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Paver patio - how much does sand compact

16 years ago

I am in the process of installing a paver patio adjacent to a concrete sidewalk surrounding a swimming pool.

I have already set a 4" deep bed of recylcled concrete as a base, leaving myself 3 1/2" to the top of the sidewalk.

Next, I will order the sand for under the pavers. The pavers themselves are 2 3/8" thick.

My plan was to use 1 1/2" of sand, allowing for 3/8" of compaction...But I just spoke to a different guy at the stone place, and of course he told me something different!

My question is this...If I use concrete sand under the pavers, how much will the sand settle when compacted?

It is not too late for me to make adjustments, but it will soon be!


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