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Hardy hibiscus/rose mallow

11 years ago

I planted a rose mallow last summer (I think it was called cranberry crush) and it bloomed nicely until the frost, about early October. I then cut it back and covered it with a rose cone. I uncovered it today and it looks like all the growth is dead right back to the soil. It was pretty much burried all winter under a snow bank. Am I right in assuming its dead? I had some roses right next to it I also uncovered and they have survived fine. The tag claimed the hibiscus was hardy to zone 5. I'm debating weather or not to plant a new one this summer but ill put something else if it will just die again. I'm not too upset it didn't survive it only cost me around $16 but I was hoping it would over winter!

Comments (21)

  • 11 years ago

    Do not despair. Hib M will need warm weather, sun, and water to emerge each year. I keep all mine potted and thinking we might have an early spring in KS, I got them started early indoors. Yay mid-west weather! We have another potential snow storm and 30 degree temps this week. Here are a few tips with these varieties.
    1. They usually show new growth later in spring or early summer.
    2. Keep them hydrated in the early spring. They like water, and thrive in this environment.
    3. Once new growth appears, keep the water going.
    4. The plant is dead if you pull on the 'stumps' and the plant moves freely.
    4. Always keep in mind that Hib M. Are late growers.

    I have attached a few photos of my Cranberry Crush. First is the 'stump'.

  • 11 years ago

    The top end.

  • 11 years ago

    Hardy Hibiscus usually makes its appearance in late Spring up here when the night temps reach the upper 50s-lower 60s, about the time Milkweed comes up. They thrive on warmth and sunlight.

  • 11 years ago

    Thanks for the info. I'll keep a close eye on mine but I'm almost certain it's dead. And Ed that's a really nice one! Lots of lush green leaves and wonderful flower buds

  • 11 years ago

    The last of the Hib M have finally started here. 'Lord Baltimore', 'Robert Fleming', 'Midnight Marvel', 'Cranberry Crush', 'Luna White', and now 'Plum Crazy' are up and running. Can not wait to get them outside and blooming!

  • 11 years ago

    First Hib M. bloom of the year. Too bad our weather wont settle down long enough to get them outside. Had snow 3 days ago.

  • 11 years ago

    I started to dig up the plant a few weeks ago but noticed the roots were perfectly fine and now the new shoots have started to emerge!

  • 11 years ago

    Patience is the key with Hib. Moscheutos. Looks like you are off and running.

  • 11 years ago

    My wife had those a few years ago and watered them everyday with MiracleGro added to the water.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Dinner Plates

  • 11 years ago

    Sorry, the above reply should have been posted to Debbie Hughes' question.

  • 11 years ago

    After the frost burns it and you cut it down, I would pack the base of the plant with dry pine needles before covering it with the rose cone. Packing more of the same quite deep around the cone out about a foot or so will help insulate the crown and roots and also prevent frost heaving. Good luck!

  • 11 years ago

    Here's an update. She's been attacked by those damn Japanese beetles. They just started this week and of course the stupid province of Ontario has banned insecticide that isn't a contact spray so I have been spraying daily (and nightly) with End All. The beetles also love to get inside the rose bushes next to her and eat the petals of the blossoms before they open. I put up a Japanese beetle trap this afternoon and already I'd say there are 10 or more inside. Hopefully the hibiscus will be spared! The flower buds have just begun to emerge. I can't wait until they start to open!

  • 11 years ago

    Will, your hibiscus looks gorgeous and I so appreciate all the care and concern you've shown for it. It will be so pretty when it blooms!

    Now...a word or two about the Japanese Beetles. You may want to rethink using a trap as they supposedly attract more beetles to your garden. I attached a link with some good information about controlling the darned things that may be helpful. I've had good luck over the years using Neem oil products on the plants plus treating the lawn for grubs.

    Please post more pictures when your hibiscus is blooming.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Stop Japanese Beetles

  • 11 years ago

    Quick question. After zooming on your last picture, it looks like you have a baby hibiscus. Maybe Ed can tell for sure as my old eyes deceive me occasionally. :-)


  • 11 years ago

    No that's not a baby hibiscus it's some ugly annual my father planted its called osteospermum. I hate them.

  • 11 years ago

    I planted a very young new mallow/peren hibiscus this spring in a 10" pot. It is now doing well but I do not want to take out of pot because I know the bunnies, etc will eat it. Can I leave it in a whiskey barrel type container covered w/mulch over the winter? Or shld I bring it indoors? It shld be large enough to put in ground next year but right now it has only reach new seedling stage. I've had this plant before & I know it grows rapidly in summer but afraid to take out of this pot for now. Thanks for any advice.

  • 10 years ago

    The flowers are just about to open! There are more buds than last year!

    Across the street the neighbour has a white one, but it grows tall and skinny. Last year his was much more spectacular than mine but i havent seen even one flower this year on his and it looks pretty straggly. Last year I was jealous of his but maybe this year will be the other way round!

  • 10 years ago

    She's been blooming now for a couple of weeks, finally got around taking a pic.

  • last year

    Will irises compete with a rose mallow?

  • last year


    A hardy hibiscus will shade irises out of existence if planted too close together. Plant your irises outside the spread of a hardy hibiscus in full sun as much as possible and they both can co-exist.