Annuals were incorrectly packed in normal potting soil and quickly root-rotted. I would say these plants absolutely must have a well-drained soil.

  • last year

    Yep, agreed. I generally consider most of the potting mixes used by commercial nurseries, are only ever intended to be short-term root anchors. I have never come across a mix which would over-winter, as nearly all of them are some soilless, coir based stuff - fine for a summer bedding plant (with supplemental fertiliser)...but complete rubbish for anything approaching permanence.

    westes Zone 9b California SF Bay thanked rosaprimula UK (Cambridge) Z8/9