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I have 11 acres, is there any way to reduce the amount of foxtail

14 years ago

I just moved here about a month ago and basically it's over run with foxtail grass. My goats don't like it and I can see this is going to be a long term problem. Any suggestions? This was used for cattle and guessing cows like foxtail? I have heard enough horror stories to last a lifetime with foxtails in the eyes, nose, cheeks, and gum line of back of teeth. I don't really want to mow because I'm trying to convert to more of a permaculture type of environment. Plus I want to encourage more shrub and vines.

Thanks in advance

Comments (11)

  • 14 years ago

    I don't know about foxtail, but cheat grass doesn't like water. So you could try watering (11 acres is a lot to water).

    I think you are going to have to mow and get it under control before you go on to plant what you want.

    Cattle don't like foxtail and it can kill them the same as any other animal. What you've got is pasture that has been over-grazed. The cattle ate the best plants and left what they don't like.

    Sorry, but I suspect you've got years of battle ahead of you if you are opposed to spraying.

    Wild oats will crowd it out, and your goats will happily eat oat grass, but you still get a seed awn that can get into animal eyes and ears (but not nearly as bad as foxtail)

  • 14 years ago

    foxtail is an annual. you can use a pre emergant herbicide that will kill any seed that trys to germinate in the spring.

  • 14 years ago

    One place foxtail wont grow is in the shade. Plant something tall (big bluestem?) and it will all be a memory.

  • 14 years ago

    Have you checked with your county ext service.We have a pasture management Agent maybe your county does too.

  • 14 years ago

    One thing I have learned with all kinds of weeds is the simple rule that "something will always grow in every spot" the lesson to learn from that is that foxtail will always grow there until something else does. A very good crop to compete with most any weed is Sudan grass. It's an annual, grows fast and rather tall so it will compete with and crowd out most weeds so the others can't grow. In our area, Sudan is used on new ground that hasn't been cultivated for a while and is bound to sprout all kinds of weeds and does very well. Sudan can be cut for hay, used for forage, or plowed down for a green manure crop. I like your idea of minimal, or even zero tillage, but you may need to commit to a little at first to get your land under control, and growing the things you want.
    Once you have fought the battle on the big scale and won, be sure to keep vigilante for ANY little sprout that tries to get started and eradicate it promptly. One little sprig that is neglected and grows to seed can get the problem started all over again very quickly. You will certainly have a little reoccurrance for a couple of years as some seed will hold over a year and sprout the next.
    One additional benefit of Sudan is that it is a very good host for Mycorrhiza which will benefit your soil and you may want to consider adding it as you plant.

  • 14 years ago

    Thank you all for the great advice. I appreciate it and have a lot of work ahead. I think it will be worth it though. I'm very much into promoting land management with goats (and usable for others) and not over-grazed land.

    there are some great minds here!

  • 13 years ago

    Wow, it's been a year since I started this thread! I have not succeeded in getting rid of the foxtail but wow my goats have really cleaned up the thistle. It's amazing how the pasture was barely walkable without needles of pain in the legs to pleasant green grasses.

    The foxtail is still a problem that I'm still working on but thankfully I haven't had any injuries. We have had a great water year and the foxtail has crowded out the Sudan grass :(as far as I can tell.

  • 9 years ago

    Has anyone had success over time planting something else to crowd out foxtail?

  • 8 years ago

    If you're allowed to burn, you may want to try to burn it and then re-seed with something else like a cover crop or anything that'll strangle it out hopefully. Don't forget to mow mow mow too.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Foxtail seeds are very harmful or sometimes lethal to goats,sheep,cows,wildlife,all animals by migrating throughout their bodies,lodging in the lungs or spinal cord and causing abscesses anywhere. tt I removed vast amounts of foxtails by cutting it down the covering with three inches of wood mulch.