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discarded honey comb on ground?

last year
last modified: last year

A beekeeper has hives on the edge of my urban orchard. Today I found pieces of comb discarded on the ground, 15 yards away from the hives. The pieces are roughly triangular, perhaps 6 X 6 X 6 inches. The cells were distinguishable and unbroken on both flat sides, so maybe these pieces had been constructed hanging down from the underside of the "lid". It doesn't look like there had been any honey in them, but perhaps there had been some sort of microbe growth. Anyway, there was some uneven brown discoloration on the wax.

The "lid" was properly on the top box, so I don't think an animal had pulled out the comb. Would a beekeeper leave comb on the ground, or is it more likely someone else did it? What could be going on?

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