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repotting a dracaena with small new sprouts

3 months ago

recently chopped an unhealthy dracaena that seriously needs to be repotted[top cutting is in water right now, and i'm not even sure if the base of the stem will grow again. currently debating cuttting it even lower to try to reach healthy tisse, as it's hollow in the spot it was cut, but not soft, and it's still quite green].

the problem is, there's small little pups in the same pot. the new sprouts look great so far. i want them to have the best chance possible at surviving and growing, and i'm not sure what to do. i've been told to leave them alone while they grow, but i know the pot is really unhealthy - there isn't even a draining hole - and i suspect i will need to clean up some root rot. is it safe to repot and clean up the roots even with these small sprouts in there?

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