Lullaby Paints
Paint & Wall Covering Dealers
About Us
Award winning, premium quality paints in designer colors. The ONLY paint company not afraid to tell you what's inside. Lullaby Paints might take a little more time and effort to produce, but we think that our babies are worth it.
For many years, moms have been able to review the ingredients in all the foods that they and their family eat, so they can make an informed choice about what to buy. This ingredient disclosure option is now available for paints, with Lullaby Paints being the first (and only) manufacturer to offer both Declare Labels and Third Party Verified Health Product Declarations (HPDs). Now moms, who like to know what is around and inside their children, can make a more informed choice about the paints they use in their precious baby’s nursery.
Health Product Declaration: The HPD Open Standard provides a consistent, and transparent format to accurately disclose the material contents, and associated health information of a building product.
Declare Label: Declare labels are issued to products disclosing ingredient inventory, sourcing and end of life options. They are based on the Manufacturers Guide to Declare, administered by the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) and certified for use in Living building Challenge projects.
Our products are Zero VOC, conforming to CDPH 01350 (VOC emissions test taken at 11, 12, & 14 days for classroom and office use).
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Business Details
Business Name
Lullaby Paints
Phone Number
(866) 587-3586
P.O.Box 489
Fairforest, SC 29336
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