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'Sweet Annie' ... how to use?

11 years ago

I let a couple of 'Sweet Annie'(annual)plants grow every year x the seed left on the ground from the last year along with the dill weed. They are over 8ft. tall now & we will soon get frost. Other than letting them dry, crush them for their aroma, what other things can I use it for? And what can I use the purple Perilla plants for? I let some go to seed on the ground for next year too. I have crushed the 'Sweet Annie',rosemary, lavender, Black Desert sagebrush & artemesia/camphor stems & put them in a flour sack in the shed ... it does smell so good in there!! But are there some other uses I might try? I did like Russian sage but now find that plant is so invasive, am?allergic/sneeze to it (spreads from stems underground) & leaves a sticky residue on one's hands when working with it so I keep only one plant & that one is kept pruned & controlled! I keep one of the Sacred Datura plants as the huge white lily-like blooms that open in the evening & attract the bees & moths is interesting but cut it down each Fall so the toxic seed balls on it don't open. 'Annie' is still my favorite! Can I dry the basil to keep for winter as it is an annual here & will frost kill? I am a novice when it comes to using herbs & could use some advice!

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