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Lychee fruit this year

15 years ago



Emperor Tree

Emperor Fruit

Keitt Mango

Comments (13)

  • 15 years ago

    amazing pics. so beautiful to look at. are they all in containers? It's amazing that you can get so many fruits from a container grown tree. your emperor fruits look similar to sweetheart.

  • 15 years ago

    how do the groff taste?

  • 15 years ago

    Very nice Lychee trees and fruits. Even more amazing because you seem to grow them all in containers. Nice Keitts, Is your Keitt mango in a Container also? You're having excellent results, great growing!

    I'd love to see a picture of your Keitt Mango tree.

  • 15 years ago

    I love your lychee tree! So nice. Look like a big bonsai with fruits. What's the reason to plant them in containers instead of ground?

  • 15 years ago

    phase, puglvr1, and ch3rri: They're all in containers since I don't have a home of my own yet. I entered the workforce fulltime 3 years ago.

    Here is my keitt in the container. The tree doesn't have good form since it keeps getting knocked around by the wind. Adjacent to it is an Edward and some unknown mango variety.

    keitt in pot

    lycheeluva: i dont' know how Groff taste yet, it's my newest lychee tree and surprisingly fruiting in a small pot

    Mauritius and Brewster are behind the Groff

  • 15 years ago

    Fantastic pics Kubi. All of your trees look very good/healthy. Great job!

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks for the pictures Kubi, you have some awesome trees.
    My Keitt looks a lot like yours, the growth on this variety is very open and lanky. I've trimmed mine several times in the two years I've had it. I would have had fruits this year had the freeze not killed all my blooms

    You are doing an excellent job, let us know how the Groff taste.

  • 15 years ago

    Hey Kubi, great pics and looks like you are taking excellent care of your trees. What part of the states do you live? Please let us know how each variety of your Lychees tastes! Keep us posted,

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks everyone for the comments.

    puglvr1: good to hear that the tree is lanky. That tree being tall gets whipped around all the time by the wind. I tried to use 7 feet stakes a few times without much success.

    That freeze we had in central Florida, killed my sweet heart lychee ($35) and a grafted jackfruit ($65). I don't know if sweet heart are more cold sensitive then other lychees? It was the only lychee to be wiped out We went down to 26 degrees on one of those cold nights.

    Simon grow: I'm in Central Florida. I don't have high expectations for this variety, since little is mentioned about it. But I'll let you know once it matures

  • 15 years ago

    Sorry to hear about you losing your Jackfruit and Sweetheart, it is heartbreaking when you lose expensive fruit trees, especially when you go out of your way to protect them and still lose it. My Sweetheart fared the best during the freeze, but I know its mostly due to the location where I have it planted. Its in a nice corner spot with some Palmettos around the backside for extra protection.

  • 14 years ago

    update? has anyone ever tasted Groff? i am growing it.

  • 14 years ago

    kubi411,what size container are you growing your lychee in?....Is that a 25gal container..

  • 12 years ago

    kubi, mangodog- can either of you report yet on groff eating quality