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Has anyone ordered from The Violet Barn??

17 years ago

Just wondering if anyone here has ever ordered hoyas from this grower.

Comments (58)

  • 17 years ago

    Thanks gabro---I took a look and his plants/prices seem very good. I appreciate the info!! :)

    I have never purchased anything from ebay before, so I'm curious as to how the shipping charge works. It's approx $7 to ship a plant, but if I buy 6 plants, does that mean I'll be paying $42 in shipping?

  • 17 years ago

    No, he combines shipping. I think it's 50 cents for each additional should say it in his description. So if it's $7 for shipping, it should be a total of $9.50 for shipping 6 plants. But I'm not sure, he might have a maximum number of plants he can fit into one box (he sends them in their pots). Anyway, each seller on Ebay is different, so this isn't a "set" shipping'll have to check with each seller.

  • 17 years ago

    Well, you all are so helpful on this forum. :) Thank you!

    Kookie, I should get my order from Violet Barn this week and I'll let you know if it's decent or not.

  • 17 years ago

    Cowboy flowerman also has a web store where you can order directly from.

    Here is a link that might be useful: cowboyflowerman's store

  • 16 years ago

    Hello Shiver,
    Did you receive your order yet? How was it? I'm asking because I just ordered two plants from them yesterday and am curious as to how well they ship and what condition they are in.
    Be careful! Hoya are ADDICTING! :)

  • 16 years ago

    Latebloom, I started another thread when I received the order---the link to it is below. :) The hoyas were *extremely* tiny cuttings, and two of the columneas I'd ordered turned out to have spider mites. I would give them a so-so rating. Good luck with your order!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Violet Barn Order

  • 16 years ago

    Thanks shiver! Hmmm...I just got confirmation of my order. I guess I'll keep it, even though shipping was $12 for two tiny plants. I ordered multiflora and publicalyx "Chimera". I just read on their website that their Chimera cuttings are now VERY small. Ugh...$12 (including shipping) for a *tiny* plant. Hope its worth it!

  • 16 years ago

    I'm not sure what they mean by "very small," since the cuttings they sent me were only three darn leaves. Maybe it means you'll only get one leaf! :(

    You'll love the multiflora though, as I've only had mine 2 1/2 weeks and it already has peduncles. Yea! The link about it is below...

    Happy growing, and let us know how you like your order.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Multiflora peduncles

  • 16 years ago

    Shiver, small plants, and spider mites and you give a so-so rating? You are being WAAAAY to generous!! Spider mites can be hard to get rid of and heaven forbid they spread to other plants....I know it is possible for any insects to sneak in, but you have only had your plants a short time and if the mites are already that obvious, there must have been more than a few!

    I know from what I am hearing here, I probably would not order from them. (not hoyas, anyway) I can get cuttings long enough to make 3 small rooted plants for $5.

  • 16 years ago

    Spidermites are *really* bad news---trust me, I've had enough battles with them to know. Fortunately I isolated the plants and tossed the two that were infected. The thing is I've never ordered from a nursery that *didn't* send me mites, and they ALWAYS send small plants. I guess it's just something I expect. Heck, half the plants I get at the local nusery end up having mites. I don't do online ordering for this exact reason, but if I'm ever going to add to my plant collection, it's a risk I have to take. Just not a fun one.... :(

    Cowboyflowerman never even contacted me after I tried to reach him multiple times. I'm beginning to think most people who run greenhouses are bad business people, because my positive experiences are so few and far between I could count them on one hand.

  • 16 years ago

    I have heard good things about Cowboyflowerman, but who knows! There are some growers out there who send huge plants, but of course they are more expensive as well, and shipping charges are higher. I know they take longer, but I think nice size cuttings are the way to go.

    As for spider mites, yes they are out there in small numbers on a large majority of nice thing about hoyas is that they don't bother them much. I try to stay away from any plants that are prone to them, like ivys, and draceanas - I have one draceana that I got as a very small plant in a gift arrangement, it is now 5 feet tall, and I battled mites on that thing for years, it sat right next to one of my hoyas and never once did I see a spider mite on that hoya! The draceana was a pain in the butt, spraying it and showering it and then spraying it again and showering it - took forever but I finally won the war.

  • 16 years ago

    Thanks for the well-wishes and info shiver! :)

    Ines...where do you get your cuttings from (if I may ask)? Sounds like a deal to me!

  • 16 years ago

    Hmmmm..sometimes a bad communicator irks me to the point of me not doing business with them. Cowboyflowerman's case, I just love his plants, so I deal with it. And believe it or not, he actually sends them pretty fast. But his weak side is definitely communication, and it does get to me sometimes.

  • 16 years ago

    Honestly, hoyas not being on the menu of spider mites is one of the main reasons I'm interested in them. I've spent a lot of time battling those nasty little buggers on my tropicals, and I'm sick of it. I've never seen a spider mite on a hoya----now mealies, that's another story. Personally I have better luck getting rid of mealies than spider mites, but I know others would disagree.

    Thank heavens none of the hoyas I ordered from the Violet Barn have any bugs, as of yet. Only the columneas had mites---not surprising, considering columnea is gourmet treat to them!

  • 16 years ago

    I have never had any big mealy problems, just a few here and there, but you are right about the mites, they are hard as &$!! to get rid of!! Mealy bugs become an issue if you let them take the upper hand....but are a pain also - last week I started finding little baby mealies on a few hoyas here and there, and I can't figure out where they came from. I saw a mealy nest on a fairly new rhipsalis, so I am thinking that the rhip is the one they came in on, but I can't be sure...the main problem and reason I can't pinpoint where they are coming from is because I move my plants around constantly, some are always inside, some go out in the summer, some are in and outside, so who knows where the darn things sneaked in?? I have only seen them indoors at this point. I have great eyes, and i will spend several minutes thinking I thoroughly checked a plant, and then there will be one on it the following day!! Drives me nuts....but, they are small and few, and I do not intend to let them become any more than that.

  • 16 years ago

    I just lurk here to look at pictures and dream, but I thought I'd chime in about cowboyflowerman. I bought some plants from him on ebay, an orchid, a rhipsalis, and some epiphyllums. The orchid was diseased with a hole in a p'bulb and one of the epies came with half the amount of plants listed. I emailed him about the plants and asked him to replace them. A few weeks later I left negative feedback because I'd not heard from him, despite multiple emails. He left a nasty feedback then a few weeks later left another nasty feedback so it looked like he'd left two different feedbacks, even though it was the same order. He is not a very customer oriented person.

  • 16 years ago

    I've ordered from CBFM a few times and most times everything went smoothly. Last time (a month or 6 weeks ago...) there was a glitch (I got a confirming e-mail, but the plants didn't come) and I e-mailed a few times without a response. I finally called him to get it straightened out. Within a couple days, he got back to me that he found it hadn't been shipped for some reason and he got them in the mail right away. They were very nice plants - I'd say it was a good deal in the end. I think he's probably grown to be too busy and doesn't have time for the administrative end of things. He should really get some help for that, but I understand how it is - you hire someone to help and there goes your profit! What he needs to do is keep his operation small enough so he can handle all aspects of it well...

    As for spider mites, I've never really had to deal with them. I've tried growing ivies a few times over the years and spider mites is why I never succeed. But I've never had them move to any other plants...

    Shiver, if you're getting bugs with incoming plants, I'd say you need to find some new vendors! Only once have I ever found bugs on a plant I received from a vendor (it was a couple scale on a BIG Hoya) and I've done a lot of mail order. If I got them with any disease or bugs, or felt they mis-represented the size, I'd sure be tempted to ask for my money back, even if it meant packing the plants up and sending them back. Here are three of my favorite vendors and comments:

    Bob Smoley - a little slow, but he always gives you your money's worth. If you're patient, you'll be very satisfied with his plants!

    The unnamed vendor in Hawaii - a little pricey, but her plants are top-notch and large. (aka Cowboyflowerman) - see commentary above

    Denise in Omaha

  • 16 years ago

    Well. They arrived.

    The multiflora is small but I'm optimistic that it will grow well. It looks healthy and should do fine so I'm satisfied.

    However, the 'Chimera' is, in fact, TINY. I could have gotten a cutting that was larger. It has three leaves and all three have been trimmed. There looks like there could be some new growth started, we'll see.

    I am not impressed for the amount of money I've spent (including shipping of course). I spent $25 for two *tiny* plants. I might get to see the multiflora bloom next year but it will be years before 'Chimera' blooms...maybe when I'm 50. *sigh*

    Live and learn!

  • 16 years ago

    Yeah latebloom, those TINY cuttings really bite the big one. :( Don't underestimate the ability of the multiflora to bloom early though---mine developed peduncles when it had only *four* leaves!

    I personally would love a chance to get my hands on some more substaintial plants, but thus far I can't find any. I guess until it happens I'll have to make do with the lovely pictures posted on this forum.

  • 16 years ago

    Yes, Live and Learn seems to be the way! Hopefully the small size will be the only issue, and the plants will be healthy. I'd rather have a small healthy plant than a huge one that gives me nothing but trouble.

    Shiver, if you didn't already know, most HomeDepots and Lowes and sometimes stores like walmart and target sell full size hoyas from a few brands - you can find carnosas, nummularioides, kentiana, brevialata, compacta, DS-70, lacunosa, linearis, and I have heard rumors about varigated kerri, plus a few others. You have to check on a regular basis because certain plants are probably only available at certain times of the year or in certain areas.

    Are the hoyas you have the 4 you listed above? Let me know. Cuttings can be the best way to go sometimes, I know it takes longer, but it is very rewarding (and cheaper!) If you buy a few full size plants here and there to enjoy, then having some also growing from cuttings isn't so bad, and if you start out with a few nice sized cuttings in one pot, within a years time you'll have a "real" plant. Some grow faster than others, though. I have several that I started from cuttings last year and some are 3 times the size of others, it just depends on the variety.

  • 16 years ago

    LBJen - I bet you could have gotten at leave four nice-sized cuttings from the unnamed Hawaiian vendor for that price. Google "Hoyas in Hawaii" and look for a link that starts with Big Island. I beleive she will sell cuttings of almost any of her Hoyas if you just ask. Also, google "Ted Green Hoyas" - his are a bit more pricey, but I've heard they're well worth the $$.

    Denise in Omaha

  • 16 years ago

    We do have a HD in our town---but they never have hoyas and the rest of their plants are HORRIBLE. I'm not sure the word horrible even describes the condition of their rotted/bug infested/fungus-covered greens. The spidermites are in such numbers they're crawling over the benches in plain veiw, and you can barely see the color green from under the blanket of "cotton" (mealies)... it's enough to bring tears to a plant lovers eyes! :(

    There are a few other (better) nuseries in my town, but they never get hoyas. They won't order them either---they just take whatever the Florida growers give them. You would be correct if you're guessing that houseplants are not a big industry in my area.

    Currently I own the tinest cuttings of hoya tricolor (I think that's the same thing as a KQ?), multiflora/javanica,
    publicalyx "bright one", and australis "lizard isle".

    Perhaps I'll check out that Hawaiian vendor Denise mentioned (if the shipping isn't too bad). Unfortunately I cannot trade hoyas yet because the ones I have are not more than three leaves. There are *many* other plants I have of course, but they'll not be ready for division again until at least next summer.

    I do appreciate everyone's continuing suggestions on where I can get these amazing plants---my eyes and ears are always open! :)

  • 16 years ago

    Well, Logees has a few types too, but they are very small plants at fairly high prices compared to the vendor in Hi.
    I don't know if any savings in shipping would make the difference.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Logees Greenhouse

  • 16 years ago

    I did last year and though they were tiny the were healthy. this year they are small but robust and beginning to flower.

    of luck

  • 14 years ago

    I received an order of Streptocarrcus four weeks ago and was very disappointed. They were unbelievably small (2" pots) with the plants very small with only two leaves, one only had a half leaf and a 1/4 inch leaf. When I called to ask about the two that were dying he only offered to replace it if I ordered again. I will NOT be ordering from them again. Was definitely a "rip-off", and I want people to learn from my mistake.

  • 14 years ago

    Hi Tracye,

    Wow...this thread is really old...almost 3 years ago!

    Sorry to hear you're not not happy with their plants, I've never ordered from them before. I guess I've never really considered them for ordering hoyas.

  • 14 years ago

    Magical resurrected thread!

    I agree with Pug that they aren't a likely choice for hoya orders. (Jane's assessment above is accurate)

    Although VB doesn't have much to offer me these days, I did place a number of orders with them in the past and how do I say this...

    If you intend to place an order, watch the website. When they start putting up notes about how they are out of stock of a lot of things, that is when to hold off on an order. I'm not suggesting buying in the dead of winter (although you will get plants 5x as large) - I've just found spring or autumn better.

    That said, sorry about your bad time, Tracye. I've always wondered how they handled returns. At least streps grow like weeds and those tiny plants will be huge in no time. Which ones died on you?

  • 8 years ago

    Hi All:

    I am a newbie in violets. Seeing that my husband ordered some violets from
    ebay, I ordered nearly $200 worth of African Violets from (with
    Express shipping) as a Christmas gift for my husband, thinking that a place run
    by a PhD must be the best place to order. I wrote in the order request that I
    need big plants in bloom or near bloom to make my husband happy, and if they
    have small plants, they need to contact me. No one contacted me. My husband
    stayed at home one day to receive the package. And we both were so
    disappointed. They sent us tiny little plants and I am not sure if they can be
    nursed to grow. One is even smaller than the 2-inch diameter of the pot,
    smaller than the pictures in their Term and Conditions webpage. I would rather
    have a few that are large enough and in bloom than 14 tiny, pathetic ones. I
    called them to no avail. They said that they did not have time to contact me.
    Liar, they must have spent hours to wrap the tiny plants for shipping because
    it took my husband an hour to unwrap them. My conclusion: they just want my
    money and are careless about my satisfaction. I feel so betrayed and cheated.
    So lakesflowers' review: He is right and spot on. If you want to see the
    pictures of my $200 worth of african violets from Violetbarn, let me know. I
    just stopped by a local nursery and for $12/each I got a full size, beautifully
    blooming one. All the pictures about blooming violets on their websites must be

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    By the way, staff at Violet Barn (Ralph and Alice) told me that they were not a retail store, they are an online order business. Does it mean that as an online order company, they will not try to satisfy their customers? even the one who spent $200 in the first order? Alice even yelled at me on the phone. Now I am stuck with $200 worth of tiny pathetic African violets as my biggest mistake ordering online. If they have a greenhouse and people could walk in to buy in person, how can it not be a retail store?

  • 8 years ago

    I order Episcia from the violet barn for my mother. Like Denise said they are more specialty. I cannot find Episcia anywhere at a store. So I buy 2-3 pots and put them together for a lovely pot of Episcia violets. They are well rooted and hardly lose one!

    I buy hoyas from them for myself. They may be starter size but I'm happy to get a hard to find Hoya!

  • 8 years ago

    Two advantages of starter plants or cuttings - 1) it's more rewarding to grow them out yourself, and 2) if you DO lose a plant, it doesn't feel as bad to lose a cuttings or a small plant as it does when you lose a mature plant!

    Denise in Omaha

  • 8 years ago

    I think you mentioned this previously, Denise, but smaller/starter plants tend to acclimate much better than established plants. I've found that some of my favorite plants are actually cuttings I took from bigger plants I bought (and then sold), partly because they seem to be more vigorous in their "new" environment and also because I "grew" them myself! :D

  • 8 years ago


    Sorry you had a bad experience. I don't do much online plant shopping as I have other options (for in person).

    But in future, perhaps make a TRIAL ORDER FIRST of $20 or so to see how they do. Frankly, I think a first time order of $200 was way too risky, I would have never tried that. Better luck next time.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes! I had a horrid experience from Violet Barn. Plants were dead on arrival and Rob the guy that answers phone and emails was rude and nasty. The plants are supposed to be guaranteed delivered safely...A lie. He fails to replace them. When I informed him that I would dispute it with the credit card company he yells in my ear "Go ahead, I don't need the business any way" and proceeded to slam the phone down in my ear.

  • 8 years ago

    Hi Igaller: This is Sonia M. I am sorry about your experience. In fact, I have been so busy not to write a follow up on my previous experience with Violet Barn. Surprise! If I have to write a review for Violet Barn again, I WOULD RETRACT MY ORIGINAL COMPLAINT AND GIVE VIOLET BARN A GLORIOUS REVIEW!!

    Our great members here have kindly educated me about violets, so I look at the tiny plants from Violet Barn with tender loving care (TLC) feelings, instead of thinking that they are just "weaklings". All violet plants I have ordered from Violet Barn have survived and they are thriving (under my husband's care LOL). Many of them have started blooming. The ones with some flower buds upon arrival had flowers that lasted up to two months. So my husband is very pleased. He did not think that I have wasted money. So thumbs up for Violet Barn. I do not care now that the lady there yelled at me before. I guess I was quite ignorant while talking to her. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, VIOLET BARN. Now my husband does not want me to buy him full-size regular kind of violets from our local nursery any more LOL.

  • 8 years ago

  • 8 years ago

    Hi Igaller: I have no idea why your plants died like that. I paid for next day Fed Ex delivery in late December (cold weather) and all my violet plants were fine. The packing was so careful that it took my husband nearly an hour to remove it. I have spent about $180 on Violet Barn on my first order and we are happy. Even the tiniest and weakest plant is thriving.

  • 8 years ago

    I live in honestly is not cold here.

  • 8 years ago

    No, but in NY(where violetbarn is located), it is. And if you ordered and it was shipped during that nasty weather, you have your answer. I honestly wait until weather clears and is decent before shipping, but that is a double edged sword. When you wait, you get the rogue customer that files a complaint that you took their money and never shipped. And, oftentimes, postal carriers (be it USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc.) are not mindful of what is in a package, therefore, it gets damaged or ruined during shipping.

    I don't understand guaranteed safe delivery. Once my plants are out of my hands, no matter how well-packed they are, I cannot guarantee the postal service will not lose or damage the package, nor can I guarantee someone won't steal it. I do package my plants quite well, and insure the package.

    Another thing to consider is whether or not you will be home when the package arrives. A box of plants left out in the heat or cold for a few hours can be detrimental. Same with one left out in stuffy, muggy weather.

    I do feel for sucks to have plants arrive sick or DOA, but it happens from time to time. Even the best companies have some rate of failure. Par for the course.

    I don't condone the horrible customer service you received, though. That being said, I have had a few customers flat out start yelling at me for no rational reason. I didn't ship when they wanted, during a blizzard in their area, a leaf (seriously?) fell off in the box, the plants were coated with a yellow substance (sulfur, to protect the plants during shipping, I let them know beforehand), etc. Point being, if you are a customer with an issue, be nice about it, and 99.9% (the other .1% accounts for truly nasty companies/customer service reps), your problem will be resolved with a positive outcome.

    Just a side note, this thread is from 2007. Ooold.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I feel so conflicted reading this thread. I've been yelled at by a plant vendor... I misread an email about plant availability and my subsequent response was perceived as pushy/insistent/entitled, when really I just completely misunderstood. I tried to immediately follow up and correct it, but my correction wasn't seen. I'm very conflict averse so after I got that super hostile response I was so shocked/hurt/mad I never went back, even though I'd been a loyal customer for years. So, I think we're entitled to our feelings and sometimes just need to walk away. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

    That said, I think that, when you are collecting rare plants, the situation (for good or evil) is that the vendors have self-selected into the industry due to their love of the plants, not because of their love of business and customer service. And people in small businesses tend to wear a lot of hats and not all are in their strong suits. Sometimes you have a plant vendor who is a super professional organized sweetheart, but usually one of those variables is missing. Generally you have to shoot for "has good plants" + "is honest" and that is a hard enough bar to cross as it is.

    Your post freaked me out, because at the time I read it (yesterday) I had a VB order sitting behind me unopened, that was shipped during snowy weather and had had to sit in my work office for a week after it arrived, due to an unforeseen event in my travel schedule. I have taken hits of >$200 losses, as has anyone who collects plants (somewhat) seriously. And it is absolutely horrible horrible horrible.

    I don't think vendors should accept responsibility for transit death. Although a plant replaced here and there can be a good customer relations policy, it's a slippery slope to promise a replacement for every loss unless you are a mega nursery. I definitely think they should remove the "guaranteed" language from their website. "Express shipping in winter is highly recommended and usually successful" ... or "We only ship via express mail in winter" would be more appropriate, and it's language like that that most Hoya vendors use.

    Can I ask if you are trying to save those Episcias in the picture above? I don't consider myself an expert on Episcias, but it seems like if you put them somewhere humid and warm, like a terrarium, you've got some good stems on them still and they might surprise you and bounce back.

    My VB order did come through okay this time. I've ordered probably hundreds of plants from VB over the years and some have arrived DOA. I never asked for a credit or replacement because it was such a small percentage that I didn't hold them accountable. The 100% DOA orders I've had have been Hoya orders (from other vendors) and of course part of me was like, "They must have done something wrong/different... why didn't it work this time?!" But then after a few days the rational part of my brain kicked in and I realized that they processed the order like every other order and I just drew the horribly unlucky straw. I try to think of it like how sometimes you go out for drinks with friends and spend a lot of time/money/energy and have 0.0000% fun. I've definitely wasted more money on failed social events than failed plant events. That probably says something about my personality limitations.


    I applaud your attitude. I do think the first few orders you make with specialist vendors can be very rattling, because your expectations are almost always wrong, not quite being an insider yet. But obviously you did the right thing, taking that risk, since your husband ended up very happy. I have to say it's so sweet listening to you praise him for his hobby and skill. He's a lucky man. :)

  • 8 years ago

    Very beautiful! Thank you for sharing! That perked me up. My biggest problem was not the DOA but the false advertising and the hurt feelings. I only sought to make others wary of this problem before they endured it. I have friends that use this site regularly and just wouldn't wish upon them what I had happen. Yes, I have ordered from VB in the past with success...then again I never had to call them.

  • 8 years ago

    Um, I'm sorry it's really OT, but I just wanted to say that I'm so glad you're back greedyghost! I recently joined the forum, but I've read many of your posts, and learned so much. I've been hoping you'll come back. Yay!!

  • 8 years ago

    What @themockturtle said!

  • 8 years ago

    Same for me, nice to see you ! Those plants are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago


    I agree with you. I read that same "guaranteed" blurb when I placed my order, and felt like it meant something... And the hurt feelings is a kicker! I feel like dealing with some plant vendors** can be a little bit like the Soup Nazi episode. They have what you want and you just have to keep your head down, attempt to follow their obscure and outdated procedure, hand over your money, hold out your hands, and hope for the best. I've had a few email exchanges with Rob and received all the information I needed and appreciated it, but it wasn't overly friendly. And I've had the same experience with other Gesneriad vendors... so... I've started feeling like... their volume is so much bigger than with Hoyas, it's a whole different world. Hoya vendors are busy people too, but it's a much much smaller world. That's one of the things I like about collecting these plants. :)

    I wish I could offer you some good Episcia stolens to replace your loss, but my Gesneriad collection is totally screwed up right now. :\

    **I am not describing VB here. Just a hodgepodge of experiences over time.

    @themockturtle & tawnygrisette & marco

    Thanks, guys!!! /blush :)

  • 8 years ago

    Great to see you back. You have been missed

  • 8 years ago

    My Violet Barn Update

    Thanks to all support I received from this forum, I am now gladly announcing that we are behind Violet Barn's products 110%. Enclosed is a picture of one of the first violets we got from Violet Barn (that my husband grows from tiny weaklings haha). The flower is almost 2 inches. So pretty (look at how the plant is still tiny). Another red flower that arrived in the shipment lasted for nearly a month before fading. As of now, violets that we ordered from Violet Barn gave us the best flowers, not those from ebay or local florists.

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Just received my violets yesterday and I want to post what I actually got. The plant on the left is a standard african violet from violet barn while the one on the right is a mini I received from another online nursery.

    So if you like receiving 3 leaves in a pot this is your go to. As for me I will be shopping elsewhere.

  • 4 months ago

    My order arrived in perfect condition. not a leaf damaged. ordered in Jan. but insulated really well. i will order again