About Us
Control4 is a leading global provider of automation and networking systems for homes and businesses, offering personalized control of lighting, music, video, comfort, security, communications, and more into a unified smart home system that enhances the daily lives of its consumers. Control4 unlocks the potential of connected devices, making networks more robust, entertainment systems easier to use, homes more comfortable and energy efficient, and provides families more peace of mind. Today, every home and business needs automation horsepower and a high-performance network to manage the increasing number of connected devices. The Control4 platform interoperates with over 11,700 third-party consumer electronics products, ensuring an ever-expanding ecosystem of devices will work together. Control4 is now available in 100 countries. Leveraging a professional distribution channel that includes over 5,600 custom integrators, retailers, and distributors authorized to sell the full-line of Control4 products, Pakedge branded networking solutions and Triad Speakers, Control4 is delivering intelligent solutions for consumers, major consumer electronics companies, hotels, and businesses around the world.
Services Provided
Home Automation, Home Theater Design, Home Theater Installation, Outdoor Audio Installation, Outdoor Lighting Installation, Security Camera Installation, Smart Homes, Surround Sound Installation
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Business Details
Business Name
Phone Number
(888) 400-4070
11734 South Election Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84020
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