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Do you blog your gardening?

15 years ago

Here's a question. If you are like me, sharing gardening adventures and projects is more fun when you can load up a server somewhere with tons of pics of your efforts. (*grin*) I also know that the flip side of that coin (showing off your own efforts) is looking in and admiring others! So fess up. Do you blog your gardens? (There are so many easy-to-use free blog sites anymore.) Have your own website? Have a 'scrapbook' on an online photo album? I would love to add some bee-friendly garden links to my own sanctuary blog.

I've posted on several other forums here (compost/ harvest/ bee & beekeeping) but of the four this forum has (IMHO) the best pictures - admiring and inspiring!

So if there is more where those came from, I'd sure like to browse through them, especially over the next few cold and dark months of winter here (NE Ohio). :-)


Comments (62)

  • PRO
    15 years ago

    Kris, Melissa Majora reminded me of the book 'The Secret Life of Bees.' My friend sent me the book on cassette tape when I was kind of incapacitated, once. I passed it on to someone else. I hope it is still making the rounds.


  • 15 years ago

    My friend mentioned she listened to that book while driving from Ohio to Illinois this past summer. I'll have to see if she still has it. She said she really enjoyed it. I forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me! :-)

  • 15 years ago

    I started a gardening blog, but didn't stay with it when I realized I'd have to post pics.

    I can do the writing, but I don't do much photography. I don't own a digital camera. (My daughter gave me her old non-digital one, which she says is simple to use, and I hate it.) The world has gotten too "techie" for me.

    I like cameras you just point, click, and wind and if I could get film for my old camera with 110 film (there I said it!) then I'd do it. I also find the throw-away cameras don't take the in-depth kind of pictures I want, but I do use those sometimes. I want to take pictures of large parts of the yard, not just photos of flowers. I like photos that show plants in context. So, bottom-line, I don't blog.

  • 15 years ago

    foxesearth, I just love that site where my blog-journal is. I think it makes tracking everything in all your gardens very easy and a lot of fun. So it makes you want to keep it up to date. And everyone is very nice there and helpful too. There is just very little trading activity which I really enjoy here and have made lots of garden friends by swapping. Did you sign up? If you did, look me up and add me as your buddy.

  • PRO
    15 years ago

    Red thistle, who says you HAVE to post pictures in a blog?

    There are many blogs with few to no photos. Just give good descriptions and don't apologize for no pics.
    Call it a Journal. You could even make little sketches and scan them in.

    If you want posies to 'purty' it up, you're welcome to borrow some of mine, just tell me what you want to use.

    I hope you'll change your mind about a digital camera. Take your time. Think of it as possible, which it is.


  • 15 years ago

    I do. It's a combination of expression of my feelings at the moment, plans, and cataloging of what was planted where.

  • 15 years ago

    OK, not a huge fan of Blogs....I just spend so many hours on computers, that just coming onto the web for fun is a big deal. And of couse, as Kiddo says, "So many sites to visit, so little time. :-) ". Yep. It's not the first thing I seek out - sorry y'all, cause when I actually do I enjoy them.


  • 15 years ago

    I do. I have a gardening blog... but it's in Vietnamese! I intend to start another one in English so I can share with you guys but don't know how to add it onto the existing Vietnamese one :-(


    Here is a link that might be useful: Tuysonvien - My blog in Vietnamese

  • 15 years ago

    Redthistle, there are lots of "point and shoot" inexpensive digital cameras out there! If anyone as camera illiterate as I am can use them, so can you. My first was the cheapest Canon digital you could find, very few megapixels and it served me well for several years. I would still recommend Canon. They have models under $100. When I figure what it would cost me in film and developing, the savings is staggering. I wish you would try one. I think you would have so much fun. They are a super gardening tool.

  • 15 years ago

    haxuan - I see that you use Google Blogger. It's really simple to add another page to your blog, one that you could have all in English if you want. If you check out my blog you can see that I recently added 2 extra pages to mine so I could show 'off topic' pics of my gardens (links at top of sidebar). Email me. I'd be happy to help. :-)

  • 15 years ago

    I have a translator widget on mine. Do you know how to add widgets to your sidebar? I have heard they are not always accurate, but it would give us an idea of what you have already written on your blog. I've never seen one on someone's blog that was in a different language, but I'd love to see how it works from theirs.


    Here is a link that might be useful: A Corner Garden

  • 15 years ago

    kiddo, how do you add a page like that?

  • 15 years ago

    I'll start a new thread for blog mechanics...:-)

  • 15 years ago

    I might try a cheap & easy (sounds bad doesn't it?) digital camera. When I HAD to take photos for a court appearance (long time ago), I borrowed my daughter's boyfriend's fancy camera with one of those long lenses then went to a camera shop and had them show me what to do and wrote it all down. I actually had a lot of fun with it and took some great photos. We'll see.

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks so much, Kris and Sue.
    Actually I know very little about this blog things :-), I'm all new. I've tried to add something to the sidebar of my blog as suggested by Google, but so far I could only add "Blog archive" and "Photos"!
    Kris, I'll look at your blog and will email you soon for help.
    Sue, I'll also check out your translator widget. Bet it will be real fun!


  • 15 years ago

    Kris, I tried to leave a comment on your blog but wasn't able to as I don't know what to do regarding "select a profile".


  • 15 years ago

    mnwsgal - sorry. I forgot to enable comments on the 2 new 'pages'. I think I've got it all set up now. And thanks for stopping by and checking it out! :-)

  • 15 years ago

    I bought my technophobic sister a Sony Cyber-Shot. When I gave it to her, I had set it for Automatic. Other than turn it on, she doesn't have to do anything else but point and shoot. Now, downloading the images, and all's another story. But I just use mine like a folder. When I plug it in, a box pops up asking me what to do. I click on View Files. There are all my images. She has some fancy program that does all that for her. I couldn't figure it out and my way works for me.

  • 15 years ago

    I am gonna sound really dumb here, but how do you go about finding a blog and how to start it. my friend has one of her childs life and i want to do one for my garden.

  • 15 years ago

    I use blogger. You can go to their homepage at and start your own blog. You can upload pictures, format it how you want it, or chose one of their templates. I chose a simple template and changed some fonts and colors. You can also make it private if you wish.

  • 15 years ago

    I just checked my old tripod blog I started with Lycos.

    First post:

    Tuesday, 28 October 2003

  • 15 years ago

    Flowerchild, If you were also asking how to find people's blogs, click on the links in these posts, where the words are a different color and/or are underlined.

    You may be able to get to blogger by clicking on the "B" on someone's blog.


  • 15 years ago

    I've also JUST started blogging about one week ago and it's so addicting, in fact almost as addicting as gardening. It's so fun to find like minded people and learn new things and see beautiful photos.
    It wasn't too difficult setting it up.
    Please visit my blog: A Gardener in Progress
    I've seen many of the blogs listed here and they are wonderful.

    Here is a link that might be useful: A Gardener in Progress

  • PRO
    15 years ago

    Lucky 1, you've done a lot in a short time with your blog; cute family, pretty garden.

    I'm really enjoying the Garden Journal site that SueCIrish told us about. Much better organization for keeping up with the various areas of the garden and the plants in each, if an online Journal is what you want.

    The secret is to just jump right in. You can correct any boo boos later, including changing the name of a garden that you didn't want to another. The same applies to plants, just type over the ones you don't want. Photos can only be uploaded from Picasa (if you have a Blogspot blog, you have Picasa) and Flickr. Maybe later for Photobucket, they say.

    I'm still discovering new features.


    Here is a link that might be useful: My Folia

  • 15 years ago

    Xuan ~ How wonderful to see your blog. Your homes and gardens are lovely.

    Lucky1 ~ What wonderful gardens you have. Your pond is really neat, your kids are cute and it's great that your DH is willing to use his muscles for your gardening projects.


  • 15 years ago

    I went to My Folia site, but I don't think I'm organized enough to use that. I have plans, and I know some of the plants I have, but for the most part, i just do what I like and what looks good. I don't keep records. But I'm way more than willing to take a look at all you guys do there.

  • 15 years ago

    Never have but the Folia site looks pretty cool. Thx to all of you here for the encouragement I have created a profile tonight.

  • 15 years ago

    Lucky1 - your gardens are beautiful!

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks for the compliments! I have enjoyed all of your blogs as well. I love the inspiration I've been getting!!
    The Folia site looks really interesting, I'm definitely not that organized. It is a goal for me this year.

  • 15 years ago

    That My Folia is neat to keep track of plants with pics. I hope they do start taking photobucket pics.

  • 15 years ago

    I put a link to this on my blog, but thought I'd go ahead and move it to the top. It's currently 9 degrees F. with light snow in SE Nebraska.

    I hope this finds you warm and with good dreams of gardening.

  • 15 years ago

    lvtgrdn: With still 8" of snow on the ground and temps in single digits in NE Ohio, about all I can do is dream right now. Luckily I've got the basement plant lab all fixed up (and blogged) so I'm ready to start seeds: little magic in little packs... :-)

  • 15 years ago

    It's not a blog, as in I don't do any write-ups or other text-based entries. But I'll take periodic photos of my yard and upload them to my website. This is mostly a way for me to track my garden's progress. After each photo is uploaded I'll add a caption under each thumbnail with the date the photo was taken. Plus maybe a 1 sentence comment.

    Otherwise I don't have much to say and a gardening blog by me would get pretty boring.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Example of my photo gallery log

  • 15 years ago

    Lupinsea - what a wonderful visual journal of your gardening progress. Quite a difference from beginning to now. Lovely - and apparently a lot of hard work. So much done in relatively short amount of time. I'm envious! :-)

  • 15 years ago

    Hi Kris,
    I'm having trouble keeping up with all my blog reading. I haven't been to yours for a few days.

    I just looked at the slideshow of your front yard. What a wonderful job you've done on the yard and the photo album!

  • 15 years ago

    I do indeed! :D
    I blog on blogger, and recently started up a blog about my garden-to-be.
    So far, I only have three posts. I'd love followers or for people just to stop by and leave a comment if they read something they liked! :)

    Here is a link that might be useful: My Little Sandbox

  • 15 years ago

    A gardening Blog I would like to share

    Here is a link that might be useful: flower farm and gardens

  • 13 years ago

    I love blogging! I do more photos than words probably, but try to share my victories and defeats...(more of the latter...)

    I just moved into a new home with crazy fun excited to continue discovering them...spring is going to be incredible!

    The link to my blog is below....

    Here is a link that might be useful: A Nest for All Seasons

  • 12 years ago

    I just recently started one and am loving it!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Garden Rambles

  • 12 years ago

    I keep a blog with gardening plus crafts, food, my lovely little town and occaisionally books. You can click the garden category on the right to see only garden posts. (although I recently updated my theme and the categories didn't move over perfectly, you might miss a few posts, I'm still fixing). There are also pictures of my previous home's garden on the Garden tab (top navigation).

    Since folks think "why did she name it that?" ceo a's draiocht means mists and enchantment in gaelic (from a poem by Irish poet Raferty). My dad was born in Ireland and nana was fluent in gaelic.

    Here is a link that might be useful: My blog

  • 12 years ago

    I started a blog a while back as a garden journal for myself. Started to actively post this summer. Love sharing my experiences and pictures. Biggest challenge is finding the time to post. Getting better though. Would love to know your thoughts.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Hamptons Garden

  • 12 years ago

    I blog about lots of things including gardening.

  • 12 years ago

    Add me to the list...hard to believe I've been blogging for a couple years already!

    Here is a link that might be useful: My Blog

  • 12 years ago

    I don't have a blog, but I enjoy reading my mom's blog. Her blog contains stories from her garden about trial and error, animals, how-to info, etc. She has always been a very creative writer and I like the way she puts her writing to use in relation to the garden.

    Here is a link that might be useful: A Heron's Garden

  • 11 years ago

    (((Cross posted this on the 'Conversations' side yesterday))

    I've been thinking about starting a garden blog lately. Not sure if I will actually do it or not, still pondering that one! I'm pretty ignorant about the ways of blogging though...

    I did get some of my questions answered on conversations, except for the one I am having the most trouble figuring out, how to manage pictures.

    I have ALL my pics on Photobucket. Shall we say hundreds? I constantly upload pics to certain albums (such as one for Perennials, organized alphabetically to coincide with my personal plant records etc), delete old pics and such. Trouble is the html links all get broken when I do this. How do you guys manage this problem? I would hate to forget, shuffle things around and then end up with blank pics on my blog that I would have to go back and fix later. I don't want to have a secondary hosting site- I would prefer it all on my current PB account if possible. As I said, I am challenged in this area, lol. Only way I could figure of doing it is to create a separate album for blog post pics on PB, and then sub-albums for each of my separate posts from there. I could copy the pics from my other albums and move the copy to the sub-album so the link will never be broken to the blog and I could still move or delete the originals (in the original album) as I liked. What do you think? Or is there a simpler way of doing it I have yet to think of?

    Thanks for any tips you can give!

  • 11 years ago

    I do blog, both for vegetables and for our perennial garden. It is amazing how many people comment on the blog from all over the world. It is really a fun thing to do.

  • 11 years ago

    I am an avid blogger and started a gardening blog three years ago so that I could share my love and knowledge of gardening with others. I haven't been on this site for a while but was searching for more garden blogs to read along with my already favorites and ran across this great link. Blogging as been such a wonderful experience and I find it hard to believe that I am already approaching my 100th post. I will definitely be bookmarking this link-thank you!

    Here is a link that might be useful: A Guide To Northeastern Gardening

  • 10 years ago

    I have a garden blog that is my garden plus all our garden related adventures including Farmers Markets, U-Pick Farms, canning, public gardens, etc. I'd love some new GardenWeb followers!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Chicagoland Garden Blog

  • 10 years ago

    I love looking in other gardeners Blogs as one can see the progress of gardens and projects where as in a thread or forum the posts are scattered,..i do have a Blog myself but its mostly pictures and names of plants however my Blog badly needs updating.

    I tend to make videos of my garden and upload them to YouTube, can be seen in the link below,..they go back to 2008.

    glengarry23 - YouTube

    Philip aka glengarry23

  • 10 years ago

    I think it can be found if someone googles in blogger, bogturtle's garden. The same stuff, more or less, through the year's cycle, for many years.