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Bleach on carpet

22 years ago

Okay, posted at one fo the other boards, but I am desperate!!

Hello, the other day, my 6 yo. daughter, "helped" me by spraying Clorox Clean-up in the bathroom to clean it, then carried the sopping dishtowel down the stairs (drip drip drip) and throught the common area to the kitchen! I live in a rented condo that I am leaving soon, and we are NOT in a position to pay for carpeting! Are there any fixes for this? The carpet is light beige, and the bleach made it orange/white. I thought about tea-staining, or Rit, but I am not sure. Any suggestions???

Comments (9)

  • 22 years ago

    Have you tried calling a company that cleans carpets? They usually have some repair ideas or services.

    Also, if you have a closet that has the same carpet inside, maybe try it in the back corner before you do it out in the open and cause more damage.

  • 21 years ago

    I am in the SAME boat. My went up the stairs and down the hall. Didn't even miss a step. Please let me know if you find out anything that works.

  • 21 years ago

    not sure if this works, have not tried it my self.heard it somewhere's that you can dye bleach stains on carpet with clothing dye,just get the colour the same as your rug.i think you just add hot water and rub it into the spots and let dry,repeat if nessesary.I'll see if i can find it for you. Den

  • 21 years ago

    This happened to a friend of mine. They were able to take some carpet from a closet and patch the spots. They had it professionally done. I could only see it if I looked for it.

    I would call some carpet stores and carpet cleaning companys and ask for their help. Good Luck!

  • 21 years ago

    Some small spots don't go to deep and can be clipped out with good scissors (I learned this trick from a realitor.).

    Some small spots can be hidden temporarly with a felt point giving you time to flee (I learned this trick from a realitor.).

  • 21 years ago

    I know this is too late; however, in the event this happens again in the future (God forbid!), here is a tip.

    My 10 year old son did the exact same thing. He tried to clean up some carpet stains with Clorox CleanUp! As soon as I smelled the Clorox and learned of what he was doing, I immedialely got a bucket of water and soaked all the Clorox spots and scrubbed them with a brush. Much to my surprise, my light blue carpet did NOT end up with white spots and the stains were gone!!!

    A short time later I discovered that my son FORGOT to tell me about the spots he cleaned on the stairway. Since I was not aware of this and didn't soak the area, the Clorox had a chance to set and now the carpet going up the stairs has white spots. Oh well, ya can't win 'em all! :)

  • 14 years ago

    Definitely try albert_135's tricks before you do anything desperate.

    Was the carpet new when you moved in? I know rental agreement rule vary state to state, but usually some "wear and tear" is expected and even provided for in the rental agreement.

  • 10 years ago

    I have to tell you how I just camouflaged a bleach spot on my light tan carpet. It wasn't a bad spot but we are trying to sell our house and every little thing makes it harder to sell. I tried everything. Coffee, tea. None of them worked. I even paid $100 for the kit that comes with a neutralizer and the different spray bottles of stuff that is supposed to bring it back to a natural color. That actually made it worse. So, I bought some water based poster paint. Using my fingers and lots of water... I worked in white and got rid of the garish yellow and pink. It took patience and time, probably two hours. I let that dry. It was all gone but it was lighter than the rest of the carpet. Actually it would have been ok. Then I mixed up some black, brown and white and very lightly I brushed through the carpet using lots of water and I got the carpet to blend in with the surrounding area. It look great. I will not be shampooing that carpet again.

  • 9 years ago

    If your rug is really expensive then we'll suggest to take a professional help as they know the art of playing with delicate fibres of rugs. But use of harsh chemicals are a strict no.