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Purple Oak leafed hibiscus? What variety? Flower color?

18 years ago

It's got purple oak shaped leaves, given to me by my brother. No one has seen it flower, and I've never seen one like it, with the purple leaves. Any idea what variety or what color it flowers?



Comments (8)

  • 18 years ago

    Hi Rick, If it is a Rosa Sinesis hibiscus,it may be Roseflake. It has small, red fringed flowers. It is not a good bloomer for me.
    Regards, Brian Kerr.
    PS. Try a search of this site and I'm sure you will find a pic. If not, click on Gallery and it should come up.

  • 18 years ago

    I would think you have a Hibiscus acetosella, common names: cranberry hibiscus, red leaf hibiscus, maple leaf hibiscus, etc, etc.....
    Mine isn't blooming yet either, (I'm SURE it's just doing that to annoy me).
    The blooms are a reddish pink. I have a pic of the bloom in the hortiplex database.

  • 18 years ago

    Well, in the last week it put out buds all over. The tiniest little flower popped out. This one must be grown for it's foliage, not for these microscopic blooms. My brother, who gave me 2 thriving plants, said he thought they must put out a ton of seed, because of the numbers of sprouts. I have yet to see a seed, or seed pod?

    I could not find the pic by searching the Horti Database?? Can you post a link?

  • 18 years ago

    I Have grown this& this year did not get to see it bloom cause of frost.I'm going to grow again next year,but in a large container,so I can bring it in shelter.I didn't top it at all this year.It grew aboout 10 ft tall AT LEAST.& survived rita tied to the did have a curve about 4 ft up& to the NW.I seen the buds...seen a few peeks at bud color.the buds survived the 1st frost,but the 2nd one fried them.We had frost this year Nov 24th and last year was Dec 1.

    I hope you grow it.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Hotiplex pic

  • 18 years ago

    THAT'S IT!!!! Have you ever collected seeds from this one? How/when are the seeds collected? I tried to cross it with a yellow single. I don't know if it worked or not?

  • 18 years ago

    And if anyone has seeds to trade, please see my list! I love the foliage but it never flowers here in zone 5/6 so I have to get new seeds every year. Thanks!

  • 13 years ago

    I have had this plant for years, I love it just for the dark purple foliage. I tried to find out what it was at a nursery and was told it was a 'wild hibiscus'. I believe now that was a wrong answer. Anyway, sad thing is I lost my last plant winter 2010/2011. I have been trying to track down a replacement (seeds would be fine). Can anyone help - Please! I live in Florida, so did see the flowers,
    small pinky red, flower only in late season (trying to preserve their species by making some seeds). They do normally drop seeds and you get plenty of baby seedlings, but mine got frosted and I did not get to save any seeds. I had it in a pot, trying to save it over the winter, being as it was my last plant. I'm distraught that I lost that gorgeous dark purple foliage, it was a 'special' plant in a border. I would really like to get another plant or a few seeds..... can anyone help please!

  • 2 years ago

    I have a beautiful hibiscus that has maple shaped leaves. It came back in its pot after a winter with temperatures dropping repeatedly to 18 degrees.