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building a greenhouse out of old windows

18 years ago

so my mom is having all the windows on her house replaced with storm windows. she likes to garden and lives on a large piece of land. currently she has a tiny hobby greenhouse made out of plastic and pvc tubing thats starting to fall apart.

so I got the idea of building her a new greenhouse out of the old single paned windows off the house. there's about 460 square feet of window and I figure if the first 3 feet or so are some non window material and the roof is polycarbonate sheeting, she could have a good sized greenhouse to work with.

so I figured it would be a good summer project but I was wondering if anyone has tried this option before and is aware of any pitfalls to be aware of or to watch out for.

I figure to put it on a concrete block foundation. pouring a foundation seems a little extreme.

I'm guessing with a lot of different sized windows it'll look a little funky but I'm trying to find a design that'll account for that so it doesn't look like a hobo shack.

Comments (71)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the encouragement Sheri, I will definitely be posting some progress pics as it goes along. Right now the land for it is cleared and leveled and I hope to start construction this week.

    Can you tell I was a little wired last night from the length of my previous post lol? No more caffeine for me.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wired? No, I was thinking energetic, determined, detail-minded and (perhaps) a bit stubborn. I am learning the stubborn part is invaluable in this process, and the rest can't hurt!

    I'm a thinker-outer too. I flopped the position of the sink (in my mind) from the center to the outer bench in my little house about twenty times. Which is silly, since my GH is so small it's a move of about 3 feet. :-) The size of your greenhouse sounds wonderful.

    Your courage to learn how to cut glass and to tackle recreating double-pane surfaces sounds like something I'd consider (and something that would make my patient family roll their eyes.) I felt right at home in your post. ;-)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello this is a great site i just hauled in a bunch of old windows they are 3 foot by 4 foot im looking at building a green house looking for some ideas dont know if i leave them in the frames or build a differant type of frame.these are real thick glass any ideas would be welcome thank you Ray

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ray, whether to leave them in the frame or construct your own is up to you. I can tell you from experience getting them out can be EXTREMELY difficult depending on how the frames were constructed. What looks like 4 pieces of wood (assuming they're wood) nailed together are probably interlocking and strongly glued too and those types often have to be "torn apart" to remove the glass. It's not just a matter of pulling out the nails and prying the pieces apart. In doing so it's easy to break 1 or both glass pieces comprising what I'm assuming is a double-paned window by your description if you're not very careful. It doesn't take much pressure or a slip of whatever tool you're using and you've just damaged your glass. But it can be's just alot of trouble. I've never tried to take apart an aluminum framed one before.

    I finally got my planning done and I have all of the windows I need to complete the two long sidewalls and two gable end walls of my greenhouse as well as some on the roof if I choose to use windows up there too. They are heavy and it will be difficult so I haven't decided yet. Because of the window count my structure has expanded from an 18'x20' to a 21'x26'. I decided I'm too chicken to try to make the glass cuts myself so I'll be taking my pieces to a professional to make the custom cuts for the gable ends.

    The wooden windows I collected have very thick frames 3-4 inches all the way around and I wanted as much light to come through the walls as possible. The glass only extends into the frame about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. So, I will be trimming off at least 2 inches all the way around with a power saw (CAREFULLY). Make sure you know how deep your glass is imbedded into the frame before doing something like this. If they're all the same the surest way is to take one apart for yourself even at the risk of damaging it. Then you'll know how the others are constructed, where the glass ends and how much room you have to play with. From what I've seen most wooden windows like mine are pretty standard and have the glass embedded no more than 1/2 an inch into the frame but it pays to be sure.

    Good luck with your project!
    Sincerely, Danielle

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    thanks danielle for your input one nice thing the glass can be taken out without cutting the frames

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That's very cool ray7010....wish I had found windows that easy lol!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    i have about 20 old sliding glass doors. Does anyone have an idea or plan on how to make a green house out of these?
    Any comments would be great!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Just wondering if you got a start on your project and if so, how it was coming along.
    I am very impressed with your details and motivation for your greenhouse and would be interested in knowing how everything turns out.
    Hope all is well!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Everyone-What a great thread! I live in on an island in SE Alaska and am desperately wanting a glass greenhouse. We have unbelievable winds here, and tried one of the vinyl ones last year, but after about the 5th time of it breaking loose from its tie-downs and rolling down the road (imagine a 50ish woman running down road chasing greenhouse), have decided it must be glass. Found a great deal at the local hardware store on some windows that did not fit, so were returned. very heavy, double paned windows, very heavy. They are all about 6 x 6 feet. Have about 10 or more Haven't got all the cases open, as they are heavy thick wood, and have been wanting to wait until we actually are ready to use them before taking off their protective packaging. We had one that we had opened to be broken this past winter by a rock thrown up from the snowblower as it passed (also took out my car window). Anyway-before I open them I want to be close to using them, but guess I will have to open to get their true sizes. I was so impressed with Danielle's thought process. She sounds a lot like me, except I have all these great ideas, but limitations with my body prevent me doing much of it myself... so I'm at the mercy of convincing my husband and son to do it for me. And, I'm VERY used to the rolled eyes. They just couldn't see things through my eyes. Anyway-I'm looking forward to future posts and will send mine, too! Sharon

    Here is a link that might be useful: Sharon's Cabin on The Sound

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is a great thread, I just wish there were a few more pictures. We recently renovated our house and got all new windows. After some convincing my dad and I are going to build a greenhouse (I am still in graduate school so no house of my own yet) out of all the old windows. Two problems: yard nazis (village construction ordinances) and the site. (That story is another post).
    However, I was putzing around in the garage the other day and came accross some old stained glass windows that were given to us from a friend. Anyone ever use them in the greenhouse? Some are pretty thick but no where as thick as the double pane glass of our old windows. I was thinking of using the windows for the sides of the greenhouse and triple wall poly for the roof. I thought some of the stained glass pieces for the odd-shaped areas would look kind of cool since I may not have a window for corners or above the door. Any ideas?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, it's a start.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Zach (and kelly and javan too). Pictures are worth a thousand words. Zach, I don't notice a pitch to the roof.. will that be ok with snow cover? That cold frame is exactly what I wanted, to build, by the way if I have leftover windows. Do keep us posted as you progress, thanks

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago
  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great info and such encouragement to me!
    squirrellypete's info was just what I am looking for and hope you can post some pictures soon!

    I have a bunch of aluminum windows that we took out last year, that I plan on using by framing them with 2x4's.

    There was a program, on HGTV that showed a greenhouse this gal put together using old windows and framing them. It was really rustic and darling.

    Thanks everyone for all the info!

    It's hot here in the Dallas / Ft Worth TX area .. this spring / summer. I hope to have the Greenhouse up by fall so that I can grow all winter ...
    Taking cuttings right now from tomatoes for that as well as
    planting in ground!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great info and such encouragement to me!
    squirrellypete's info was just what I am looking for and hope you can post some pictures soon!

    I have a bunch of aluminum windows that we took out last year, that I plan on using by framing them with 2x4's.

    There was a program, on HGTV that showed a greenhouse this gal put together using old windows and framing them. It was really rustic and darling.

    Thanks everyone for all the info!

    It's hot here in the Dallas / Ft Worth TX area .. this spring / summer. I hope to have the Greenhouse up by fall so that I can grow all winter ...
    Taking cuttings right now from tomatoes for that as well as
    planting in ground!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here is a bit of encouragement from the greenhouse pictured above: picture of ripe tomatoes taken on 6/20. Reuse those old windows! Jim


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nice Javan! Would love to see update of Zach's GH.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm afraid mine looks about the same. However, the pergola on the other side of the yard is finished.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Okay, here is an update. One of the mistakes we made when constructing our greenhouse pictured above was with the roof. We used old windows like the rest of the greenhouse, not realizing that they would not drain properly. Consequently, we had water pooling on the roof, and leaking through despite every attempt at caulking. We decided we had to re-roof. Here is a picture of the original roof we did.

    When chatting with our new neighbor one day, we talked to him about the project of re-roofing. He is a general contractor, and he offered to do the job for us. We had 4 panels of what we thought were plexiglass to use on the roof. They did not quite give us the required length but we figured we could use fiberglass which we had to finish it off.

    To make a long story short, our neighbor did the work, and does his work look more professional than ours! Here are some shots of the work as it progressed.




    On the last panel, when he was going to drill the plexi to fit it on the edge, it completely shattered into a million pieces, and we all realized we had tempered glass and not plexi. What to do? A sheet of glass of the correct size would have cost over $100, with plexi even more, so we went with a piece of fiberglass. Here is the completed roof.


    So that is the saga. We have a bit of caulking to do, but I think we will have a non leaky and draining roof in the future.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Looks good Javan!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is such a fantastic thread!! I think I've read through it twice.

    Issue with my Zone though, when I put in my zip code it says that I'm zone 5. But when I read about zone 8...about the Rain Forest in Washington...I knew that was my zone. I'm only 20 miles from the Hoh Rain Forest!! Interesting.

    I have been collecting windows through They have been aluminum (sp?) framed, out of modular/trailer homes that were getting replacements. I have been removing them from their frames to reframe in wood. They are double pane, but have stayed together rather well after removing them. Once I get enough I will then plan out where each window will go. I have an issue with thing not being symmetric so there will be that to deal with. And when I have a matching pair and I break one...oh the profanity that comes out of my mouth! Just gotta make sure the kids arn't around to hear old mom at her worst.

    I'm lucky I get power tools for gifts, the table saw and router have been a blessing with the reframing.

    I have no idea how to do the main GH frame to put all these wonderful old windows in. Any detailed photos of those that have been built would be greatly appreciated. I'm a visual sort of person. I guess that's why I've read this thread twice, still trying to compute all the information.

    All of you builders in progress and those of you done, PLEASE post picture!!! They are wonderful to look at and great motivation for the rest of us!!!

    Forks, WA

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's a photo of the greenhouse we built from salvaged windows and other materials 6 years ago.
    It has stood up to the weather and conditions of south western Ontario very well and only required some recaulking and staining just this summer.
    I keep heat in it all winter long to store a lot of tropicals, cactus and do a lot of propagating.

    Here's a link to a long thread on how we built it with many photos.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Greenhouse Built from Windows

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well rats, I forgot to load the photo! Here it is...


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This sounds like a great project. Green and fun! I would think a replacement window company would be a great way to get a decent selection of older windows for next to nothing. You could save them money from disposal and have a huge selection to sort through. In maryland, you could go to Thompson Creek Window Company in Landover, they do a lot of volume.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Thompson Creek Windows

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Found this on my searches for ideas on how to build my GH from salvaged materials. I found it very inspiring and thought you all would too!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Garden Wise

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here is a link to my blog with pictures of the greenhouse I built almost exclusively with recycled, reused or repurposed materials. I hope it is helpful. I also posted a similar link under "recycled greenhouse"- I hope it is not a problem to double post links.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Salvaged material greenhouse pics and info

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love your paint looks like a greenhouse interpretation of a Mondrian painting!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Mondrian

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Those who have reframed glass, has anyone had an issue with slots or rabbets either loosening and glass falling out or wood expanding and breaking glass? about how deep should I make slots and how much room for wood expansion and contraction, my area has very cold dry winters and hot very humid summers wooden structures go through a lot of punishment but looking to try it with some old glass I've gotten my hands on.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry if I'm a newbie changing the subject here or jumping in, but I could use some help. I almost threw away 12 80x36 cedar framed single pane glass storm windows this morning before I coincidentally came across this thread and thought, "what an awesome idea!" After quickly driving across town to grab them from the refuse pile before the trashman did, I shared the idea with my wife who told me she had mentioned it to me about a year ago, so I guess it was one of those things I selectively chose to not hear. Anyway, we've recently moved into the country from town and have always wanted, but never had a GH. The previous owner left these windows in my way, luckily, because now we can have one! If anyone could answer a couple of question I'd greatly appreciate any help.

    1) These things are glass, is this safe-assuming I build it right? It seems a little dangerous for some reason. (This is apparently the excuse I gave my wife for not doing this a year ago...he, he, he.)

    2)What kind of venting do I need and where...i.e. roof?

    3)Also what kind of heat? We live in NW Ohio and had temps as low as negative 20 this past winter. Is it possible to adequately heat a cobbled together glass house in that kind of temps without breaking the bank? I do have one of those oil radiator looking things...will that work?

    4) Some people mentioned insulation. Are you talking the actual pink panther type stuff?

    5) Potting bench, racks for storage..........I'm not sure what I need to include in the plans.

    Thanks in advance and sorry for any amateur questions. My wife is the green thumb and I'm the black and blue one.......from hitting it with the hammer when I think I'm Bob Vila.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here are a couple of great references that will have the answers to all your questions, and much more.
    "How to Build Your Own Greenhouse" Roger Marshall
    "Greenhouse Gardener's Companion" Shane Smith
    "Four Season Harvest" Elliot Coleman

    Good luck!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, I made a screen room from old windows, you can modify my design for a I will build a greenhouse the same way soon.
    I used 2X4s and screwed all the windows to that, and installed it under a metal carport. Would work with clear roof too, I suspect. Might be easy to remove the metal top and install clear plexi or similar. Very cheap, and kinda of pretty.

    Picked up all those windows (33) on ebay for 30$ total.. Had to drive to Atlanta to get them, but worth every penny.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Did you say that you have the garage top AS the top of this. That's an excellent idea, the best use of windows so far. I have an exposed carport in my backyard that would be excellent for this idea. Do you have any pics of how you attached this to the carport structure? Did you joist it or did you just drill?

    Here is a link that might be useful: greenhouse kits

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, its a carport We measured the windows so they would fit into each opening between the "legs" of the carport. Then we attached them with L brackets screwed into the legs and the top of the window. Yes, we had to drill before we used the self-tapping screws. The hardest part was the long opening, but it affixed the same way. Lots of L brackets, and we then trimmed out around the screened opening. It is easiest if you can use some support in the middle of the wide opening. We used a mail box pound in the ground 4X4 suppport, and just ran the 4x4 all the way to the roof on both sides. This also supports the door. I can get better pictures of whatever you need. We love our Garden room, and it was done reasonably cheaply.

  • PRO
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Most likely my criticism will be unpopular with most here, but I am simply in total awe and cannot control myself.

    Aside from windyacre and kellyfg's greenhouse design contributions, the window selections and resulting fenestration of the other examples illustrated here, are simply . . . terrible! Just because the sash units are available (read - free and cheap), doesn't allow excuses for bad design decisions.

    If a window is originally intended to be installed vertically - re-use it in that manner. It's OK to adapt and reuse salvaged windows - it's done successfully all the time. But - mixing units together with both horizontal and vertical aspect ratios - IMHO, lacks design continuity and recalls visions of third world shanty-towns.

    To each his own, I suppose. Incoming . . . !


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, I think it will
    I for one, prefer something a bit more "organic" than one design perfect. I have no problems with reuse of windows in any configuration that works. It isn't glamorous, it has a job to do.
    Can't wait for finished photo's Zachsic. Looks to be a dandy greenhouse, Windacre thats just beautiful, I would be proud to have that Gh. Javan, that looks wonderful with the new roof, I see lots of green stuff growing in there. Great stuff, I want a GH!!!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My husband and I are building our greenhouse out of old windows and doors(yes they were free).One of my goals is not to have it look like a third world hovel (as archdiver states above).The other goals is to have a place to overwinter my outside plants and get a jump on spring plantings. It will be a small lean-to (5x7) built against our house. The sun exposure is so-so. After checking with our state extension office, they say the main concern with greenhouses in central Arkansas is overheating,even in the winter, so we feel we there will be enough light, plus heat from the dark brick house wall and we will have vents on both ends.I am showing a pic of the first wall in progress and will post others later.We are open for ideas.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Im just at the start of my project and am collecting old windows now. Hurray for Craigslist and Freecycle. Yesterday I scored a gorgeoous old wood door with a glass pane in the center. Almost wish I had an old house for it.
    Going to take my time collecting, researching and planning.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A lot of beautiful work has been done! Especially by Wyndyacre.

    Here is my own greenhouse. The blog link is at the bottom. I wish I had read a lot of this advice before building.


    Here is a link that might be useful: my greenhouse blog

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nice while it lasted. Well, those that have enjoyed looking at my Garden Room, I have bad news. Due to the property (I don't own, I rent) owners, the house, and my piece of the property has been forclosed on. I am in the process of tearing down everything I have built. I have no idea where I'm moving to, nor do I know how long I have to get my stuff (3 large carports, my Rv, storage building, yard stuff) off the property. I am so upset by all this you can't imagine.
    No more Garden Room, in lovely green woods. I'm just sick about it. I found out last thursday, 4/21/10 so have been franticly tearing down, and looking for somewhere else to go. I have no idea how I'm going to get a 14 ft tall 24X36 carport down.. grrrrrrr

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am just starting this type of project myself. The windows have wood frames and I plan to use an elevated bank as the back wall. The other three sides and the roof will be open to the east and south sun. I just plan to use it in the winter and will probably just use our pond water or melted snow to water the plats so pipes don't freeze.

    The windows are single pane and are about 100 years old. My husband is worried they will break and shatter easily but I figured they have withstood 100 years...I have some cement, waterproof roofing paint, bricks and rocks to use as well as the side of the hill. All the information you have posted here will also help!

    Advice is welcome:) I'll be posting info as I proceed on my face book site.

    Thank you! Susan

    Here is a link that might be useful: my facebook

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've started one as well. I have all the windows, 3 sliding glass doors and french doors ready to go. I have the frame up and will start installing the windows this weekend. I'll post pics as well.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    So we just started building our second glass house. If you search under my user name you can find pics of the first one. We moved even before we got to finish that one so the new owner got a great perk with the house :) Got the foundation and floor in this weekend (now have to run down and get the building permit!) and am waiting on Home Depot for 2 16 foot beams I need for the top sides. This one will be 12 x 16 with 10 foot high walls and and an 8 foot ceiling peak. The first greenhouse was 8 x 12 with 8 foot walls and a ceiling height dictated by the windows I had. This new one will have a metal roof so we will have a much steeper pitch. I went to pick up some windows from a lady on Craigslist and she also threw in these 2 great old french doors - really narrow and tall. They will be the focal point of the building. Can't wait to get the walls up. It's like putting a puzzle together. Someone on my facebook page said:" You know you can build a pvc hoop and plastic greenhouse for about $250." I said it wasn't really going to be used as a greenhouse and I wanted something a lot nicer looking than that for my glass garden house. It has to fit in with my 1780 colonial.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    so I just looked at my last post when I said back in May that I was going to start to install my windows and now it's beginning of August and I haven't come very far. This is turning into huge ordeal, constantly buying extra materials (and I didn't even have to pay for any of the windows but it's still costing an arm and leg). It'll be great when it's done but it's killing me now!


  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    There are a lot of very cool ideas on here! I found a few interesting ideas on They were talking about using PVC for a Arc frame and plastic sheets to cover it. That sounds the least expensive,and on my skill level so I think I might try that one. THANKS for all the Great ideas on here guys, If it works out well, I'll put pics up soon!!

    Here is a link that might be useful:

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I replied to the OP when this thread first started almost 5 years ago, and mentioned that I knew of a site with plans for a greenhouse. That site is no longer on the Internet, but I keep getting emails from people asking about it. The only other info I have since run across is a Univ. of Tennessee Extension Service site that has a variety of free plans and blueprints for people wanting to build a greenhouse or other agriculture-related building. For those interested, the link is below.

    Here is a link that might be useful: UT Plans

  • 12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I just started my greenhouse out of old windows. I got the windows and door from the local radio station "swap shop"; the windows were free..the door was $25. As of now I have well....about $35 in it total minus a lot of labor. The cons of this project...if you get windows that are free or cheap make sure there aren't any termite damage to them. On the bright side you can salvage the glass to use in other windows with broken panes. Also, some of my windows were missing the glazing that provides the waterproof seal. I just turned them around and used the side that had been on the inside of the house originally(looked better too)and put the bad side to the inside of the greenhouse. Another con is you have to be very flexable when you are building the frame that holds the windows. Thankfully most of my windows were the same size but some still had to be trimmed to fit. I still have put the rafters and build the roof. Any suggestions on roofing material. The clear roofing is astronomical in price.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am trying to build a greenhouse out of old vinyl windows and pallets in a free standing lean-to style similar to the one pictured by javan. I am not a builder and in fact this will be my first thing i have built. I really really need help with the plans.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's the 8' by 26' by 9' high cutie I added to my twinwall house last fall, All the windows are hinged; roof and sides.

  • last year

    This is a very cool project. I know this post is old. I would love an update. Has it held up? We are also also replacing our windows.Green Energy LLC in maryland is who we plan to use. I wonder if they will have any objections if we planned to keep them and build something similar.

  • last year

    I built a greenhouse from our old windows and french doors (some were from 1920's) and its held up fine. They are all wood divided light style so there is some extra maintenance with painting. Both sides should be treated as exterior paint due to humidity. I used clear corrugated poly panels for the roof. For the North side the windows sit atop a 3 foot wood wall, saving some glass..

    They were happy to leave the windows and got them all out without breakage as they were not 'casement' style but hinged to swing open.