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Top 5 Trends in the Home Spa Industry

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago
The Growth of the Home Spa Industry

Americans are insisting on luxury. As consumer spending has increased, so has the amount of money that U.S. households spend on luxury items. Luxury spending is a major boost to the world economy, generating $1.8 billion worldwide. While much of this spending is on dining and designer clothing, the trend toward spending money on goods that increase pleasure is also reflected in the expanding home spa industry. There was a 10% increase in the home spa industry in the fourth quarter of 2013 and it is now estimated that whirlpool baths are included in 50% of new builds. A home spa allows homeowners the luxury of relaxing whenever they want in the privacy of their own homes.

In this rapidly growing industry, several trends are emerging which promise to maximize the home spa experience.

Top Trends in the Home Spa Industry


An important part of setting the stage for a relaxing spa experience lies in getting the color scheme right. It is no coincidence that professional spas almost universally opt for the muted palate of blues, greens, whites, and grays. Blue has been shown to lower blood pressure while green promotes a feeling of refreshment and evokes a feeling of connection to nature. White creates a feeling of cleanliness and of open space. Color psychologists describe gray as a color that evokes a sense of peace and balance. The use of this color palate has become very popular in home spas.


Steam has long been used for detoxification and improving the skin. In the past, creating steam was a daunting process, involving fire pits or underground heat wells. Today, homeowners can experience the benefits of steam just by touching a button. Vapor proofing technology has made it easy to manage the airborne moisture carried by steam. Steam showers and steam baths are now cited as the most in-demand feature in shower construction.


Custom tile lets the homeowner exercise complete control over the look and feel of the home spa, and many homeowners are making some experimental choices. Reclaimed wood tile is growing in popularity, adding a warm, organic element to the home spa. Other sought-after custom tile trends include matte finished tiles, faux marble, and large-format tiles.


Choosing the right lighting goes a long way toward enhancing the relaxation experience. Dimmer switches allow users to manage light levels without changing existing lighting fixtures. In-home chromatherapy features in showers and baths allow users to literally wash themselves in color, a practice that is used in professional spas to help balance energy and promote relaxation. Chandeliers over the bathtub have also become a trendy option, giving the room a luxe feel.