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Deck Builders & Contractors in Ft. Pierce

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Ft. Pierce / 50 mi
115 of 41 professionals
41 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Deck Builders & Contractors in Ft. Pierce

Designer Concrete
Deck Builders & Contractors in Ft. Pierce
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJanuary 23, 2016
“They did an amazing job on my concrete counters! I have very bright white cabinets and they were able to perfectly match the concrete to the counters. Super nice guy and extremely easy to work with. Finished product is exactly what I was hoping for! I'd highly recommend them.”
Kruger Construction Corp
Deck Builders & Contractors in Ft. Pierce
Average rating: 4 out of 5 starsJuly 26, 2013
“After having a new metal roof and a solar system installed I contracted with Kruger Construction to install leaders and gutters to a portion of the new roof as well as repairing some screening on my pool enclosure. Their work was done professionally and in a timely manner and I would recommend them to anyone.”
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