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50 packs of seed.

14 years ago

With Trudi's permission, I'm gonna host a contest. The winner gets 50 packs of seed from my gardens. These are things I have grown myself or intend to grow this year. They will all be wintersowing candidates, depending on the season. You've seen the pictures, so now grow it yourself.

The Rules:

IN AN EMAIL TO ME THROUGH GARDENWEB, answer the 10 following questions. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT ANSWER THEM HERE. I want everyone to get a chance to find their own answers.

The subject of the email should be Contest. That one word, and nothing else in the subject line, please. I'll use it to automatically sort the participants into the appropriate folder. Be sure to include your GW name so I can find you if you're the winner. I don't need your real name, just your screen name.

So, email me the answers to these 10 questions for a chance to win 50 packs of seed.

1. What is Trudi's cat's name?

2. Three examples of plant names ideal for wintersowing.

3. What baked good should the soil be like?

4. Name four common reasons for failure.

5. What is the suggested minimum number of seeds in a trade package?

6. What three organic methods does Trudi recommend for dealing with slugs and snails?

7. What are the four categories of seeds that Trudi sows on Winter Solstice?

8. Name 10 recycled items that can be used for wintersowing.

9. When direct sowing, there are 5 steps necessary for success. Name them.

  1. What's the most informative site on wintersowing on the internet? (Not GardenWeb)

That's it. You've got until December 21 to email me with the answers. Out of all the correct answers, I'll pick one lucky winner from a recycled milk jug. He/She will be mailed the seeds on December 22, postage paid by me. Anyone can enter, only one will win. Even Trudi can enter.

For help, visit Good luck. I hope to have many names to choose from.

Comments (32)

  • 14 years ago

    trudi, trudi, trudi.......


  • 14 years ago

    I had a boyfriend that did a Cary Grant imitation of that ;-)

  • 14 years ago

    Email headed your way Token--I'm in! The contest is a great idea! And who wouldnÂt want 50 packs of seeds from you after seeing those amazing photos of your WS cottage garden?!

  • 14 years ago


    Sending you an email.


  • 14 years ago

    Ok, #2 needs clarification. These should be plant names that indicate the seeds are good candidates for wintersowing. IE, Siberian wallflower. What are three plant names?

  • 14 years ago

    LOL Trudi, I wasnt thinking Cary Grant, I was thinking Marsha Brady.


    yours is better!!!!

  • 14 years ago

    Token I emailed you my answers!!


  • 14 years ago

    Heidi, I don't have an email from you yet. So far, three contestants have answered correctly.


    Try sending them again Heidi. I hope you saved them. Gmail might be slow today too.

  • 14 years ago

    I thought I'd remember all this stuff. Token, thanks for the contest, it was like a mini refresher course in wintersowing.

  • 14 years ago

    Marsha, Marsha, Marsha

    Token, thanks for the contest, it was like a mini refresher course in wintersowing.


  • 14 years ago

    OK they went through this time!! Hope they make it to your inbox :o)


  • 14 years ago

    I got it Heidi. You're in!

    Here are the seeds I'm most likely to include. I hope the format is readable.

    Rudbeckia x hirta "Cherry Brandy"

    Petunia "Laura Bush"

    Giant Red Amaranthus

    Coreopsis "Mahogany Midget"

    Forget -Me-Not Annual

    Hyacinth Bean -white-

    Nicotiana sylvestres

    Salvia coccinea "Coral Nymph"

    Zinnia "Dahlia California"

    Agastache Mix -white/purple/blue-

    Cosmos Sensation Mixed

    Mixed hollyhocks

    Rose campion

    Rudbeckia x hirta "Autumn Colors"

    Salvia splendens "YvonneÂs salvia"

    Anise hyssop "Golden Jubilee"

    Castor Bean Red/purple/green

    Four OÂclocks -pink/white-


    Pride of Barbados

    Salvia coccinea "Lady in Red"

    Echinacea -purple/white-

    Coreopsis grandiflora

    Morning glory Light blue

    Zinnias Mix

    Hibiscus"Red Texas Star"

    Rudbeckia hirta -yellows-

    Siberian Wallflower

    Cleome -pink/purple-

    Datura inoxia

    Red hibiscus -green/red leaves-

    Milkweed "Tweedia"

    Queen AnneÂs Lace


    Giant peony poppy mix

    Monarda Double Red blooms

    Gaillardia Collected from"Gallo Red"


    Salvia elegans "Pineapple Sage"

    Creeping Thyme


    Orange cosmos

    White hibiscus

    Monarda citriodora

    Mealy Blue Sage

    Salvia subrotunda

    Shasta Daisy "White Knight"

    Marigold "Cottage Red"

    Malva Zebrina

    Lantana camara yellow/orange/pink

    Depending on recent trades, there might even be more. Some traders are very heavy handed when sending seeds. A few packs are commercial seeds that I have bought or been given as extras. Most came from my own plants though. So, some might not come true.

  • 14 years ago

    If that doesn't motivate, nothing will.

  • 14 years ago

    Sent - I think.
    It said 'error', so I'm not sure.

  • 14 years ago

    Hi, newbie here, How did you know I have been reading and studying REALLY hard so I could winter sow this year??
    And now a TEST?? :)
    I will email my answers in...

  • 14 years ago

    I've got 10 people who are entered to win. I'm sure this weekend we can get a few more, right? I'll be working on sorting them all Sunday to get a better idea of how many extras I really have. So many people sent stuff to me for the swap that I need to weed out things that I grew last year that have either reseeded, or likely will by spring. Going to try to only sow new varieties this year.

  • 14 years ago

    Is my name in there after all my studying?

  • 14 years ago

    Yep. I've been responding via email. Didn't you get one, Dusty?

  • 14 years ago

    I looked here first...yes I did.. just got too excited..

  • 14 years ago

    Tom - I've never been able to limit myself to only sowing new varities. Too many that I like to grow and give away!! Good luck keeping to only new varieties.


  • 14 years ago

    Woo-hoo! What a fun idea (and a great incentive to review all the great ws info Trudi has out there)! I'm e-mailing you my list.

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your contest. I visit your site almost daily to gain information and inspiration in gardening.

  • 14 years ago

    15 have entered. Only one will win. The winner will be drawn Tuesday morning. I will email him/her and post the winner here in this thread. I'll need the address to send the seeds.

  • 14 years ago

    The seeds are all packaged and ready to go. Information is for zone 7b, so your mileage may vary.

    I'll choose the winner from the pool of entries on Tuesday morning, posting here and sending an email. You've got today and Monday to enter.


  • 14 years ago

    I'll be doing the drawing at 4:30am in the morning before I head to work. If you want to enter, there's still time.

  • 14 years ago

    Congratulations Doris!

    Be sure to send me your address so I can get rid of these seeds.

    Thanks to all who entered. There were 17 entries as of 4am this morning.

  • 14 years ago

    Congrats Doris!


  • 14 years ago

    Congratulations Doris! What a great holiday surprise.

  • 14 years ago

    Congrats Doris. What a nice Christmas present.And thank you token for the fun.

  • 14 years ago

    Congrats Doris

  • 14 years ago



    Thanks Token!

  • 14 years ago

    Good job Doris! Thanks token for a fun and educational contest!