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Store pepper seed

16 years ago

I can't find any garden seed in any of the stores..get funny looks when I ask. I Want to start a pepper and some other plants in a container inside. I bought a bell pepper. Will the seeds grow? Are they probably a hybrid?

Comments (7)

  • 16 years ago

    I am starting tepin pepper plants now because they take a while to germinate.
    Who knows what you'll get from the bell pepper seeds. You are right about finding seeds at local garden centers. Here in Wichita, you can find vegetable seeds at feed stores. However, last week I got all the seeds I ordered from Thompson and Morgan online.
    I have some plants I brought in this fall and they are doing well under plant lights by the window, including a strawberry plant that survived a few frost nights.

  • 16 years ago

    Mail order U.S.A: largest selection of pepper seeds = Redwood City Seeds; cheap mail order all kinds of seeds= Pinetree Seeds; only organic seeds =
    Seeds of Change; other suppliers abound.
    Don't bother growing grocer's bell seed, it is a hybrid & you'll get a mutt.
    My commercial hit was "Spanish Spice" - a hybrid, decent wall thickness, nice
    frying pepper look, neither hot nor bland (my customers didn't like hot peppers & I didn't like their flimsy Cubanelle), produces fruit promptly, reasonably tidy plant habit ... seed from Totally Tomatoes &/or Tomato Growers Supply.

  • 16 years ago

    You aren't likely to find seeds in Colorado or any northern climate in winter. Mail order.

    I agree that the store bought pepper is a hybrid and you may or may not be pleased with what grows from it. Certainly it will be a pepper, but what it will grow/look/taste like is anybody's guess.

  • 16 years ago

    If you saved seed from a green bell pepper, the seed is not viable. You want seeds from a ripe pepper and green peppers are just unripe red peppers. What type of peppers are you wanting to grow?

  • 16 years ago

    I was just at Home Depot in Fairfax,VA and they were putting out the Burpee seeds.
    Hope this helps.

  • 16 years ago

    Hope this helps, Lowes & HD in my area (FL) recently put out seed. I too saved seeds out of a store bought bell pepper, a red, orange & yellow bell. Planted. It did grow, only green peppers or ones with a slight yellow patch on one side. The flavor wasn't horrible but not spectacular. This is my 1st year with any edible gardening per say. I will wind up buying some pepper seeds for future planting.

  • 16 years ago

    You didn't say what color your pepper was...I'd try it anyway...what can it hurt? I experiment with seeds like that all the time. And I have to say that there are some bell peppers that are meant to be GREEN bell peppers...they eventually turn color...but are dark green for a long time. In the bell pepper mix that you find in the seed packets...the ones that turn color fastest are the ones that are a lighter green...not the dark green ones.

    (NOTE: The Carnival Pepper Mix is hybrid so it doesn't grow true from seed itself...but a packet lasts me a while)

    Anyway...experimentation is fun...I say go for it!