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HowardMartingrowing citrus #33

3 months ago

Maybe I can make some citrus hybrid

Comments (87)

  • 2 months ago

    But you guys are supposed to be the experts and that means being to tell lemon varieties apart. And knowing how to grow them in all soil types including clay and sillt

  • 2 months ago

    Do I sound like a hard man

  • 2 months ago

    U guys are supposed to be the experts now you tell you can't tell one variety of lemon from another to me that is no expert

  • 2 months ago

    No one know the difference in lemons because lemons are inedible

  • 2 months ago

    The you call your selves experts

  • 2 months ago

    That. Destroys some of my faith in you guys

  • 2 months ago

    And by the way I hope this fertilizer isn't too strong it's 24-8-16 like I said I hope it's not too strong

  • 2 months ago

    Saying it is a witch hunt to me that is a lie you guys precise one I hope the fertilizer is a good choice. For my seedlings


  • 2 months ago

    Let's be real someone actually knows the. Difference between tween the two but you can't tell me that you're an expert because you can't tell them apart and many others would say the same thing please don't be mad at me for telling you the truth because people expecto you to know the difference


  • 2 months ago

    I found out that Lisbon lemons are bigger than Eureka lemons so you telling me it's a witch hunt to tell them apart precisely is a,lie you just don't want me to know before that will make all you so called experts look bad I just looking on the web and Lisbon lemons are bigger so telling me you can't tell them apart is a lie because you don't have the guts to look something up where do you guys get away with calling yourselves experts and at least I admit I'm know expert


  • 2 months ago

    Why would anyone want to help you with how rude you are? I'm no expert but I get lemons from my trees, have you ever had a tree get past the seedling stage?

  • 2 months ago

    I'm not rude I'm sad what i meant many others don't want to you guys just because you side step the vital questions when asked that in Its self is rude when the answer it self was not the truth made me angry with people may have the same question but didn't have the guts to ask saying something is a witch hunt but didn't even want to try and im not a patient man when i ask questions i want. The truth. People expect you guys to know the varieties by looks not saying something is A witch hunt that is a lazy answer. And doesn't answer the question

  • 2 months ago

    People want accurate answers the expect you guys to know the difference by looks because you're are the experts so I may seem rude but I was just speaking the truth if that seems rude reconsider your thinking

  • 2 months ago

    People want straight answers not calling things a witch hunt that is not what people expect out of you guys because it makes you seem not like the experts you are but amateurs so it not so rude after all . Just because someone has the guts to call you out with the truth you rude???!!!!!

  • 2 months ago

    Ken B zone 7 sorry you see me as rude but I knew that someone had to know the difference that is why may have seemed rude but I say exactly what I mean and mean exactly what I say it wasn't rude but being honest

  • 2 months ago

    I want straight answers not side steps

  • 2 months ago

    Ken B zone 7 people see you guys as experts but I wanted straight answers but I wasn't getting that why do you guys think you can mock me with out me getting a little upset

  • 2 months ago

    When you don't get straight answers some people say what they mean especially when they see they're being mocked I'm using a different fertilizer than I'm used to I know I'm no expert but is this type of fertilizer to strong it is 24-8-16

  • 2 months ago

    Ponicriusguy6b452xx I'm sorry for being so harsh but you didn't give me a straight answer did you think that you could give me a mocking answer and me not get upset

  • 2 months ago

    Can ant body tell me if my fertilizer is too strong

  • 2 months ago


  • 2 months ago

    I was jerk but said what a lot of people would say similar things maybe worse but I didn't you tell me the truth instead of mocking me when I needed answers then I get harsh

  • 2 months ago

    I didn't know there was a difference. What I said above was for all of us including you to laugh at. I know how to grow citrus trees and I know how to pick them at the correct time

  • 2 months ago

    I'm a hard man there was no excuse I was serious because I didn't know the difference saying anything but the truth is mocking the ones that come to you so they can learn the difference a hateful thing

  • 2 months ago

    No knowing there was a difference that should have been said Yu don't know the difference instead of mocking me you might have meant it to make me laugh. But instead it made me angry because I was serious I'm not the joking type because my life has been hard but when people come to you asking for advice on a lemon varieties they want to know and not be mocked for asking I'm a serious man by nature and I got mocked made me very angry that Is why I acted like a jerk next time someone ask for a variety name they don't want to be mocked they want the truth not to be mocked.


  • 2 months ago

    They think I'm rude but I not I just don't take no bull crap and I say what I mean how is that rude

  • 2 months ago

    I will be the first to admit I might have been a jerk but aren't you at times ???? But I wanted answers and saying something is a witch hunt just to make them laugh to me that is what I call rude and very disrespectful and . mocking me that is rude but being honest isn't rude I was just speaking from the heart all I can do is ask for forgiveness apparently you thought you knew me better than you actually did. I know you can a big jerk to at times even though you might. Not wanting to admit it pittickcularlly . Im trying to apologize even though some of what needed to be said was said.

  • 2 months ago

    Never! At least not intentionally. I have Missed worded things that were taken wrong.

  • 2 months ago

    Sometimes we have all  have to watch our words if we don't. You see what happens even though the things might needed to be said for awhile but sometimes they only get said In anger


  • 2 months ago

    Ken B

    Sometimes I am a real jerk and I'm willing to admit It but a times I believe we all can be sounding rude and not trying to be

  • 2 months ago

    Sometimes we all can be jerks and I believe that is no real secret

  • 2 months ago

    Is my fertilizer too strong

  • 2 months ago

    How could we possibly know if your fertilizer is too strong? The strength of it is determined by how much you use. If you want it weaker, use less. If you want stronger use more.

  • 2 months ago

    All I know is that it is 24- 8-16 is that too strong

  • 2 months ago

    I know this is strong but they show no signs burning no signs of die root burning

  • 2 months ago

    Can u get damaged seed to grow

  • 2 months ago

    It is harder to get growth out of damaged seeds.

  • last month

    One I destroyed. By too much water. The other one is stagnant growth right now

  • last month

    From the damaged seeds I have a mutant lemon seedling

  • last month

    Ken B  Zone 7 I'm a  hard man and sometimes I'm a jerk

  • last month

    My surviving seedling from a damaged  see a muntant

  • last month

    No buddy told me that damaged seeds could cause mutations

  • last month

    What are the super powers of this mutant? Will it be using its super powers for good or evil?

  • last month

    It was destroyed by accident it came from damaged seed

  • last month

    Accident ly from over watering

  • last month

    That commonly happens when you try to grow citrus in a container of clay.

  • last month

    Ken B zone 7 I have to disagree with you out experience but the clay I used I wasn't sure of that can a differences

  • last month

    How can you disagree? You have tried repeatedly to grow citrus in clay and have failed every time.

  • last month

    Maybe it was the type of clay and the container size

  • last month

    I'm going to to have to try again at getting lemons to grow for me