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Need Help Kitchen Layout Designs!

4 months ago

We are doing a kitchen renovation and have 3 main design ideas that we are having trouble choosing between.

#1 with sink in the island: We really like the idea and flow of having the sink in the island. It gives plenty of work area for both the stove and sink. Since there is no window, it also gives a good view into the dining area. The island would be 110" x 42". The concern with sink in island is having the dirty dishes more in view and not having the island as a buffet. As far as seating goes, we do not foresee having stools at the island.

#2 stove and sink in same line: My wife is concerned with having dirty dishes take up the workspace around the stove.

#3 stove on small wall.

We are a young family with 2 children and also do a notable amount of hosting.

Currently we have a tiny kitchen, that is half of the size of the above plans, so all will be a massive improvement. We just want to avoid as many mistakes in the redesign as possible.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!




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