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The oldest kitchen remodel on GW...finally finished cherry kitche

14 years ago

This is almost yawn worthy but for me, it's an accomplishment because I can finally post our "finished" kitchen. OK not totally finished but 99% so I give up. I still have to hang the bamboo shades over the table nook and make the swag draperies for all of the windows (simple stuff, just to soften the shades).

So here it is:

Details are often forgotten in four years LOL But let me try...

Lacanche Range

SubZero Fridge

Kitchen Aid Trash Compactor

Some freaking rediculous expensive german dishwasher (not our choice...was a last min swap because the KA was 1/2 an inch too big).

Cabinets are all custom in one way or another, Omega custom line. The banquette is built of cabinets, with all drawers and doors opening. You will see the open areas on the corners...we have doors for those but our cat uses one to sleep in and the dog the other so we left them off for now.

We reused the original 80's oak floor and had it stained an ebony color.

The granite is called Fred (I've forgotten the name....It think it was thunder wave but I'll have to check).

The tile backsplash is Statements Status Handmade Crackle Finish. They did a matched finish to my original granite and then my granite dealer went out of business and stole that granite so we had to find another with the same color to match the custom made tile LOL This is the story of our remodel :)

The chickens are an ebay purchase, framed in Nordic Black Antique, which is also on the custom designed hood (by me, inspired by another GW hood). the insert if a vent a hood which we had rebuilt by a stainless steel manufacturer to fit the odd ball size of a french range. They also made the counter tops for that run and we LOVE them.

Faucets are Systema by KWC (main sink) Franke (pot filler) and gad Delta for the prep sink? The main sink is a Franke professional sink that we had welded into the countertop. The counter (stainless) has modified marine edges (raised 1/8") to stop spills on the inset cabs.

Each cabinet on the base has a toe kick drawer. The uppers are all 15" deep and the lowers are 27" deep on the sink run.

The lighting was restored by me and came out of a barn in Iowa (or Idaho...somewhere with an I). It's 1913 vintage. The spots and upper and lower lighting was all new.

What have I forgotten? I don't know...oh the walls. They were done by an artist we used in several areas throughout the house. They are made of portland cement, cloves, cinnamon, maple syrup (i'm not kidding) mud and many other witch craft tricks he had up his kilt.

The kitchen table is an antique that my great grandfather made. I recently antiqued it back to antique looking :)

So here it is:

First some originals; We removed the soffits which contained 100 can lights as well as two support beams which held up the building. Much engineering was involved, as well as a significant amount of wine and beer in the removal of those beams.



To put the remodel time frame in context...My son during the bid submission phase (he didn't like the bids):


He's 4 and a half now LOL


It's a 1983 townhouse. Walls were moved a bit, doors widened, and we replaced the windows despite it being against the rules (they haven't noticed). We couldn't change any of the outside walls and basically the foot print of the kitchen stayed similar to what it was when it comes to walls inside and out.

Here are a few views of the's a small space, and overly well lit (due to the light reflecting off the snow outside on the lake) so some pics are worse than others:

As I look at things like this I think of more stuff.Knobs are Anne At Home from a few of her lines in antique pewter. (probably called the eclectic homeowner or KD on drugs line after my kitchen is seen). There are over 25 different knobs from the lines in the kitchen.

The glass in the cabs is from a stained glass manufacturer in a soft amber tone. Love the stuffÂwhile it shows lots of stuff with a flash camera on it, itÂs pretty good at hiding messes in real life.

The cabinets are a natural cherry with a clear autumn glaze over them. The window trim is done in a custom color I made up which is basically a mix of very dark brown and black from Sherwin Williams.

The bench seating cost more than it should because three contractors did it and only one survived (each time it was ripped out and reorderedÂat our cost of course).

Here are some close ups. It wasnÂt easy given the odd angles involved. The final guy rocked and is permanently on staff LOL I adored him.

Hidden under the cabs are custom made vents to bring the air to the front of the cabs and seating when the HVAC outlet was covered. The vents are cherry (on the face) stained to match the cabs. The stainless routers were made by our custom stainless guys. I adore these guys.

My cab doors and drawers are called "beaded inset modified shaker"

The art is my ex-husbandÂs grandmothers coffee grinder and medieval drawings of herbs.

this is a port hole I tripped over when I was 17 or soÂthe stainless guys turned it into a lazy suzan for the kitchen:

Photobucket is trying to make itself beautiful and being slower than molasses so IÂll go ahead and post this as is and add more later if anyone cares for more details. But for nowÂIÂm done. Finally done with this freaking house! And ready to start the two new kitchens we have for the Victorian LOL I just canÂt give up this forum heh heh

Comments (72)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a wonderful kitchen. The details are amazing. You have quite a talent for pulling various elements together and ending up with a beautiful space.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Love it! And I'm with those who say your son is adorable. Although that's not really an opinion, is it? Just a fact, ma'am.

    Like Marcolo, I wouldn't know it's a small space if you hadn't said so.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    wow! how gorgeous! love the detail! and the view! and the kid! nice!!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gorgeous and wonderful, of course! LOVE the 'beaded inset modified Shaker' cabs, and the amazing banquette. Even with the chickens the whole thing reminds me of a kitchen on a boat. (In our family that's a compliment, just so you know.) I think part of it is the snow lighting, which makes me think there's water reflecting sunshine out those windows. Anyway, the thing I'm dying over is the porthole lazy susan...Genius.

    PS and OT: Did you get my email about the pediatrician? Wanted to make sure it hadn't snuck into the junk file.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloochic, your kitchen has me tossing out preconceived notions. Stainless steel counters look out of place in anything but modern kitchens. Decorating with chickens is over the top cutesy country. Amber glass is so '60s and '70s. I could go on but suffice it to say that you have opened my eyes to how the right use and combination of the above details creates a perfect marriage and a beautiful kitchen. Well done!

    And I'd love to have your view!

    Love your son's red hair but I'm a pushover for redheads. My DS1 has the most gorgeous red hair. Women pay good money for his hair color.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Congrats on a job well done. Love all the "quirky" touches-love the view-love how you made maximum efficient use of your space. Best of all-it's one of a kind!!!

    P.S. Your son is adorable!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just when I thought my kitchen was the most artistically unique, and a one of a kind.

    I get the privilege of seeing yours.

    The views outside alone are amazing, and your space matches those views.

    I love all those touches you have incorporated like the lighting that you can't buy on the shelves at your local H.D.

    I too want to see that table

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a view inside and out!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It is nice to see the 'finished' photos! I don't think I've ever seen the banquette. It is just gorgeous.

    A couple of years ago you asked if I wanted to race -see who finishes first. You beat me Hon! I still have the backsplashes and custom door panels to finish.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It really is a one-of-a-kind special kitchen, and it's so nice to see the finished pics! Only two more kitchen to go, huh? :-)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It seems just like yesterday when you started your remodel. NOT! We started around the same time with our remodels and I guess I won by a few years. Send me my prize.

    I love your FRED and the so spectacular crackle tile, chix backsplash and too fun knobs. The little redhead in the fur coat is such a cutie pie. You are a lucky gal. the magazine still going to shoot pics? I assume they may have went under since you promised them pics. My guess is that they were expecting big revenues when your issue came out. (Send them a consolation prize - but not mine.)


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    First and most importantly, your son's adorable.

    Second the kitchens besutiful, inset is my favorite style, have it in my kitchen.
    Love the cherry finish.
    The built in banquet was worth the wait outstanding job.
    The rooster backsplash ties everything together so well.
    Also love the wall/trim colors together.
    Are the walls glazed? Very nice.
    What a place to work in, that view is incredible.
    BTW fred looks great also.

    Hey, is that yellow ware above your refrigerator?
    I collect it myself.
    The lazy susan is ingenious.
    I have an old arch piece salvaged from a church I'm putting over my fireplace some day.
    Don't you love when you finally find a use for that special find?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Absolutely fabulous - the personal touches are terrific -and it all works so well together -

    your son is adorable - i remember he had some health issues a while back -and i hope he is doing well (i was not on GW for quite a while because of our son's special needs (which meant a delay of our remodel))

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    WhooHoo!!!! Congratulations on the 99%!! Love the porthole. You already know I love the rest too!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What an awesome kitchen! I love all the personal touches--the knobs (especially the squirrels(?)on the island)--the chickens, the banquette (and how you've left the doors off for your pets. What a warm, welcoming, fun space. And such a view--you are lucky. Handsome guy you've got there too. Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Congratulations on the "1 inch away from completion" on your gorgeous kitchen. Love the colors and atmosphere. You are too funny on the 4 year span of pictures of your cute son...boy that sure puts time in perspective. What a great view to do dishes by. :-)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a beautiful place. Seems like a wonderful place to live and cook and be with friends -- Congrats!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloo, I had always read your comments about your kitchen as "quirky" etc but this space is so not quirky! Yes it definitely reflects your personality but it comes together so well. I definitely enjoyed looking at your knobs. Your dark granite is fabulous! In fact I have yet to dislike a space with that granite used (forgot its name -- but I think it's a Brazilian rock). May be you could post some more pix of your counters, since island and periphery seem to have different stones from the pictures.

    Congrats and enjoy. Like someone else asked I'm curious what you have been cooking in this kitchen (have you?)

    BTW -- your kiddo is beautiful. That expression of the baby is priceless!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ya'll are so sweet :) After a very long day and no fun on the net (the router went out right after that post so it wasn't photobuckets fault LOL). We're planning a party for 100 plus of our closest friends we don't know yet on friday so I'm a bit mad with work! (Ok I'm always a bit on the nutty side LOL as reflected in my kitchen!)

    I'll post some more pics with some fun details (behind those squirrels is a chalk board for DS and other fun stuff). As well as the granite pics (the stainless counters are on the sink run with the stove and the balance are granite...the sun makes them look like different stones in camera shots).

    We adore our little monster (see him in your local "Little Red Heads Across America" Book LOL) so your compliments are well received :) He was such a big part of this kitchen remodel (which morphed into an entire gut home remodel by the way which is why it took so long!). He was very ill during the remodel...I remember looking at plans in Cincinatti that I'd had faxed to the nurses desk since were were there for a couple of months, he also was in hospitals in several other states as we chased a diagnosis and then a cure to his issues. One thing I'd say (as noted above) is that if you're suprised by a medical issue, or special needs issue for a child...STOP THE REMODEL. Live with crap for a few more years. We literally were robbed of around $175,000 during our hospital stays by disreputible businesses who took advantage of our generosity (I always paid in full before we'd leave so they wouldn't be cost me a fortune, but I would do it again tomorrow because we have a business and I know what it's like to hang on to a bill for too long when you have other venders to pay). Anyhoo, ugly and unfunctional can wait...stop everything and deal with the family!

    Oh the house is in Alaska. It's our summer house now (we had to move for our son's health so he can attend school in a healthier climate). So we have a new kitchen (actually probably two) to do now but they will be SOOO MUCH HARDER! I have such an easy time with eclectic decor, but because the house is on the national register and it's special (we are in love with it's history) I have to learn about victorian chickens :( So I'll have
    to be eclectic victorian :) Which is a learning curve. Lots of rules and as you can see from this kitchen, I'm not so big on rules in decorating LOL

    So that place is in Anchorage Alaska and our other house is in Port Townsend WA (If you've visited you've probably slept in my bed LOL).

    Anyhoo, thanks for the compliments. The kitchen was a labor of love...and ummm did I mention I don't cook? DH is a fabulous chef wanna be :) I am a baker though so someday I'll make one of my world famous (ok only in my mind) cheesecakes or bread in that kitchen....I moved before we had much time to have fun in it, but in May we'll be hosting a party for I'll get my share of work there soon :)

    Anyhoo, thanks again, I'm glad to see that quirky, eclectic, ok down right nutty, has a place in the kitchen forum as well! I apparently had to get it out of my brain before I began a "white" kitchen (and yes I'll probably do one LOL and LOVE IT!)

    Back tomorrow with actual answers and pics :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow, what a wonderful kitchen, you must be so pleased at how well it turned out and that it's finally done. It's beautiful. Enjoy

    I can't believe your son is 4 1/2 already, he's grown up so fast, and he's such a handsome little guy. I know you enjoy him immensely.

    Enjoy your "summer home" and good luck with the next remodel.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Steam punk the new house!

    Of course,your kitchen is beyond gorgeous. There is already 25,000 words saying exactly how better than I could.

    BUT, O noes, you were my idol for so long because you took longer than I did. Now I'm afraid that you'll finish the second kitchen before I finish mine! laughing

    I do wish you quadruple the fun in doing the new house.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The kitchen is amazing but the story behind the kitchen
    even more amazing.
    You son is adorable may his health be strong.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Your art is your ex-husband's grandmother's coffee grinder!!!! Now that is an artist's kitchen for sure! You have so much confidence with the details of the kitchen that it just says "this is me!" Very special. I love the cherry wood and bench seating. It speaks family. Congrats!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    you son is soooooo cute....May his health only improve.

    You made a wonderful use of space. It really looks like a work of love.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    oh igloo, it is a LOVELY space and i'm so happy for you! but i have to ask, what will you do now? undoubtedly lots of cooking, but i've always thought of you as being like me need of a CONSTANT project!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    igloo- I remember so many of your kitchen sagas! Still love that gorgeous tile and those chickens! And I LOVE that porthole lazy susan. That is too fun. The space looks amazing all pulled together. It really is a true craft-showpiece. SO glad DS is doing well too.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloo, has anyone told you lately that you are just strange? Well, your kitchen is downright strange... in a wonderful way. Great job. I love it!

    I do strange too...

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloo: so wonderful to see these shots all in one place - please post more when your connection issues are better. I would love to see closeups of the tile and granite if you have them. you created a very beautiful and useful kitchen. The nook is amazing!!!!

    Hope you beautiful boy is healthy and staying strong!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloo - it's amazing!! I'm so glad your son is doing better!! And, I still love your assortment of pulls!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry about the delay in answering. I was having some internet troubles, and in the mean time trying to get the house ready to host over a hundred for dinner last night (we lived, but just barely LOL).

    Theresse, the kitchen is sitting on a lake in anchorage Alaska. It¡¦s wonderful moose watching (they sleep next to the house) lake otter, muskrats, and every year we have an arctic loon family who produce a chick (they mate for life and always return to the same nesting grounds). We also have an evil eagle who likes to eat the chicks, but every few years they make it out alive in winter º

    Doonie, the cherry is natural, with a clear glaze called autumn over the cherry. Honestly, it was supposed to age them earlier but when applied to the bench I have to say, it¡¦s a cost I could have skipped LOL because it didn¡¦t change them at all¡Kthey still looked natural º

    I was doing a Venetian plaster finish on the kitchen when I fell and badly broke my wrist. I ended up having to hire an artist to do a finish for me that was similar but had more texture than a traditional Venetian plaster. I have been doing Venetian plaster for years (real VP made from marble dust, not the silica stuff you get at Home Despot which is so much harder to deal with). I love the stuff¡Kit¡¦s in the powder room right off the kitchen which is as far as I got before the injury.

    Remodelfla, the ¡§glass backsplash¡¨ is probably the crackle tile you¡¦re seeing (Statements Hand made crackle tile) it has a clear layer on top that gives it a bit of a glass like look but is really just the crackle).

    LOL Beekeeperswife¡Kumm I made mac and cheese (the cheap stuff). DH is the cook in the family heh heh He cooks on every burner constantly. It¡¦s a well used stove. I can¡¦t remember what our first real meal was¡Kprobably spaghetti carbonara (because it¡¦s my request whenever I want to celebrate).

    Bostonpam¡Kwords of wisdom on the bench LOL Umm move and buy a new house LOL

    No really, the reason it was so difficult was the odd angles involved in that bay window. Nothing even remotely the same size so making it look like it was balanced was a challenge. Your DH will do much better with a nice L shape. My biggest word of wisdom after using it with a small child is to use SOLID wood for the bench piece. It does not take long for a scratch to damage even furniture quality ply so with solid you¡¦re able to sand it and make it nice again easily when resale comes along. Make sure you get an angle on the back which makes it much more comfortable than if it¡¦s just up and down!

    This is probably the best pic of the wall finish (it¡¦s a close up of the hood top). The base coat is Portland cement and then it¡¦s covered with an oil based paint which is sponged on heavily in a few different colors, then he uses oil glazes on top that are colored with natural materials (ie clove, cinnamon, etc). It¡¦s all sealed with varnish (I think, not shellac).

    That glass from the port hole came from a ship wreck site I was beach combing near¡K.the steal guys loved it LOL But couldn¡¦t find any more glass like that. (It¡¦s about an inch and a half thick if not two). I will be finding one for our boat someday¡Kanyone know where any ship wrecks are????

    Jterrilynn, here are some better pics of the granite. It¡¦s called Thunder Wave (had to look it up LOL) and has white, gray, black, amber, gold and little garnets in it.




    It is impervious to damage¡Kincluding all the bad stuff. I¡¦ve not sealed it in two years and it¡¦s still gorgeous. DH treats it like crap and it just laughs at his attempts to damage it heh heh


    Momlil, yup you¡¦ll probably see a repeat of that range in the Victorian, only we¡¦ll get the big one (lol as if this one is petite).

    I should have qualified my ¡§oldest¡¨ remodel¡KI think mine is worse because as I often say when people ask if we were DIY (after hearing how long it took) I say¡Kno we just had really chitty contractors!! At least you can blame life on your remodel¡KDIY with a small child¡Khoney you have my respect!!!! They¡¦re not as helpful as they think they are heh heh

    Nates gram¡Khere¡¦s the table¡Kthough it is hard to show the finish in these pics¡KI should have done a close up!

    Before it was white on top and the black was very shiny, now it¡¦s a soft amber gold oak (which is it¡¦s original color at least in my lifetime and the black is matte while the scuff marks on the legs have the nice amber gold tone).

    Yes I know these chairs look awful with it LOL


    Florantha, your daughter is so right about the challenges of Alaska kitchen design LOL She¡¦s in worse shape as shipping is even higher there. The majority of the details in the kitchen were purchased on ebay or the internet. After not finding a good designer (some gave some crazy design options that didn¡¦t take advantage of the space and weren¡¦t us!) I gave up and learned kitchen design myself, then learned about codes and then the structural issues (though we had an engineer deal with that when I knew what we wanted). So I¡¦m the designer, general contractor (in the end, I fired ummm 3 or 4 I think) and yes, I even designed the hard stuff (the banquette and hood are mine) but I was fortunate to have a wonderful finish carpenter finally do the banquette and he helped me tweek my design to be more builder friendly and user friendly. I did pay a KD to review my design prior to implementation (which I recommend for any home designer). I had two ¡§wishes¡¨ that I hadn¡¦t been able to make work (the bumped in sink and the microwave cabinet) and her advice and assistance there was invaluable.

    Rhome I have to go find that email¡Kit did go missing because I didn¡¦t see it. I¡¦ll check because DS is ill again so we¡¦re going to need some backup. My ped in Alaska actually is being a doll and working with us via email LOL He¡¦s the best. I think we¡¦ll just fly up there regularly and keep him as our main, but we need a back up here.

    The boat comment made me smile. You¡¦re not the first to say that. I did incorporate some design elements inspired by a lovely old boat I saw at the wooden boat show here in Washington many years ago into the banquette. DH says he expects me to design our boat kitchen now that you¡¦ve mentioned that LOL

    Cotehele¡KI have learned to love the motto¡Kgood things take time LOL

    KK your prize is in the mail¡KI hope you like chickens :oP I hope he lives¡KI used parcel post¡K

    Sunny, I think I answered the glazed question on the walls..but yes that¡¦s some of my yellow ware. I started collecting that when redware was hot¡KI couldn¡¦t afford red ware at the time so I went with yellow since it wasn¡¦t as much loved. LOL Now it¡¦s too loved¡Kand pricy¡Kso umm is there blue ware? Heh heh

    LOL Goldie¡Kso many people have told me I¡¦m strange I think it¡¦s a compliment now heh heh

    OK so a few more detail shots:
    That¡¦s one ugly floor mat LOL (It will go when next I return to alask) but this shows the floor well and the toe kick drawers which can be opened with your foot easily.

    These are my favorite drawers in the kitchen º

    We made the island a real work horse with a trash compactor, an air vent to the outside to counter the hood power, sink and disposal, book storage, and a chalk board. You name it I squeezed it in that island LOL

    Not the best erase job LOL (DH did it)

    I used every inch of space¡KI adore what a toe kick drawer does for challenged spaces and will have them in the Victorian, though less obvious than these:

    A close up of the restored lighting:

    We had our stainless roughed up before install so we wouldn¡¦t be the first to mark it up

    Glass texture¡Kit¡¦s amber in color:

    I went with a large grout line on purpose..despite hating grout LOL I wanted to deviate from the normal thin lines to help make it a bit less dated (though everything will eventually be dated I know):

    I¡¦m ok with quirky º After all¡KI also designed this room¡K


    You can¡¦t get much quirkier than a monkey heh heh

    Thank you all (everyone not named) for the kind comments. I do love how this kitchen came out. Despite the fact that it looks like I just threw in everything but the kitchen sink¡Kok well PLUS the kitchen sinks, there was a lot of thought involved to keep it from becoming overwhelming in a small space. While there are a lot of design elements in the room, and they¡¦re all very different, I made a concentrated effort to make them all flow together, trying to stay interesting, but not overwhelming. I¡¦d say my major effort of keeping the color as a focus (amber/gold) helped keep it from going over the top. Or maybe I¡¦m wrong¡Kand it¡¦s just over the top LOL But we like it¡Kwe¡¦re kinda ¡§over the top¡¨ people anyhoo :oP

    My next kitchens will be much different which is fun because it keeps me challenged. And most likely not a monkey or chicken in sight!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's funny how you remember stories but not always who told them or which thread they were on. I just put two and two together, you are the one who had the woman stop by your B&B house in WA assuming you were the housekeeper, right? (I do remember which thread, could probably find it if I did a search but I won't bother.) Somehow, all that I remember reading from you, this k;tchen fits you perfectly, as does Alaska. The 1st thing I ever remember about your k;tchen is the chalkboard in the island but only much later did I put it together with the rest of your k;tchen. You love your child(ren), is what that made me think. All the touches say you like to be different but are accepting of those who may be a little less bold than you.

    The animal pulls -- awesome. My favorite touch. I love the way your subways look with the cabinets too.

    On another thread you mentioned how dark your pics toward the windows came out. I suggested something but I don't know if you saw it, so here it is again. Try focusing elsewhere, like on the wall above the window or just above or below the line where the window and wall meet, focus by pushing the shutter button halfway, then moving your camera back to the window and shooting. This may take care of the bright outside dark inside problem. Experiment to see where you can best capture the light, and also use your flash when shooting toward the window in this way.

    Great job! May you be blessed with good health, all of your family, as you enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you js :) For everything, but the photography hint...I wish it was light so I could try it LOL That kitchen (that entire house) is so light filled it's difficult to get good pics so the hint will be put to work immediately (ok when I return). I've run into the same issue in a few rooms in the victorian so I'll practice here. you rock!

    Yup that's me, the housekeeper heh heh (if they saw my skills in that direction they'd think I was overpaid). We have the alaska home for my DH when he's traveling there now and we'll go in the summer when it's safe for DS and the victorian in washington for winter. I guess I don't dress like the lady of the manor as much as I I supposed to wear chiffon or silk when painting or gardening...I find that so difficult to figure out LOL

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What an adorable kid!

    There's so much I love about your kitchen--the cabinets, those wonderful pulls, the originality of the space in general. It's truely a space that combines creativity and artistry with functionality. Others have said it so much better than I can, but it's a terrific space and you did a wonderful job!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL I just reread that after posting...I wrote it in word incase the net died and it put in all kinds of odd thinks (including several extra K's) lol. Sorry...i'm not normally an idiot :oP (Ok on occasion, but it did spell proof fine in the word version :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, I sure am glad I decided to stay up late and ding around on the computer; haven't been to this site in quite some time, and what a prize! Igloo, it's so fun to finally see the whole kit and kaboodle in all its gorgeous glory. I hadn't realized before that the kitchen is on the smaller side, which makes it that much more spectacular. I'm going to look at it again tomorrow 'cause I'm too sleepy to focus well, now but man-o-man, you have one pretty kitchen!

    Love, love the expression on ds's baby face! So very glad he's doing much better on the whole--hoping this latest is just a tiny hiccup. Thanks for posting!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gardenweb ate my kitchen!!! LOL

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Igloo-- I don't know how I missed your kitchen, but it had to be when my computer-grubbing kidlets were hogging the computer. Did I mention that they HOG the computer? LOL. They are like little moths to light, if I even step away for a moment.

    Anyway-- I so enjoyed the story of your kitchen remodel, and the end result is not only lovely, it is FUN! Your kitchen has so much personality--from the chickens and whimsical knobs and pulls, to the porthole lazy susan (very clever!) and the coffee grinder on the wall (love that!) Your kitchen is very family friendly and has such an amazing sense of humor, and I totally get that and love it! Congratulations and looking forward to your next kitchen saga--even if you are only the "help"! *snicker* ;^)

    Oh--and lest I forgot to say, your little boy is absolutely precious!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I had no idea you had finished! If it werent for the Ugly kitchen thread I woulda missed it. LOL I remember the photos of that range on the driveway and then sitting all by itself in the kitchen. Awesome job!
    Kiddo is looking healthy! and cute as a button.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    shelayne...I have computer grubbing little fingers too heh heh I try to type when the fingers are at school after I wipe off the chocolate from M&M's (he does not eat them...he sucks them and leaves a lovely mess behind...but the positive is I can always find him) :oP

    LOL Sue I had to post it someday :) Thank you my dear. Not so long ago we were strolling through Baltimore with some goofwig from Gardenweb discussing it's possible finish in "just a few weeks" heh heh only two years later....

    I miss that wonderful goofwig :P

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Not sure what's quirky other than the hardware, but I like it!

    Really like the banquette. And when you hear a noise in the kitchen late at night, that's me--I'm stealing your lighting.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL Rey, do I remember that your house is historic??? Right about the period of those fixtures?

    I was lucky to find those....if you know antique lighting you probably know that finding the glass is like burried treasure and to find four lights, with original glass for all.....we have security just for those :oP (ok they're not that vcaluable folks....but I'd never replace them if I lost them).

    I found one on the net like the down pointing one (globes) that had lost it's glass at a NY antique lighting dealer that cost about 20x all four of mine. And one in MN at an antique lighting dealer like the other three (I have one not installed) for a couple grand. I was pretty excited to get mine for that in total....because they didn't list them in the antique lighting listings. It's always worth looking for any variation of the spelling (english or sminglish) when shopping ebay :)

    Our security system:

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi igloochic -
    May I archive your kitchen in the Finished Kitchens Blog?
    You can either email me with permission ( or indicate your permission in this posting.
    Then, at a later time, please submit the FKB Category Checklist so I can easily categorize your kitchen.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm so glad starpooh bumped up this thread so I'd see it. Congratulations! I remain gaga for your backsplash and its thick grout lines -- love it!

    So how's your son? My now four year-old was recently diagnosed with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and before I burst into tears I shouted "are you f***ing kidding me?" We're now working with a different diagnostic team in a different state (thank god he loves flying -- he is a total flirt) because I think it's actually PDD-NOS.

    What are you going to do? My five year-old is great and our house looks and works beautifully, and the four year-old has the sweetest, most affectionate disposition, so I'll take my small blessings where I can find them! I know you, like me, live this already, but when you have to either spend a lot of time at home (on behalf of your kiddo) or a lot of time away from home (on behalf of your kiddo), it is so wonderful to be in / come home to a space you love!

    Healthy wishes.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi igloochic - just a friendly reminder to please get back to me with permission to include your kitchen in the FKB.
    You can indicate permission here in this post or shoot me a quick email:
    Then, when you get some free time, please submit the FKB Category Checklist. No hurry with the checklist because I am swamped with kitchens to post. :-)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OMG! I just want to stare at your kitchen all day! Can't believe I just noticed you posted this. You must be so happy. I have always loved reading you, reading about your family and your Alaskan adventures and I love love love your kitchen. Have always loved your rooster backsplash. If it's not too much trouble, since this is your almost finished posting, can you post a photo just of the backsplash, for those who haven't seen a full-on photo of it before, or those of us who just want to ogle it? Congrats! Love reading about your other house too. Don't stop writing in GW. Good luck with all.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lovely kitchen! I've seen bits and pieces in the past, but it's nice to see the entire kitchen :) I just love the mosaic!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Can't believe I missed this either!!! 'Course, I've seen and drooled over a number of your great touches before - love the lighting, the banquette, the CHALKBOARD in the island, how clever is that! - and just wanted to say happy wishes in this or whatver kitchen you happen to be living in these days :-)


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    RM :( I'm so sorry to read your son is still challenged. And more so to see you're on the horrific "diagnostic" road trip literally. I wish there was something that could be done to blow that danged road up....I don't miss it and hate hearing anyone is traveling it. I can only hope you have a short trip! Virtual hugs in the biggest of ways hun! I have only this advice, learned in year three of that road....carry a big purse and a wine opener. You'll be a friend to many a parent if you lock the door to the parent room and crack open a bottle quietly :) Screw tops can be your friends as well. (And for those horrified that one would drink in a haven't spent months in one I guarantee). A quiet glass of wine at 11 when the kids are finally asleep and it's marginally quiet (only the sickest kids are making noise that never goes away, soft cries of pain...that glass of wine alone in the dark while you thank god that's not your child every so often is a peace you don't understand).

    Enough of that....back to the chickens!

    hm here's a photo of just the backsplash uninstalled. We framed it in nordic black antique granite to make it fit the space it's in (Joe the tile guy rocked!)


    So the funny thing is....I've had to move (because of my son's health we had to leave alaska) so we have a new house and two kitchens to remodel/build LOL So I get to start planning all over again :) I can't wait to start from the beginning all over again....(which makes you wonder if I do crack does it not? I can't afford it, I have to finance another kitchen LOL).

    Star thanks for the nag. I missed the first one :) (You're good LOL) I'll work on the worksheet over the next couple of days. :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You are just amazing igloo...such breath-taking design...I love it!!! That table really ended up looking great in your eating area.

    Watch out for that moose...LOL

  • 12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago
