Plant List
Plant lists
PLANT TRADE - I'm looking for
.Looking for newer daylilie, irises and etc. I pretty much have all the older ones.
No invasive plants and no orange (kwanzo) daylilies Please
Brugs-snowbank, any doubles & and any triples
Canna Madame Butterfly or any dwarfs
Tulip- 'Flava'
Tulip- 'Aria Card'
Tulip- 'Doortje Hes'
Tulip- 'Zampa Parrot'
Tulip- 'Cummins'
Dracunculus vulgaris-Dragon Arum
Asiatic Lily - 'Creme Brulee'
Coneflower-Double Decker, double pink delight, sunset, sundown and any new ones.
Lycoris-All colors
Hardy Cyclamen
.Asiatic Lily
.Nippon Lady Lily
.Shocking Lily
.Muscadet Lily
.Mondeo Lily
.Crocosmia that I do not have
.Euphorbia Chavacias
.Sulphur Queen Hymenocallis
.Purple Haze Calla Lily
.Toad Lilies
.Gladwyn Iris
.Black Beauty Rudbeckia
.Spider Dahlias
Alligator shoes
american eagle
spinning wheel
apple court
apple jack
bacon & eggs
benedict arnold
blazing saddles
blueberry patch
bluegrass country
bold & beautiful
bows & arrows
plus many many others LMK what you have
.Asiatic Lilies
Arena, Ice Cubes,
Jubileo, La Center, Luminaries, Moxie, Sarabande,
Brushstroke, Bestseller, Jubileo, Moxie,
passionate, painted desert, pacific rim, rodeo,
mystic rose, pink flourishes, suncrest, surprise,
shirley, silver thaw, sorbet, spinning wheel,
summer night, red artist, purple reign, loreto,
willow wood, yellow blaze, white swallow
.Zulu Prince Daisy
.Cape Daisy
.Echinacea purpurea 'Razzmatazz',
.Clethra 'Sixteen Candles','Ruby Spice', 'Rosea'
.Hibiscus 'Lavender Chiffon'
.Poker Primrose
.Heuchera-Coral Bells - named ones that I don't have
.Iris's (named)
betty christine
chamber music
crazy for you
crazy in love
competitive edge
country rustic
fashion queen
fatal attraction
film festival
foreign accent
foreign legion
grape snakez
i feel good
i've got rhythm
instant hit
jazz festival
las vegas
last laugh
local color
native tale
panama hattie
parvin's pinat
pinball wizard
play with fire
poem of ecstasy
prince george
recurring delight
red hawk
red hot lover
red masterpiece
ring around rosie
rip city
rodeo girl
ruban bleu
scene stealer
sea power
secret service
snowed in
so fine
spiced tiger (found)
starship enterprise
stranger brew
summer tsunami
sunnyside delight
tangled web
team work
terre de ferr
tequila sunrise
toasted watermelon (mine died)
voodoo child
walking on air
war chief
warrior king
wild vision
wild wings
wintery sky
.Hostas,named ones I don't have
.Siberian Irises
- named ones
.Japanese Irises (named)
.Louisiana Irises (named)
. Lupine
- Alpina Frances Rivis
- Anna Louise
- Artic Queen
- Bees Jubilee
- Belle of Woking
- Blue Light
- Blue Moon
- Countess of Lovelace
- Duchess of Edinburgh
- Garnet Wolsely
- Heracleifolia China Purple
- Joe Zary
- Josephine
- Macropetela
- Miss Bateman
- Multi Blue
- Pink Chiffon
- Pink Fantasy
- Plena Elegan
- Proteus
.Calla Lilies (named)
- Baby Barnaby
- Darkleaf Apricot
- Dixter Flame
- Dusky Maiden
- Eastern Promise
- Emberglow
- Fernhill
- Firebird
- Flamethrower
- Hades
- His Majesty
- Jenny Bloom
- Jessie
- Morning Light
- Mrs. Geoffrey Howard
- Vulcan
- Absolutely Fabulous
- After Awhile Crocodile
- Alberene
- Alexander's Ragtime Band
- All American Tiger
- All the trimmings
- Ambrosian Rhapsody (Dbl)
- Andy Candy
- Arms to Heaven
- Artist at Heart
- Baby Blues (Thanks Debbie)
- Baracuda Bay
- Bark At Me
- Bermuda Bay
- Big City Eyes
- Black Burgandy
- Black Jack Cherry (Thanks Debbie)
- Blueberry Sundae
- Blue Halo
- Bold Streaker
- Bold Tiger
- Border Music
- Brenda Jane
- Burnt Almond
- Burning Love
- Butter Pecan
- Cardigan Bay
- Carribbean Frank League
- Charmed Existence
- Chelle Elizabeth
- Cherokee Heritage
- Cherry Berry
- Chicago Kid
- Christening Spirit
- Clovette adams
- Colorado Dude
- Comanche Eye
- Coral Corduroy
- Cotillion Maiden
- Cotton Club
- Creole Blus
- Curly Rosy Posey
- Cutting Edge
- Daughter of Destiny
- Decatur Double Dandy
- Decolores
- Devaughn Hodghes
- Diane Taylor (Dbl)
- Double Gardenia
- Double Red Royal
- Dragons Circle
- Dragons Eye (FOUND)
- Dublin Elaine (FOUND)
- Enchanters Spell (FOUND)
- Eye Catching
- Eyes and Edges
- Frandean
- Francois Verhaert (Found)
- French Twist
- Fringe Benefit
- Garden Queen
- Gary Colby
- Geneva Fire Truck (Thanks Debbie)
- Ginger Twist
- Ginger Whip
- Gram's Dream
- Grammar School Bully
- Green Rainbow
- Hampton Classic
- Hampton Hocus Pocus (Dbl)
- Hampton Magic
- Handsome Devil
- Hawaiian Party Dress
- Heavenly Beginnings
- Heavenly Curls
- Helen Shooter
- Heaven All Day
- Heavenly Island Magic
- Heavenly Mr. Twister
- Hero Worship
- Holly Dew
- Hows the Weather Up There
- Inky Fingers
- Irredescent Jewel
- Isabel Maraffi
- Jamaician Love
- Jamaician Me Crazy
- Jamaician Music
- Jane Angus
- Jane Trimmer (Need Again Died)
- Jelly Fish Jealously
- Jazz King
- Jean Swann
- John Kinnebrew
- Judy's Penthouse
- Julie Newmar
- Jungle Rhythm
- Kathy Road
- Kay Day (Dbl)
- Kings Point
- Later Alligator
- Laughing Skies
- Lavender Attraction
- Lavender Light
- Lavender Loveliness
- Lee Pickles (Thanks Roxanne)
- Lime Frost
- Linda Daniels
- Little Pierre
- Little Paul
- Lobo Lucy
- Louise Mercer
- Jerry Nettles
- Lucky Catch
- Lucky Pierre (Dbl)
- Magic Filagree
- Majestic Morning
- Making Double Time (Thanks Debbie)
- Maleny Think Big
- Mama's Chery Pie
- Martina Verhaert (Found)
- Meadow Sprite
- Milady Greensleeves (Found)
- Mildred Mitchell (Found)
- Ming Ballet
- Moonlight Orchid
- My Edge
- Over the Top
- Pagan Ritual
- Passion District
- Peach Souffle
- Peggy Bass
- Penny Pinsley
- Planet Claire
- Playing with Sharks
- Premier Surprize
- Primal Scream
- Purple Petticoats
- Quality Of Mercy (Found)
- Rapid Eye Movement
- Raptor Rap
- Red Light Green Light
- Rocky Horror
- Root Beer Truffle (Dbl)
- Royal Celebration
- Ruffles Elegante
- Ruffled Masterpiece
- Sabine Baur
- Scandalous
- Scarecrow
- Schnickle Fritz (Dbl)
- Sense Of Wonder
- Serena Dark Horse (Thanks Susie)
- Serena Madonna
- Sergeant Major
- Shake the Mountains
- Skeezix
- Shrimp & Grits
- Skin Walker
- Siloam Little Angel
- Somewhere out there
- Southport
- Spacecoast I don't have
- Spider Breeder
- Springfield Clan
- Startle
- Steve Trimmer
- Sugar Mountain
- Sweet Potatoes
- Thrill Ride
- True Gertrude Demarest
- Twenty Third Psalm
- Uppermost Edge
- Victorian Violet
- VI
- You Angel You (Thanks Roxanne)
- Vision Of Love
- Wild Orchid
- Wire Grass Greenstar
- Wolf Eyes
- Zella Virginia (Died-Need again)
Heuchera-Snow Angel, Green Spice, Key Lime, Amber Waves, Purple Petticoats, and any new ones that are out there.
- Clown Gown
- Crimson Ray
- Eye Opener
- Geoff Moor
- Georgia's Pearl
- Harvest Moon
- Heaven Scent
- Honey Do
- Irene Collins
- Jason Blue
- Lemon Empress
- Magicians Hat
- Ruth Watson
- Superstar
- The Patch
- Yellow Brick Road
- Any named that I don't have
Bearded Iris
- Boogie Man
- Doublemint
- Eugenia King
- Forgotten Secret
- Foxy Lady
- French Horn
- Gallant Rogue
- Mission Sunset
- Night Attack
- Satin Satan
- Study in Black
- Sultry Lady
- Voodoo Blues
Iris chrysographes 'The Black iris'
- Rosy Glow
- Sunset Cloud
.Cannas (named)
.Asiatic Lilies (named)
.Oriental Lilies (named)
.Oriental Lily 'Miss Lucy' (Thanks Secret Pal)
Graphics by Robink.
PLANT TRADE - I'm trading
..Clematis-Asao (Hot Pink)
- Babylon
- Charles Davidson
- Emberglow
- John Boots
- Jupiter
- Lucifer
- Meteore
- Norwich Canary
- Star of the East
- Venus
- Arabian Nights
- Bora Bora
- Camano Thunder
- Caribbean Fantasy
- City of Alkmaar (Cactus/med orangey yellow)
- Goodwill90
- Lots O honey
- Mystery Day
- Pearsons Michelle
- Sea Casabil
- Suki Yori
- Topaz
- Dahlia passed down from past generations (Dark red)
- Abodacious Pattern
- Addie Branch Smith
- Admirals Braid
- Adopt Me (Thanks Sherri R)
- All American Eagle
- All About Eve-Double Peach Pink
- All Fired Up (Thanks mary_s)
- Alpine Snow
- Always Tomorrow (thanks Sharon)
- Among My Souvenirs
- Amy Michelle
- And God Said (Double)
- Angelic Messenger (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Angels Reaching
- Apache Bandana
- Apron Strings (thanks Bambi)
- Arms Reaching Out
- Art Gallery Fringe
- Art Gallery Quilling (Bought from Leslie-DG)
- Artist At Heart
- Artistry
- Atlanta Big Time
- Atlanta Simplicity
- Aurora's Wedding
- Autumn Red
- Awakening Dream (Thanks Anita)
- Azure Violets (Thanks Pat)
- Azure Wings (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Baggette (Thanks Sherri R)
- Baracuda Bay (Thanks Jo)
- Beautiful Edgings (thanks Canna)
- Beautiful to Behold
- Bela Lugosi
- Bengal Bay (SpringValley Nursery)
- Bettie Davis Eyes (Thanks Jo)
- Bicentenniel queen
- Big Easy
- Big Apple
- Big Kiss- Dbl Light Peach/Rose
- Big target
- Billye Carter
- Birds Eye
- Black Plush
- Blueberry Cream Swirls (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Blue Flirt (thanks Catbirdsue)
- Blue Moon Rising
- Bogie & Becall
- Bold Red Eyes
- Bonnie Holley
- Border Bride
- Border Sentry (SpringValley Nursery)
- Both Sides Now - Dbl Peach Coral/Rose Eye
- Bradley Bernard-Spider (thanks Bambi)
- Brer Rabbits Baby-Spider
- Broadway Bold Eyes
- Bumble Bee Boogie
- Bursting Bubble (thanks Jo)
- Cabbage Flower-Dbl
- Caliphs Robes
- Calling All Angels
- Cameroons
- Candy Gram (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Caprician Fiesta
- Carrick Wildon-Spider
- Carpenter Shavings-Dbl
- Cats Cradle-Spider
- Celebration of Angels
- Century House (Thanks Sharon & Marea)
- Chesapeake Crablegs (Thanks Bambi)
- Chicago Brave
- Chokecherry Mountain
- Chorus Line
- Christmas Is (Thanks Anita)
- Cindys Eye
- Cleo-Spider
- Cleopatra-Spider (Thanks Jo)
- Clincher (Thanks Debbie)
- Clothed in Glory (Thanks Pat)
- Cluster Muster (Thanks Cindy)
- Cobalt Dawn
- Commissioner JW (Thanks Jo)
- Condilla-Dbl
- Court Magician
- Crazy Pierre (Thanks Bambi)
- Creative Vision (Thanks Rosie)
- Cricket Call (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Crushed Silk
- Curly Cinnamon Windmill
- Curly Pink Ribbons (Bought fm Leslie DG
- Dallas Star (Thanks Debbie)
- Dance Ballerina Dance
- Darla Anita-Dbl (Thanks Anita)
- Dave Bill Talbott
- David Kirchoff
- Debbie Durio
- Decatur Cherry Smash
- Denali
- Desert Icicle
- Designer Jeans
- Designer Gown
- Destined to See-Jay in Missouri
- Dixie Hummingbird
- Doll House
- Dorothy Lambert
- Double Bold One
- Double Bourbon
- Double Breakthrough
- Double Corsage
- Double Cranberry Ruffle
- Double Cutie
- Double Decker
- Double Ethel (Thanks Debbie)
- Double Tequilla Bunny (Thanks Sherri R)
- Dominic
- Dorothy and Toto
- Dragon Dreams
- Dragon King-Jay in Missouri
- Dragons Token-Jay in Missouri
- Dream Legacy
- Dublin Elaine-Dbl
- Ducks Luck
- Duke of Durham
- Dynamic Duo
- Easy Ned (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Easley Redhead
- Ebony Jewel
- Edge of Heaven
- Eggplant Escapade-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Egyptian Queen
- Elegant Candy
- Elegant Touch
- Ellen Christine-Dbl
- Emperor's Dragon
- Enchanted Empress
- Enchanters Spell
- Eskimo Kisses
- Etched Eyes
- Evermore Edge
- Exotic Candy
- Eyes Forever
- Eye on America (Thanks MaryB)
- Eyes of Fire
- Eye Yi yi
- Excitable (Thanks MaryB)
- Faces of a Clown
- Fairy Filigree
- Fairy Tale Pink
- Fanciful Finery (DBL)
- Fantasian
- Fashion Trend
- Feather Down (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Fellow-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Femme Fatale
- Ferris Wheel-Spider (Thanks Sherri R)
- Fire And Fog
- Firefly Frenzy (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Fires of Fugi (DBL)
- Firestorm (Spider)
- Flamboyant eyes (Thanks Pat)
- Flamenco Christmas (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Flower Basket
- Florentine Princess
- Forbidden Fantasy
- Fooled Me
- Forsyth Hearts Afire
- Forty Second St.-Dbl (Thanks Jo)
- Francis of Assisi (Thanks Jo)
- Francis Joiner-Dbl
- Francois Verhaert
- Frankies Fantasy-Spider
- Frans Hall
- Freeda James-Dbl
- French Pavilion
- Full Grown
- Galaxy Explosion
- Gamester
- Gay Cravant
- Gemini
- Ghost Fingers (Thanks MaryB)
- Glorious Grace
- Goodbye General Custer - spider
- Go Seminoles - spider
- Gossamer Parasol
- Graceful Eye
- Grape Velvet
- Grand Palais
- Granddaughter Becky Lou
- Green Dolphin Street
- Greywoods Workhorse Willie
- Hamlet (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Hang Six
- Happy Returns
- Happy Reward
- Havanna Day Dreaming
- Heavenly Treasure
- Heavens Glory
- Helen Shooter (Thanks Jo)
- Hey Haole
- Highland Lord (DBL)
- Hint Of Harmony (Thanks Sharon)
- Hobbit
- Holiday Delight
- Hubbles Buddy
- Ida's Magic
- Idle Chatter
- Indy Long Legs (Thanks Roxanne)
- I See You
- Islesworth
- It
- Jane Trimmer (Bought fm Leslie DG)Died need again
- Jans Twister-Spider
- Jo Barbre (DBL)
- Joe Marinello-Spider (Thanks Pat)
- Jolyene Nichole
- Judith
- Junzi
- Karen Sue
- Keen Eloise (2006 fm Daylily World)
- King Kahuna (DBL)
- King Of Masks
- Lady Fingers-Spider (Thanks mary_s)
- Lake Norman Spider-Spider
- Lake Norman Sunset
- Land of Cotton (DBL)
- Last Flight Out
- Laughing Cavalier (Thanks Jo)
- Laughing Clown-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Layers of Gold-Dbl
- Ledgewoods Tropical Butterfly (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Lee Pickles (Thanks Roxanne)
- Lemon Cream Truffle
- Licorice Twist (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Lin Wright
- Lion King
- Loco Bo-Spider
- Lois Burns-Spider
- Long Stocking-Spider
- Lord of the Storm (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Lori Goldston (Thanks Susie)
- Lots Of Pizazz
- Lunar Max
- Macho Macho Man (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Mad Max-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Made In Dixie (Thanks Sherri R)
- Magnificent Humminbird (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Magnificent Rainbow
- Mahogany Magic
- Making Double Time (DBL)
- Mallard
- Mango Tango (thanks Sharon)
- Mardi Gras Parade
- Martina Verhaert (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Mary's Baby (Bought fm Leslie DG)Died need again
- Mary Reed (Thanks mary_s)
- Mask Ball
- Masked Phantom
- Mask of time (SpringValley Nursery)
- Merry Messenger
- Merry Witch
- Midnight Magic (thanks Canna)
- Milady Greensleeves-Spider(Thanks Bambi)
- Mildred Mitchell
- Ming Toy
- Moana Twirler
- Moonlit Masquerade
- Moon Snow
- Monica Marie
- Mormon
- Morning For Flamingoes (Thanks Cindy)
- Moses Fire
- Mount Herman Marvel
- Moving All Over-Spider
- Mulberry Truffle (DBL)
- Mynelle's Starfish-Spider
- My Special Angel
- Mystic Spirits
- Mystical Illusion (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Nacogdoches Pansy
- Nagasaki
- Navajo Princess
- Nebuchadnezzar's Furnace (DBL)
- Nell Dean (Thanks Canna)
- Neva Quilt
- Newberry Blue Eyes
- Nickolis
- Night Embers (Thanks Sharon)
- North Port (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Oceans 11
- Old King Cole-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Open Hearth
- On Cloud Nine
- Orchids and Diamonds
- Orchid Candy (Thanks MaryB)
- Oriental Mystery
- Oriental Topaz
- Outrageous
- Paiges Pinyata
- Paint the town Red
- Pakistan
- Panda Bear
- Palace Garden Beauty
- Pandora's Box
- Paprika Spice
- Paradise Pink
- Pardon Me (out)
- Parian China (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Pat Garrity (Thanks Cindy)
- Pat Mercer
- Peach Magnolia
- Peaches And Cream (spider)
- Peacock Maiden (spider)
- Peasant King
- Peggy Jeffcoat (DBL)
- Persiflage-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Phenomenal Sapphire (Thanks Bambi)
- Piano Man
- Pink Super Spider-Spider
- Pirate Patch
- Polynesian Love Song
- Popcorn Pete
- Prarie Blue Eyes
- Princess Sarah
- Priscilla's Rainbow
- Prissy Frills
- Prowess
- Purple Grape Ripple
- Purple Many Faces (Thanks Sharon)
- Purple Pinwheel
- Purple Rain Dance
- Purple Romance
- Quality of Mercy-Jay in Missouri
- Queen Cape
- Queen Lily
- Radiant Eyes
- Radiant Ruffles
- Raspberry Pixie
- Reckless
- Red Grace (Thanks Cindy)
- Red Ribbons-Spider (Thanks Anita)
- Red Volunteer
- Regal Tapestry
- Rib Tickling
- Roccoco (Thanks Susie)
- Rocket Booster (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Rose Emily
- Roses In Snow
- Roswitha
- Rosy Wren
- Ruby Spider-Spider
- Rue Madeline
- Russian Easter
- Ruth Griffin
- Ryan Cobb
- Sanford House
- Sanford Impressionist
- Sannibel Shell
- Satin Bird-Spider (Thanks Pat)
- Scarlet Orbit
- Sea of Cortex
- Sea Urchin-Jay in Missouri
- Seductress
- Select Set (Thanks Anita)
- Seminole Blood (Thanks Cindy)
- Seminole Wind
- Shaman
- Shallow Water (Thanks Cindy)
- Shores Of Time (Thanks Roxanne)
- Skye Dance
- Siloam Amazing Grace
- Siloam Angels Voice (Thanks mary_s)
- Siloam Double Delight
- Siloam Ethel Smith
- Siloam French Doll
- Siloam June Bug
- Siloam Ralph Henry
- Siloam Red Toy
- Siloan Royalty (Thanks Roxanne)
- Siloam Virginia Henson
- Singing In The Sunshine
- Sings The Blues
- Smoky Mountain Autumn
- Snake in the Grass Boo (Thanks Cindy)
- Soaring Spirits
- So Excited
- Soldier of Fortune (Patron Gardens 2007)
- Song Of Singapore
- South Seas (Thanks Sherri R)
- Spacecoast Behavior Pattern (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Spacecoast Blast Off (Ebay)
- Spacecoast Bold Scheme
- Spacecoast Carnival (Thanks Susie)
- Spacecoast Child Star
- Spacecoast Cool Deal
- Spacecoast Cotton Candy
- Spacecoast Cherries and Cream
- Spacecoast Cranberry Breeze
- Spacecoast Cranberry Kid
- Spacecoast Cream Supreme
- Spacecoast Dragon Prince
- Spacecoast Earlybird
- Spacecoast Easyrider (Ebay)
- Spacecoast Extreme Fashion
- Spacecoast Fancy Dancer
- Spacecoast Fantasy Flight
- Spacecoast Firestarter (Ebay)
- Spacecoast Gator Eye
- Spacecoast Krinkles
- Spacecoast Mulberry Motif
- Spacecoast Peach Fringe (Thanks Roxanne)
- Spacecoast Picotee Prince
- Spacecoast Pink Lady
- Spacecoast Pumpkin Power
- Spacecoast Raspberry Mist
- Spacecoast Rebel Yell (Ebay)
- Spacecoast Royal Ransom (Thanks Cindy)
- Spacecoast Scrambled
- Spacecoast Sea Shell (Thanks Susie)
- Spacecoast Sharp Tooth
- Spacecoast Sonata (Thanks Anita)
- Spacecoast Spice Girl (Ebay)
- Spacecoast Starburst
- Spacecoast Surprise Purple (Thanks Anita)
- Spacecoast Sweet Eye
- Spacecoast Technical Knockout
- Spacecoast White Out
- Space Jam (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Spacewars (Thanks Sherri R)
- Spanish Masquerade
- Spider Man-Spider
- Spindazzle-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Spiny Sea Urchin (Thanks Sharon)
- Spiritual Corridor (Thanks Sherri R)
- Splendid Touch
- Spotted Fever
- Starlight Galaxy
- Storm Spell
- Strawberry Candy
- Streaker
- Street Urchin
- Sultans Warrior
- Sunday Gloves (Thanks Jo)
- Sunday Sandals
- Sunshine Breeze (Thanks Jo)
- Susan Pritchard Petit (Thanks Gloria)
- Swanking Around (Thanks Anita)
- Swirling Water
- Take Heart
- Tar and Feather
- Tea Leaf Prophecy
- Tears of Love (Thanks Jo)
- Techny Breeze-Jay in Missouri
- Tennessee Apricot
- Tennis Bracelet
- Texas Gal
- Thebes
- Time Lord (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Thunder and Blazes
- Thunder and Lightning-Jay in Missouri
- Tigereyed Spider
- Tiny Pumpkin
- Trahlylta
- Tropical Embers
- Tropical Experience (Thanks Sharon)
- Trudy Harris
- True Blue Heart
- Turkish Tapestry
- Turn Turn Turn (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Tuscawilla Bill Reed
- Tuscawilla Dave Talbot
- Tuscawilla Pink Joe
- Twilight Swan
- Two Part Harmony
- Unending Melody
- Uri Geller
- Vanilla Fluff (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
- Victorian Fantasy-Jay in Missouri
- Vintage Bordeaux
- Vintage Liz
- Violet Vision) (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Web Of Intrigue (Thanks Sherri R)
- Well Of Souls
- Which Way Jim
- Whitney Suzanne-Jay in Missouri
- Wild Horses-Spider
- Wild Mustang (Thanks Jo)
- Wilson Spider-Spider
- Wind Frill
PLANT TRADE - I'm looking for
.Looking for newer daylilie, irises and etc. I pretty much have all the older ones.
No invasive plants and no orange (kwanzo) daylilies Please
Brugs-snowbank, any doubles & and any triples
Canna Madame Butterfly or any dwarfs
Tulip- 'Flava'
Tulip- 'Aria Card'
Tulip- 'Doortje Hes'
Tulip- 'Zampa Parrot'
Tulip- 'Cummins'
Dracunculus vulgaris-Dragon Arum
Asiatic Lily - 'Creme Brulee'
Coneflower-Double Decker, double pink delight, sunset, sundown and any new ones.
Lycoris-All colors
Hardy Cyclamen
.Asiatic Lily
.Nippon Lady Lily
.Shocking Lily
.Muscadet Lily
.Mondeo Lily
.Crocosmia that I do not have
.Euphorbia Chavacias
.Sulphur Queen Hymenocallis
.Purple Haze Calla Lily
.Toad Lilies
.Gladwyn Iris
.Black Beauty Rudbeckia
.Spider Dahlias
Alligator shoes
american eagle
spinning wheel
apple court
apple jack
bacon & eggs
benedict arnold
blazing saddles
blueberry patch
bluegrass country
bold & beautiful
bows & arrows
plus many many others LMK what you have
.Asiatic Lilies
Arena, Ice Cubes,
Jubileo, La Center, Luminaries, Moxie, Sarabande,
Brushstroke, Bestseller, Jubileo, Moxie,
passionate, painted desert, pacific rim, rodeo,
mystic rose, pink flourishes, suncrest, surprise,
shirley, silver thaw, sorbet, spinning wheel,
summer night, red artist, purple reign, loreto,
willow wood, yellow blaze, white swallow
.Zulu Prince Daisy
.Cape Daisy
.Echinacea purpurea 'Razzmatazz',
.Clethra 'Sixteen Candles','Ruby Spice', 'Rosea'
.Hibiscus 'Lavender Chiffon'
.Poker Primrose
.Heuchera-Coral Bells - named ones that I don't have
.Iris's (named)
betty christine
chamber music
crazy for you
crazy in love
competitive edge
country rustic
fashion queen
fatal attraction
film festival
foreign accent
foreign legion
grape snakez
i feel good
i've got rhythm
instant hit
jazz festival
las vegas
last laugh
local color
native tale
panama hattie
parvin's pinat
pinball wizard
play with fire
poem of ecstasy
prince george
recurring delight
red hawk
red hot lover
red masterpiece
ring around rosie
rip city
rodeo girl
ruban bleu
scene stealer
sea power
secret service
snowed in
so fine
spiced tiger (found)
starship enterprise
stranger brew
summer tsunami
sunnyside delight
tangled web
team work
terre de ferr
tequila sunrise
toasted watermelon (mine died)
voodoo child
walking on air
war chief
warrior king
wild vision
wild wings
wintery sky
.Hostas,named ones I don't have
.Siberian Irises
- named ones
.Japanese Irises (named)
.Louisiana Irises (named)
. Lupine
- Alpina Frances Rivis
- Anna Louise
- Artic Queen
- Bees Jubilee
- Belle of Woking
- Blue Light
- Blue Moon
- Countess of Lovelace
- Duchess of Edinburgh
- Garnet Wolsely
- Heracleifolia China Purple
- Joe Zary
- Josephine
- Macropetela
- Miss Bateman
- Multi Blue
- Pink Chiffon
- Pink Fantasy
- Plena Elegan
- Proteus
.Calla Lilies (named)
- Baby Barnaby
- Darkleaf Apricot
- Dixter Flame
- Dusky Maiden
- Eastern Promise
- Emberglow
- Fernhill
- Firebird
- Flamethrower
- Hades
- His Majesty
- Jenny Bloom
- Jessie
- Morning Light
- Mrs. Geoffrey Howard
- Vulcan
- Absolutely Fabulous
- After Awhile Crocodile
- Alberene
- Alexander's Ragtime Band
- All American Tiger
- All the trimmings
- Ambrosian Rhapsody (Dbl)
- Andy Candy
- Arms to Heaven
- Artist at Heart
- Baby Blues (Thanks Debbie)
- Baracuda Bay
- Bark At Me
- Bermuda Bay
- Big City Eyes
- Black Burgandy
- Black Jack Cherry (Thanks Debbie)
- Blueberry Sundae
- Blue Halo
- Bold Streaker
- Bold Tiger
- Border Music
- Brenda Jane
- Burnt Almond
- Burning Love
- Butter Pecan
- Cardigan Bay
- Carribbean Frank League
- Charmed Existence
- Chelle Elizabeth
- Cherokee Heritage
- Cherry Berry
- Chicago Kid
- Christening Spirit
- Clovette adams
- Colorado Dude
- Comanche Eye
- Coral Corduroy
- Cotillion Maiden
- Cotton Club
- Creole Blus
- Curly Rosy Posey
- Cutting Edge
- Daughter of Destiny
- Decatur Double Dandy
- Decolores
- Devaughn Hodghes
- Diane Taylor (Dbl)
- Double Gardenia
- Double Red Royal
- Dragons Circle
- Dragons Eye (FOUND)
- Dublin Elaine (FOUND)
- Enchanters Spell (FOUND)
- Eye Catching
- Eyes and Edges
- Frandean
- Francois Verhaert (Found)
- French Twist
- Fringe Benefit
- Garden Queen
- Gary Colby
- Geneva Fire Truck (Thanks Debbie)
- Ginger Twist
- Ginger Whip
- Gram's Dream
- Grammar School Bully
- Green Rainbow
- Hampton Classic
- Hampton Hocus Pocus (Dbl)
- Hampton Magic
- Handsome Devil
- Hawaiian Party Dress
- Heavenly Beginnings
- Heavenly Curls
- Helen Shooter
- Heaven All Day
- Heavenly Island Magic
- Heavenly Mr. Twister
- Hero Worship
- Holly Dew
- Hows the Weather Up There
- Inky Fingers
- Irredescent Jewel
- Isabel Maraffi
- Jamaician Love
- Jamaician Me Crazy
- Jamaician Music
- Jane Angus
- Jane Trimmer (Need Again Died)
- Jelly Fish Jealously
- Jazz King
- Jean Swann
- John Kinnebrew
- Judy's Penthouse
- Julie Newmar
- Jungle Rhythm
- Kathy Road
- Kay Day (Dbl)
- Kings Point
- Later Alligator
- Laughing Skies
- Lavender Attraction
- Lavender Light
- Lavender Loveliness
- Lee Pickles (Thanks Roxanne)
- Lime Frost
- Linda Daniels
- Little Pierre
- Little Paul
- Lobo Lucy
- Louise Mercer
- Jerry Nettles
- Lucky Catch
- Lucky Pierre (Dbl)
- Magic Filagree
- Majestic Morning
- Making Double Time (Thanks Debbie)
- Maleny Think Big
- Mama's Chery Pie
- Martina Verhaert (Found)
- Meadow Sprite
- Milady Greensleeves (Found)
- Mildred Mitchell (Found)
- Ming Ballet
- Moonlight Orchid
- My Edge
- Over the Top
- Pagan Ritual
- Passion District
- Peach Souffle
- Peggy Bass
- Penny Pinsley
- Planet Claire
- Playing with Sharks
- Premier Surprize
- Primal Scream
- Purple Petticoats
- Quality Of Mercy (Found)
- Rapid Eye Movement
- Raptor Rap
- Red Light Green Light
- Rocky Horror
- Root Beer Truffle (Dbl)
- Royal Celebration
- Ruffles Elegante
- Ruffled Masterpiece
- Sabine Baur
- Scandalous
- Scarecrow
- Schnickle Fritz (Dbl)
- Sense Of Wonder
- Serena Dark Horse (Thanks Susie)
- Serena Madonna
- Sergeant Major
- Shake the Mountains
- Skeezix
- Shrimp & Grits
- Skin Walker
- Siloam Little Angel
- Somewhere out there
- Southport
- Spacecoast I don't have
- Spider Breeder
- Springfield Clan
- Startle
- Steve Trimmer
- Sugar Mountain
- Sweet Potatoes
- Thrill Ride
- True Gertrude Demarest
- Twenty Third Psalm
- Uppermost Edge
- Victorian Violet
- VI
- You Angel You (Thanks Roxanne)
- Vision Of Love
- Wild Orchid
- Wire Grass Greenstar
- Wolf Eyes
- Zella Virginia (Died-Need again)
Heuchera-Snow Angel, Green Spice, Key Lime, Amber Waves, Purple Petticoats, and any new ones that are out there.
- Clown Gown
- Crimson Ray
- Eye Opener
- Geoff Moor
- Georgia's Pearl
- Harvest Moon
- Heaven Scent
- Honey Do
- Irene Collins
- Jason Blue
- Lemon Empress
- Magicians Hat
- Ruth Watson
- Superstar
- The Patch
- Yellow Brick Road
- Any named that I don't have
Bearded Iris
- Boogie Man
- Doublemint
- Eugenia King
- Forgotten Secret
- Foxy Lady
- French Horn
- Gallant Rogue
- Mission Sunset
- Night Attack
- Satin Satan
- Study in Black
- Sultry Lady
- Voodoo Blues
Iris chrysographes 'The Black iris'
- Rosy Glow
- Sunset Cloud
.Cannas (named)
.Asiatic Lilies (named)
.Oriental Lilies (named)
.Oriental Lily 'Miss Lucy' (Thanks Secret Pal)
Graphics by Robink.
PLANT TRADE - I'm trading
..Clematis-Asao (Hot Pink)
- Babylon
- Charles Davidson
- Emberglow
- John Boots
- Jupiter
- Lucifer
- Meteore
- Norwich Canary
- Star of the East
- Venus
- Arabian Nights
- Bora Bora
- Camano Thunder
- Caribbean Fantasy
- City of Alkmaar (Cactus/med orangey yellow)
- Goodwill90
- Lots O honey
- Mystery Day
- Pearsons Michelle
- Sea Casabil
- Suki Yori
- Topaz
- Dahlia passed down from past generations (Dark red)
- Abodacious Pattern
- Addie Branch Smith
- Admirals Braid
- Adopt Me (Thanks Sherri R)
- All American Eagle
- All About Eve-Double Peach Pink
- All Fired Up (Thanks mary_s)
- Alpine Snow
- Always Tomorrow (thanks Sharon)
- Among My Souvenirs
- Amy Michelle
- And God Said (Double)
- Angelic Messenger (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Angels Reaching
- Apache Bandana
- Apron Strings (thanks Bambi)
- Arms Reaching Out
- Art Gallery Fringe
- Art Gallery Quilling (Bought from Leslie-DG)
- Artist At Heart
- Artistry
- Atlanta Big Time
- Atlanta Simplicity
- Aurora's Wedding
- Autumn Red
- Awakening Dream (Thanks Anita)
- Azure Violets (Thanks Pat)
- Azure Wings (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Baggette (Thanks Sherri R)
- Baracuda Bay (Thanks Jo)
- Beautiful Edgings (thanks Canna)
- Beautiful to Behold
- Bela Lugosi
- Bengal Bay (SpringValley Nursery)
- Bettie Davis Eyes (Thanks Jo)
- Bicentenniel queen
- Big Easy
- Big Apple
- Big Kiss- Dbl Light Peach/Rose
- Big target
- Billye Carter
- Birds Eye
- Black Plush
- Blueberry Cream Swirls (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Blue Flirt (thanks Catbirdsue)
- Blue Moon Rising
- Bogie & Becall
- Bold Red Eyes
- Bonnie Holley
- Border Bride
- Border Sentry (SpringValley Nursery)
- Both Sides Now - Dbl Peach Coral/Rose Eye
- Bradley Bernard-Spider (thanks Bambi)
- Brer Rabbits Baby-Spider
- Broadway Bold Eyes
- Bumble Bee Boogie
- Bursting Bubble (thanks Jo)
- Cabbage Flower-Dbl
- Caliphs Robes
- Calling All Angels
- Cameroons
- Candy Gram (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Caprician Fiesta
- Carrick Wildon-Spider
- Carpenter Shavings-Dbl
- Cats Cradle-Spider
- Celebration of Angels
- Century House (Thanks Sharon & Marea)
- Chesapeake Crablegs (Thanks Bambi)
- Chicago Brave
- Chokecherry Mountain
- Chorus Line
- Christmas Is (Thanks Anita)
- Cindys Eye
- Cleo-Spider
- Cleopatra-Spider (Thanks Jo)
- Clincher (Thanks Debbie)
- Clothed in Glory (Thanks Pat)
- Cluster Muster (Thanks Cindy)
- Cobalt Dawn
- Commissioner JW (Thanks Jo)
- Condilla-Dbl
- Court Magician
- Crazy Pierre (Thanks Bambi)
- Creative Vision (Thanks Rosie)
- Cricket Call (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Crushed Silk
- Curly Cinnamon Windmill
- Curly Pink Ribbons (Bought fm Leslie DG
- Dallas Star (Thanks Debbie)
- Dance Ballerina Dance
- Darla Anita-Dbl (Thanks Anita)
- Dave Bill Talbott
- David Kirchoff
- Debbie Durio
- Decatur Cherry Smash
- Denali
- Desert Icicle
- Designer Jeans
- Designer Gown
- Destined to See-Jay in Missouri
- Dixie Hummingbird
- Doll House
- Dorothy Lambert
- Double Bold One
- Double Bourbon
- Double Breakthrough
- Double Corsage
- Double Cranberry Ruffle
- Double Cutie
- Double Decker
- Double Ethel (Thanks Debbie)
- Double Tequilla Bunny (Thanks Sherri R)
- Dominic
- Dorothy and Toto
- Dragon Dreams
- Dragon King-Jay in Missouri
- Dragons Token-Jay in Missouri
- Dream Legacy
- Dublin Elaine-Dbl
- Ducks Luck
- Duke of Durham
- Dynamic Duo
- Easy Ned (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Easley Redhead
- Ebony Jewel
- Edge of Heaven
- Eggplant Escapade-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Egyptian Queen
- Elegant Candy
- Elegant Touch
- Ellen Christine-Dbl
- Emperor's Dragon
- Enchanted Empress
- Enchanters Spell
- Eskimo Kisses
- Etched Eyes
- Evermore Edge
- Exotic Candy
- Eyes Forever
- Eye on America (Thanks MaryB)
- Eyes of Fire
- Eye Yi yi
- Excitable (Thanks MaryB)
- Faces of a Clown
- Fairy Filigree
- Fairy Tale Pink
- Fanciful Finery (DBL)
- Fantasian
- Fashion Trend
- Feather Down (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Fellow-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Femme Fatale
- Ferris Wheel-Spider (Thanks Sherri R)
- Fire And Fog
- Firefly Frenzy (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Fires of Fugi (DBL)
- Firestorm (Spider)
- Flamboyant eyes (Thanks Pat)
- Flamenco Christmas (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Flower Basket
- Florentine Princess
- Forbidden Fantasy
- Fooled Me
- Forsyth Hearts Afire
- Forty Second St.-Dbl (Thanks Jo)
- Francis of Assisi (Thanks Jo)
- Francis Joiner-Dbl
- Francois Verhaert
- Frankies Fantasy-Spider
- Frans Hall
- Freeda James-Dbl
- French Pavilion
- Full Grown
- Galaxy Explosion
- Gamester
- Gay Cravant
- Gemini
- Ghost Fingers (Thanks MaryB)
- Glorious Grace
- Goodbye General Custer - spider
- Go Seminoles - spider
- Gossamer Parasol
- Graceful Eye
- Grape Velvet
- Grand Palais
- Granddaughter Becky Lou
- Green Dolphin Street
- Greywoods Workhorse Willie
- Hamlet (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Hang Six
- Happy Returns
- Happy Reward
- Havanna Day Dreaming
- Heavenly Treasure
- Heavens Glory
- Helen Shooter (Thanks Jo)
- Hey Haole
- Highland Lord (DBL)
- Hint Of Harmony (Thanks Sharon)
- Hobbit
- Holiday Delight
- Hubbles Buddy
- Ida's Magic
- Idle Chatter
- Indy Long Legs (Thanks Roxanne)
- I See You
- Islesworth
- It
- Jane Trimmer (Bought fm Leslie DG)Died need again
- Jans Twister-Spider
- Jo Barbre (DBL)
- Joe Marinello-Spider (Thanks Pat)
- Jolyene Nichole
- Judith
- Junzi
- Karen Sue
- Keen Eloise (2006 fm Daylily World)
- King Kahuna (DBL)
- King Of Masks
- Lady Fingers-Spider (Thanks mary_s)
- Lake Norman Spider-Spider
- Lake Norman Sunset
- Land of Cotton (DBL)
- Last Flight Out
- Laughing Cavalier (Thanks Jo)
- Laughing Clown-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Layers of Gold-Dbl
- Ledgewoods Tropical Butterfly (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Lee Pickles (Thanks Roxanne)
- Lemon Cream Truffle
- Licorice Twist (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Lin Wright
- Lion King
- Loco Bo-Spider
- Lois Burns-Spider
- Long Stocking-Spider
- Lord of the Storm (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Lori Goldston (Thanks Susie)
- Lots Of Pizazz
- Lunar Max
- Macho Macho Man (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Mad Max-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Made In Dixie (Thanks Sherri R)
- Magnificent Humminbird (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Magnificent Rainbow
- Mahogany Magic
- Making Double Time (DBL)
- Mallard
- Mango Tango (thanks Sharon)
- Mardi Gras Parade
- Martina Verhaert (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Mary's Baby (Bought fm Leslie DG)Died need again
- Mary Reed (Thanks mary_s)
- Mask Ball
- Masked Phantom
- Mask of time (SpringValley Nursery)
- Merry Messenger
- Merry Witch
- Midnight Magic (thanks Canna)
- Milady Greensleeves-Spider(Thanks Bambi)
- Mildred Mitchell
- Ming Toy
- Moana Twirler
- Moonlit Masquerade
- Moon Snow
- Monica Marie
- Mormon
- Morning For Flamingoes (Thanks Cindy)
- Moses Fire
- Mount Herman Marvel
- Moving All Over-Spider
- Mulberry Truffle (DBL)
- Mynelle's Starfish-Spider
- My Special Angel
- Mystic Spirits
- Mystical Illusion (2006 fm Daylily World)
- Nacogdoches Pansy
- Nagasaki
- Navajo Princess
- Nebuchadnezzar's Furnace (DBL)
- Nell Dean (Thanks Canna)
- Neva Quilt
- Newberry Blue Eyes
- Nickolis
- Night Embers (Thanks Sharon)
- North Port (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Oceans 11
- Old King Cole-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Open Hearth
- On Cloud Nine
- Orchids and Diamonds
- Orchid Candy (Thanks MaryB)
- Oriental Mystery
- Oriental Topaz
- Outrageous
- Paiges Pinyata
- Paint the town Red
- Pakistan
- Panda Bear
- Palace Garden Beauty
- Pandora's Box
- Paprika Spice
- Paradise Pink
- Pardon Me (out)
- Parian China (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Pat Garrity (Thanks Cindy)
- Pat Mercer
- Peach Magnolia
- Peaches And Cream (spider)
- Peacock Maiden (spider)
- Peasant King
- Peggy Jeffcoat (DBL)
- Persiflage-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Phenomenal Sapphire (Thanks Bambi)
- Piano Man
- Pink Super Spider-Spider
- Pirate Patch
- Polynesian Love Song
- Popcorn Pete
- Prarie Blue Eyes
- Princess Sarah
- Priscilla's Rainbow
- Prissy Frills
- Prowess
- Purple Grape Ripple
- Purple Many Faces (Thanks Sharon)
- Purple Pinwheel
- Purple Rain Dance
- Purple Romance
- Quality of Mercy-Jay in Missouri
- Queen Cape
- Queen Lily
- Radiant Eyes
- Radiant Ruffles
- Raspberry Pixie
- Reckless
- Red Grace (Thanks Cindy)
- Red Ribbons-Spider (Thanks Anita)
- Red Volunteer
- Regal Tapestry
- Rib Tickling
- Roccoco (Thanks Susie)
- Rocket Booster (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Rose Emily
- Roses In Snow
- Roswitha
- Rosy Wren
- Ruby Spider-Spider
- Rue Madeline
- Russian Easter
- Ruth Griffin
- Ryan Cobb
- Sanford House
- Sanford Impressionist
- Sannibel Shell
- Satin Bird-Spider (Thanks Pat)
- Scarlet Orbit
- Sea of Cortex
- Sea Urchin-Jay in Missouri
- Seductress
- Select Set (Thanks Anita)
- Seminole Blood (Thanks Cindy)
- Seminole Wind
- Shaman
- Shallow Water (Thanks Cindy)
- Shores Of Time (Thanks Roxanne)
- Skye Dance
- Siloam Amazing Grace
- Siloam Angels Voice (Thanks mary_s)
- Siloam Double Delight
- Siloam Ethel Smith
- Siloam French Doll
- Siloam June Bug
- Siloam Ralph Henry
- Siloam Red Toy
- Siloan Royalty (Thanks Roxanne)
- Siloam Virginia Henson
- Singing In The Sunshine
- Sings The Blues
- Smoky Mountain Autumn
- Snake in the Grass Boo (Thanks Cindy)
- Soaring Spirits
- So Excited
- Soldier of Fortune (Patron Gardens 2007)
- Song Of Singapore
- South Seas (Thanks Sherri R)
- Spacecoast Behavior Pattern (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Spacecoast Blast Off (Ebay)
- Spacecoast Bold Scheme
- Spacecoast Carnival (Thanks Susie)
- Spacecoast Child Star
- Spacecoast Cool Deal
- Spacecoast Cotton Candy
- Spacecoast Cherries and Cream
- Spacecoast Cranberry Breeze
- Spacecoast Cranberry Kid
- Spacecoast Cream Supreme
- Spacecoast Dragon Prince
- Spacecoast Earlybird
- Spacecoast Easyrider (Ebay)
- Spacecoast Extreme Fashion
- Spacecoast Fancy Dancer
- Spacecoast Fantasy Flight
- Spacecoast Firestarter (Ebay)
- Spacecoast Gator Eye
- Spacecoast Krinkles
- Spacecoast Mulberry Motif
- Spacecoast Peach Fringe (Thanks Roxanne)
- Spacecoast Picotee Prince
- Spacecoast Pink Lady
- Spacecoast Pumpkin Power
- Spacecoast Raspberry Mist
- Spacecoast Rebel Yell (Ebay)
- Spacecoast Royal Ransom (Thanks Cindy)
- Spacecoast Scrambled
- Spacecoast Sea Shell (Thanks Susie)
- Spacecoast Sharp Tooth
- Spacecoast Sonata (Thanks Anita)
- Spacecoast Spice Girl (Ebay)
- Spacecoast Starburst
- Spacecoast Surprise Purple (Thanks Anita)
- Spacecoast Sweet Eye
- Spacecoast Technical Knockout
- Spacecoast White Out
- Space Jam (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Spacewars (Thanks Sherri R)
- Spanish Masquerade
- Spider Man-Spider
- Spindazzle-Spider (Thanks Bambi)
- Spiny Sea Urchin (Thanks Sharon)
- Spiritual Corridor (Thanks Sherri R)
- Splendid Touch
- Spotted Fever
- Starlight Galaxy
- Storm Spell
- Strawberry Candy
- Streaker
- Street Urchin
- Sultans Warrior
- Sunday Gloves (Thanks Jo)
- Sunday Sandals
- Sunshine Breeze (Thanks Jo)
- Susan Pritchard Petit (Thanks Gloria)
- Swanking Around (Thanks Anita)
- Swirling Water
- Take Heart
- Tar and Feather
- Tea Leaf Prophecy
- Tears of Love (Thanks Jo)
- Techny Breeze-Jay in Missouri
- Tennessee Apricot
- Tennis Bracelet
- Texas Gal
- Thebes
- Time Lord (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Thunder and Blazes
- Thunder and Lightning-Jay in Missouri
- Tigereyed Spider
- Tiny Pumpkin
- Trahlylta
- Tropical Embers
- Tropical Experience (Thanks Sharon)
- Trudy Harris
- True Blue Heart
- Turkish Tapestry
- Turn Turn Turn (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Tuscawilla Bill Reed
- Tuscawilla Dave Talbot
- Tuscawilla Pink Joe
- Twilight Swan
- Two Part Harmony
- Unending Melody
- Uri Geller
- Vanilla Fluff (Jean-Dirtpig)
- Victoria Elizabeth Barnes
- Victorian Fantasy-Jay in Missouri
- Vintage Bordeaux
- Vintage Liz
- Violet Vision) (Bought fm Leslie DG)
- Web Of Intrigue (Thanks Sherri R)
- Well Of Souls
- Which Way Jim
- Whitney Suzanne-Jay in Missouri
- Wild Horses-Spider
- Wild Mustang (Thanks Jo)
- Wilson Spider-Spider
- Wind Frill
This user has not saved anything yet.