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Garden Deck with GS Containers

13 years ago

This qualifies as garden junk as all of my containers came from garage sales. :o) I planted a deck garden! So much easier to have my garden right outside the dining room on the deck. Easier to water and no deer or gophers! LOL I planted it late (in June) but things are thriving! The pictures show only part of the garden. I planted zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, onions, potatoes, lettuce, spinach, beans, peas, cherry tomatoes, regular tomatoes, melons... Picked my first zucchini today! Had to share! Will have to get some photos of the other parts of the deck and "gardens". Bear Hugs! Kirk



Okay, this isn't a garage sale find...bought the Topsy Turvy containers from Collections, Etc. I read mostly negative reviews about the Topsy Turvy idea but mine are doing well! (I must be doing something wrong! LOL) The plants are loaded with tomatoes! :o)


Comments (9)

  • 13 years ago

    That's a fantastic deck garden, love that most of your planters are wood so they "coordinate."

    Those are the best pictures of Topsy Turvy planters I've ever seen. Congrats on that. The light must be reflected up to them instead of from the top down.

  • 13 years ago

    Wow, that's a great garden, deck or no deck. Everything is healthy looking. I'm not going to show my DH the pix of the topsy turvy tomatoes, he wanted some and I talked him out of them. His tomatoes are in the ground and about to burn up.

  • 13 years ago

    WOW! I love the zucchini plant in the whiskey barrell...that worked out wonderfully! I like the "no varmits" part of this garden! Except little ground squirrels around here would still be able to raise havoc! LOL! How 'bout the watering part? Do you have to do that daily as I do my potted plants (if no rain). And I see your bird sculpture junk pc sitting there on the deck with your wood planters...very rustic looking veggie garden! TFS! Jeanne S.

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks for the nice comments!

    Jeanne, I do water "my garden" daily... I have my morning Diet Pepsi (me bad) and then wander out onto the deck to water things. I have the kids involved too as they love Daddy's garden. :o) This garden is "spoiled" by love! LOL

    I bought another bird's on the other side of "the garden". :o) The bear was a gift from a student.

    I've had so much fun with this. I also bought a composter and will be adding stuff to the soil! Kids are involved with that too. Carol just goes with the flow! LOL FUN!

    Bear Hugs! Kirk

  • 13 years ago

    Very cool, Kirkus! I love experimenting with veggies. You should try sweet potatoes next Spring! They are VERY easy to grow in large containers and you can start dozens of plants from one large sweet potato in a glass of water on your window sill. (a great project to try with your kids) Are you allowed to have back yard chickens at your new place? I'll bet you'd love 'em!

  • 13 years ago

    My husband had a topsy turvy tomato container last year. Didn't do worth a darn. I really like the idea of a container garden.

  • 13 years ago

    Very healthy looking garden. and best tomato container I've seen too. Keep up the good work.

  • 13 years ago

    Wonderful garden & everything really seems to like the wood planters. Do you use dirt or potting soil like Miracle-Gro? mom got a topsy-turvy thing but it is still sitting there. I got a 6 pk of Early Girl tomatoes & planted 3 at their house & 3 at mine. We are giving neighbors some too as we don't have time to do anything with them but
    I sure would like to make some tomato jam, it's my favorite! Jan

  • 13 years ago

    MMMMmmmmm! Those look like are going to produce some yummy veggies Kirk!