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My California Rose Garden 2024

We have an a nice wet winter and a mild spring, terrific year for roses!

Comments (119)

  • 2 months ago

    Hi Melissa

    I think some roses that hold up to hot sun and wind well are Veteran’s Honor, Cantilly Cream, Fun in the Sun , PJPII. I get nice blooms from them in the dead of summer. For Austins, Evelyn, Abraham Darby, Lady Emma Hamilton, Munstead Wood

  • 2 months ago

    Thank you Ben!!!! 💕

  • 2 months ago

    Hi, I’m new here but I was wondering does anybody have any tips where I could get a cutting of a tea clipper Rose or find a tea clipper plant?

  • 2 months ago

    Ben!!! Such wonderful roses!! I didn't look at your videos (bothers my vertigo), but wowza!!! Your roses are really always. My favorite is your Neil Diamond!!! GASP!!!!!

  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    So wonderful to have you back Carol, thanks for the kind words. Some screenshots :



    Sterling Silver


    Gertrude Jekyll

    Augusta Luise

    Moonlight in Paris

    Double Delight





    Twilight Zone


    Perfume Factory

  • 2 months ago

    Ben, I cannot believe how amazing your garden is doing! You are soooooo far ahead of me, there are some roses popping but for the most part it’s just buds. I’m starting to think we might not have the best first flush.

    It’s been awhile since I’ve actually worried about buds opening but it has been so cold and wet for such an extended period of time that I might have to live vicariously through all of you!

  • 2 months ago

    Thanks, Ben. <3

    I wish I co uld grow roses like you do...but it's enough to have access to your wonderful pictures!!!! The ones that stood out to me from your pictures above are Juliet and Moonlight in Paris....and they must be fantastic to stand out from the rest of your incessantly :) blooming roses. :) :)

  • last month

    OMG Deborah! I remember doing that interview, but never found the video. Thank you!

  • last month

    Oh boy, Juliet!! Justcsyinning video Ben. Thank you for sharing. Looks Like I better find Francis a larger home spread out

  • last month

    Thank you for the video tour! Just gorgeous. 🌹💕💕💕

  • last month

    Thank you Deborah for the cool Otto's clip! And with both Ben and Elon :-D

  • last month

    Deborah, did you get my message with link a while back? It was a link to the latest Flavia book! Yes, there is another. She lives! The author must be close to ninety, and his bio says he lives in the middle of the Irish Sea. I thought he was a Canadian. Now, I'll check your links. And what are you up to? Are you traveling? Diane

  • last month

    Ah! I missed the message, but just found it. THANK YOU! no traveling, just resting and inertia after 3-4 hard years. Will update soon. Miss you all! PS just ordered orange dude.

  • last month

    Oh, wonderful! Another Orange Dude Fan. It's good to read your message. Resting sounds perfect. So take care, dear Deborah. Diane

  • last month

    I'm so glad to see Ben and Elon in that Otto blurb.

  • last month
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    This big spotted great dane that lives at Otto’s was so smitten with Elon. She followed us throughout the display gardens one step behind him the entire time!


    Did you get the patio tree Orange Dude? When I purchased, they were out of grafted, and I did not want own root. The Patio Tree was $35, but if I tried to use the 20% off coupon or the free shipping coupon, the price jumped back up to $90, and I couldn’t get rid of the new price unless I used a new browser. I guess J&P doesn’t welcome coupon clippers!

  • last month

    That great dane has good taste.

  • last month

    Who isn't smitten by Elon... what a sweet Great Dane. Otto's have cultivated such a wonderful inspiring place - I better get to work !

  • last month

    I know the Great Dane. She likes our two little chihuahua mixes too. Otto’s is fabulous,

  • last month

    Ben, I think I might be getting orange dude months from now….I don’t think they’ll send a bare root in June? No idea. I didn’t do a tree rose. That’s just putting the rose exactly where the deer like it! Yeah, I had to do my order on my phone because once I tried my coupon I lost the sale price. And I couldn’t get back to the sale price. So started over on new device. I also ordered two dahlias. I love that Great Dane - and the people are nice, too! Cindy is really fun to talk with. If only they could have a tea room. Maybe the first tea truck with scones & little tables…

  • last month

    Deborah, well, deer certainly bent their greedy heads down to chew off Orange Dude's entire late October flush last year, plus his new growth. This deer liked the little guys, and did the same to my new small Rouge Royale in late October, too. Any time you think you have the deer figured out, they pull a new stunt. I wish I could have sprayed a new coating of deer repellent on tonight, but it was too windy.....Yes, Otto's should have a tea room. Edwards has food trucks come visit regularly, including a tea truck, when there are special celebrations, or Edward's has an outdoor music entertainment night. It's like Otto's and is so much more than a nursery.

    Ben, I love your photo with the doggies. Elon has got a big new girlfriend. My kitty Finn stalks the cute girl kitty next door. It's funny to watch. He's such a chicken that if she hissed at him, he would run and hide.

    Here's a recent photo of Orange Dude with neighbor penstemon. Deer stay away, please


  • last month
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    At Otto and Sons, Green Romantica and Moonlight in Paris


    Your orange dude looks terrfic, reminds me of the color of the Orange Dreamsicles I used to buy from the ice cream truck. That would have been a better name for the rose.


    Good to know that great dane is smitten with tiny dogs, opposites attract lol! She is a super gentle giant I forget her name, Charlie?


    My guess is they will send that bare root right away, they are trying to get rid of the last of the inventory. Hopefully, we won’t have to test their warranty. Oh no standard for you, we don’t want to make the deer’s dinner any than double easy.

    Elon thanks everyone for the nice words. Mom had a big party and Elon had the best time.

    Before the party: Ho hum, no one wants to play fetch.

    What? there’s 12 people coming just to play fetch with ME?!

  • last month

    Ben, your Elon is such bundle of cuteness and personality. This being said by me, a confirmed kitty person. Some dogs just have such appeal--he's got it. I totally agree that Dreamsicle would have been a perfect name for Orange Dude, but I'll bet that Dreamsicle is still a trademark, so would have been difficult to use and probably expensive. I loved Dreamsicles, too, and would you believe several companies make wonderful vanilla-orange sherbet swirled ice cream? Tillamook, an Oregon brand, is best, but there are others. I am an ice cream connoisseur and eat it year round. I'm working on that garish green pistachio ice cream, which I fell for at age two. Who cares about wine? I want ice cream! Does Elon like ice cream? Diane

    PS, I love the Green Romantica. There should be a Pistachio Rose.

  • last month
    last modified: last month

    How does all that charisma fit in the little heartstealer Elon

    Diane, we ate about half of our Tillamook Orange and Cream and Doug came home with another ice cream flavor today, Marionberry Pie. We haven't even opened the chocolate chip mint - it's a lot like buying roses...

  • last month

    Berry, my very favorite chocolate type is Tillamook's Udderly Chocolate. Yes, the Orange and Cream is terrific. I haven't tried the Marionberry Pie yet, but the Raspberry and White Chocolate Swirl is wonderful and so is good old Oregon Strawberry. Enjoy your ice cream. Diane

  • last month
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    Diane, Berrypie,

    I’m glad you both remember the orange ice cream confection. I got the name wrong, it’s an Orange Creamsicle, not Dreamsicle. But it still haunts my dreams, so for me it’s a Dreamsicle. As Diane suggested , Good Humor probably has trademarked ’Orange Creamsicle’, so orange dude can be called ’Orange Dreamsicle’. I’ll let Tom know the proper new name for his rose, as if he had any control over it.

    Berrypie, I agree the Marionberry Pie flavor is wonderful, it has littlle cobbler pieces in it!

    I will have to try the orange and cream!


    I used to get a Pistachio Ice cream cake from Baskin & Robbins on my birthday when I was a child. It was bright green and scrumptious.


    J&P just sent me my shipping notice for my Orange Dreamsicle Patio Popsicle, so yes they do definitely intend to send a bareroot in midsummer! ’Proper planting time in your zone’ is whenever J&P can still squeeze some more money out of existing stock. Better get that hole dug.

  • last month

    Ben, you didn't get the name wrong. The original name was Dreamsicle and the Creamsicle was something different. Remember how old I am. I am talking about the 1950s, Somewhere along the line the name was changed and I don't understand why, but I noticed the change quite a while back. We are the purists. It is Dreamsicle to me and always will be, and would be the perfect orange rose name. Rant over. Diane

  • last month

    I got my Dreamsicles all over town. In the backwoods of Idaho, Good Humor and Ice Cream trucks didn't exist. As a kid I saw my first ice cream truck in New Jersey on a vacation. As a young adult, I saw them in California. Diane

  • last month

    Ben I'm thinking an organic vanilla bean ice cream and gourmet orange sherbet swirled together would be the ultimate dream creamsicle combination.

    Diane we need Chippendale for the range of sorbet colors it displays.

  • last month
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    So I texted Tom and he texted back that he had wanted the name Orange Dreamsicle for an earlier orange/white bicolor! So he likes the name too. Now we need to file a ’defamation of pretty orange floribunda’ lawsuit against J&P, lol!


    Good to know my memory did not fail me! Dreamsicle it is.

  • last month
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    Dreamsicle sounds like another rose my sister's goats would go wild over. They ate her prize green rose, maybe it reminded them of pistachios.

    guilty goat

  • last month
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    I like to use vanilla beans myself and think they elevate everything, including a dreamsicle. But a Chippendales ice cream pop, I’m afraid people might get the wrong idea. They might expect the wrapper to unravel by itself , or otherwise unduly entertain them.

  • last month

    Had to laugh at that one

  • last month

    Ha ha ha ha.
    Ben - were you just at Otto??? And you didn’t call me??? I need to get down to Huntington. I can stalk the great Mr Carruthers and watch the rose whisperer at work.
    Serious question - we’ve only had 2 half days of sunshine in the last week, and the rust is crazy. What should I do?

  • last month

    Hans Evers bred Augusta Luise and Chippendale. Here's Augusta in colors all over the map. There is no rhyme or reason to a lot of this. That brightest orange third down was taken on Oct 18 when the temps were cooler, and right now with very hot temps, she's pale pink????

  • last month

    Berry, my very favorite vanilla is Tillamook Old Fashioned Vanilla, which slightly reminds me of my mother's wonderful homemade ice cream. When mom passed away, she owned three or four White Mountain ice cream freezers. The best you could get. She was a serious ice cream maker. Diane

  • last month
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    That's a rich heritage Diane, it explains why you are a serious ice cream connoisseur. I'll trust you on knowing the best vanilla. We always buy Blue Bunny Vanilla Bean when it's not sold out. Bread addicts call and reserve the favorites at the local Yokes store bakery department. If I get desperate I'll beg the store to save a TillyOFVanilla for me.

    Impressive Augusta photos, she's fabulous.

  • last month


    I was iat The Huntington and Otto’s just a few weeks ago, it was a terrific trip. I think Neem oil works on rust. My amazing solution for all fungal problems was to move to California but you’ve already done that.


    I hear Costco sells very premium vanilla like `Haagen Daz at a much lower cost, but it only comes in giant tubs and I know myself better than to buy that.


    Beautiful Augusta Luise, esp the first picture, so many petal packed blooms with the pink ad orange at the same time. As Berry said, you a Duchess of Anerican Ice Cream. Maybe that qualifies you to sell American Riviera Ice Cream alongside that other Duchess’ strawberry jam? Costco sells an amazing soft serve strawberry vanlla sundae at their food counter , too. Their soft serve vanilla tastes like the best frozen custard.

  • last month

    Diane - your AL blooms are luscious, whipped treats...the first pic is my favorite...SWOON!!!

  • last month

    My Augusta Louise is always super gaudy the first flush of the season when it’s cool and wet and them turns softer as temps rise

  • last month

    But it makes no sense, Oursteelers. Others say the opposite is true for their rose. AL is a color nut. And that October color is surely nuts. She's trying to imitate a maple tree--ha. Diane

  • last month

    I have given up trying to make sense of plants! I just go with the caveat ”In my yard…“ for everything :)

  • last month
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    If I have to pick only one rose it will be AL..

  • last month


  • last month

    Beautiful Augusta, Elena!


    I like gaudy Augusta too, I don’t think I’ve seen a variation I don’t like.

  • last month

    Exquisite Augusta, Elena. Does your rose display much color variation?

    Gaudy Augusta is a great name for that color variation, Ben. Diane

    Peach Augusta

    Fiery Augusta

    My fav photo of her looking pink.

    Augusta in July.

    And back to pink.

  • last month
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    Thank you all! I am in love with this rose!

    Diane, o yes, this rose is different every month! Hope Ben is OK with posting me so many pictures of AL.

    Same rose, last year, 2 yo.


    End of July (No June pictures, was fighting with rose midges!)



    Still October, like the dark pink line!

    November, my fav picture

    November 25, last blooms

  • last month


    Feel free to post any AL or other pics of your other roses, they are all very beautiful

  • last month

    Glorious AL pictures...amazing!!